October 16, 2008

Friend Removal:

hey peeps,

so i had this friend....yes HAD this friend, named Hillary. She is Mormon..and i was still her friend....she talked all out her head about how she loved being a fag hag....yeah she was NOT a fag hag...she was a fruit fly... buzzed around the fruits and annoying us...but whatever...anyway she told one my of my BFF's Katie that she believes that being gay is a choice, and that IF she was voting she would vote YES ON PROP 8.

I lost my mother fucking mind. LOOOOORRRRD I showed my ass (figuratively speaking) and emailed her, telling her exactly what I think of her. And I copied and pasted it for your enjoyment....

quick side note, I am no longer friends with her. I cut her off. She is a Nazi like all the rest. okay here is what I sent to her.

"I respect your right to choose what to vote for. Your voting choiuce doesnt matter to me even though youre voting to take the rights away from the people you said were your friends.

But how dare you have the AUDACITY to even for a second think you know ANYTHING about being gay and it being a choice. You didnt choose to like boys!!! Its the same thing. What sickens me about this Hillary, is that as a Mormon, you know what its like to be discriminated against, ridiculed and made fun of for your lifestyle. Mormons are, as you well know, the butt of many jokes to the rest of the world...and yet knowing discrimination first hand...you would STILL chose to vote for something makes discrimination LEGAL??

If you bothered to actually read the OFFICIAL ballot information that is mailed to all registered voters by the STATE...it says in plain english that No on 8 DOES NOT EFFECT CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, OR CLERGY IN ANY WAY. It simply provides the same LEGAL rights to gay couples as it does to straight couples.
How would you feel if you married Blaine, and he got sick and died and you weren't allowed to see him in the hospital before he died because LEGALLY YOUR MARRIAGE ISN'T RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE??????? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU COULDNT MARRY THE PERSON YOU LOVED???? Well thats what Voting YES on Prop 8 will do, to me, to Tim, to every gay person you have ever met and claimed to be friends with. The fact that you care so little about your "friends" is why I am done with you. You are out of my life. I will not be friends or have anything to do with someone who would be that fake and two faced to me then turn around and say being gay is a CHOICE. WHY WOULD I CHOOSE TO BE HARASSED, MADE FUN OF, ATTACKED, AND THREATENED AS A CHILD, TEEN AND ADULT???? WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE THAT???? Did you even bother to think about anything beyond what your Paster or bishop or whoever told you? Do you not have the capability to think for yourself?

You know NOTHING about being gay, you know nothing about what we have been through, or struggled with because of who we are, and how we were BORN.

I want you to think about something Hillary:

"ProtectMarriage" and proposition 8...is funded and dounded by a group of people who wish to discriminate, oppress, and deny the rights of people who they do NOT know, simply because they are different. There was another group of people who discriminated, oppressed and REMOVED the god given HUMAN rights of an entire group of people who lived by different beliefs....it was in the not too distant past..maybe you've heard of them...they were NAZI'S!!!!!!!!!!

So what does that make you? As far as Im concerned, you and people like you...are no different than the Nazi's or the KKK.

I wish I could say that it was nice knowing you but now I see it was a waste of my time and my caring."


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