December 11, 2008

Absolutely Sickening...

I got this email this morning, and am forwarding it to you all via blog, myspace, facebook, and email.

WE CANNOT LET THEM DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! I swear to god Im going to organize a grass roots effort to burn down every mormon church in the country. and NO that was not a typo, I did not capitalize the m in mormon because I do not have any respect for them as a "religion" or as a "people"

Are we done fighting with signs and voices? can we start fighting with fists and brick now?? I've been waiting...

Anyway here is the email I received:

Last month, you stood up against constitutional discrimination in California and for full marriage equality.

Since then, a nationwide protest has begun. A legal challenge has been filed in the California Supreme Court. Supporters of proposition 8 have splintered once it was revealed that they intended to repeal all state benefits to domestic partners, even health care. And they continue to use their massive, tax-free funding to buy deceptive and misleading full-page ads in the New York times.

Right now, we need you to confirm that you would like to receive additional information via email about supporting marriage equality. Please click the link below:

This lets us know that you wish to continue to receive updates about the fight for marriage equality. If you do not wish to receive updates, simply delete this email and we will not contact you again.

Best regards,
- Your friends at Marriage Equality Now

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