October 18, 2010


This isnt anything to do with the world changing, but it will change my world...which, let's face it, is all I give a shit about. My boss just emailed me to let me know that even though overtime is only approved for perminant employees...the higher-ups have been so impressed by me (cuz I'm awesome) that I am the only temp in the Poway Branch that they are approving to work overtime!!!! Not only can I work overtime, I can do as much overtime as I can stand!!!! So if I wanted to work 10am friday to 10 am saturday...guess what...I CAN DO IT!!! Now, Im not gonna do that cuz thats crazy insane loco nonesense...BUT I have the power to decide when I want to do overtime, and how much overtime I want to do.

Happy days are here again. My social life in San Diego is pretty minimal...so that allows me time put in more hours at work and not feel like Im losing anything, or missing anything.

This is a HUGE relief because I actually havent made my car payment this month and wasnt going to because I needed the money to pay other bills... so NOW, it shouldnt be a problem. It will get paid late, but it will get paid. Hell yes. I feel so blessed right now, my Google account is growing Thanks to all of you lovely people who click my ads, My mommy who loves me gave me some money this weekend when I was up to see her, my roommate is about to pay me the money she owes me, AND Im getting overtime, in a couple weeks, my fatty financial aid check should be arriving!! I have hope again!!

I have this whole savings plan... Im gonna put most if not all of my financial aid money (which comes roughly every 4 months) into a savings account, and Im going to do everything in my power not to touch that money, then, within the next two years, I am going to move to Seattle. OR is I decide I dont want to move...maybe Ill pay off my car or get a new one....whatever its savings!!! and that's the important part.

This is all up in the air, but I think that I am set on Seattle. I want to live in the rain, where its lush and green yet still a beautiful city, with ferrys and forrests and Canada nearby and Portland only a few hours away....I think it would be SO awesome to start over...again, in a new city...again.

Im so excited.

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