October 10, 2008


Okay, so I have been thinking alot about my political blogs that are DRIPPING with disdain...and fueled by hate. Now, I am not going to play the "hate doesnt defeat hate" card... cuz fuck that. We have been hated and treated poorly for far too long, and I have no problem, or regret about turning the tables and throwing hatred right back, cuz two wrongs may not make a right...but they make it EVEN.

That will be saved for another blog....this blog is a bit of a retraction, and a bit of clarity...

I realized last night that not EVERY person who supports Prop 8 is a Nazi Bigot. There are alot of people who are either Uneducated and just dont know anything other that the lies "Protect Marriage" is spewing...or they are sympathetic, but believe different things.
Many people I have talked to, think that Gays should have every LEGAL right as any other person, but for their own religious beliefs, they do not agree with gay marriage, as a religious binding.
Not being a religious person myself, this doesn't bother me. My relationship with the higher power is my own, and I dont need an organized religious group to validate or justify it. So to those people, who believe in equality, but maybe just dont know better, or have religious choices...I hope my blog does not offend you.

There are people who jumped on the Prop 8 bandwagon, for no other reason than to be hateful. They dont like gays for their own personal reasons, and because they are such cowards, they see safety in numbers, so they join a group...this is the kind of stupidity and cowardly thinking that gets ridiculous propositions passed. EDUCATE. UNITE. FIGHT.

I don't speak for all homosexuals...though I would LOVE to... but I for one stand by my words, my actions, and my beliefs. I will fight for my rights. I will fight for my life. I will fight anyone who tries to discriminate against me. I am NOT the peaceful protest type. I start fires. LOL

WHO'S WITH ME?!?!!?!? hahahahahahahahaha

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