August 11, 2011


Okay here we go. I am irritated as shit, which means Im usually in my prime for blogging.

The following things irritate the shit out of me:

1. Hawaiian IS NOT A RACE. Culture, yes, resident of Hawaii, yes....a RACE...NO. If that were the case, i wouldnt be caucasian, I would be Californian. If anything, hawaiians fall under the asian catagory, specifically Pacific Islander...cuz...its an the pacific.

2. SCION TC OWNERS: You car is not a Ferrari, its a 2 door Toyota Corolla...get over yourself. Yes your car is cute as hell (prior to the 2011 model) but get over yourself.

3. Stop talking all loud on your cell phone in public, no one gives a fuck about you or your conversation.

4. know how to do your job.
5. If you are a hefty person, please dress appropriately. Skin tight jeans, and a skin tight shirt, and ballerina slippers does NOT make your fat ass look cute, girl.

5 If you ask me a question, and I answer it, don't argue with me about the validity of my answer.... if you dont like my answer..fuck off and ask someone else.

6. Don't give me attitude if you don't know me. I will cut your face.

7. I hate fake people. Don't act like youre a nice decent upstanding person, then turn around and be a shit talking slutbag. If you are a whore and gettin laid every other day, own it. Be it. Don't lie about it, its not cute.

8. Yes I have red hair, NO MY NAME IS NOT FUCKING "GINGER" It fucking irritates me when people I dont know, who try to get my attention call me ginger. What ever happened to "Excuse me" or "Pardon me, sir" or even "hey you"....nooooo now its "Hey Ginger". Fuck off and die in a fire. You sicken me.

9. If you can tell that I'm in a bad mood... saying "What the fuck is YOUR problem" is not the correct way to approach me. Choose your words carefully. How about "Are you okay? you seem like youre in a bad mood" this will immediately diffuse my shitty short temper and allow me to know that you care, and I will converse with you.... if you are all sour about it, go fuck yourself.

10. Obsessed Twilight fans. I want to burn the book and posters in front of you and watch you cry, then dunk my cookies in your tears. The story is predictable, repetitive, and boring. Bella Swan is a vapid empty character, which is perfect for Kristen Stewart because she herself, is empty and vapid, with zero emotional range and only one facial expression. I get that you desperate girls out there need something in your lives to cling to, but my GOD, its a fantasy, not a religion. Stop cramming it down people's throats....and for all you fag hags, lesbians, or gay loving hetero girls who would do anything for your queens...and also love twilight FOR SHAME. SHAME ON YOU. You are hereby stripped of your gay priviledges.......
That TWAT Stephanie Meyer is a fucking mormon...which doesn't bother me so much because that is her choice...however, she took hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars, that she got for YOU, FROM BOOK SALES, AND GAVE IT TO THE YES ON 8 CAMPAIGN AND EFFECTIVELY STRIPPING GAYS OF THE MOST BASIC OF EQUAL LEGAL RIGHTS. So when you were holding your queen, while he cried his eyes out because he was now a second class citizen, he should have been burning you with his cigarette and calling you fat, BECAUSE YOU HELPED MAKE IT HAPPEN. I hope youre happy.


12. Skinny people who complain about being fat....should have their own boney leg ripped off and be beaten about the head and shoulders with it.

13. Gas is too fucking expensive, STILL.

14. Michelle Bachmann is a raving lunatic and her batshit crazy ass needs to die in a fiery plane crash.

15. FACT: The economy tanked thanks to 8 years of DUBYA... why are you right wingers blaming it on the black guy?? oh wait. I just found my own answer...cuz he is black. Bigots.

16. FACT: people claimed Obama would turn us socialist, and take away our rights to keep our money and bare arms....huh....funny you have t hose stickers on your cars, yet nothing has changed... you just made yourself look racist. well done. IGNORANCE WINS YET AGAIN.

17. If either Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann come even mildly close to becoming president, I will apply for Canadian Citizenship, I dont care. I will not support or live in a country that would elect that kind of brainless crazy.

18. KATHY GRIFFIN 2012 for President.

19. I fucking hate that phase of childhood when kids can't express shock, surprise, happiness, or dislike with out SHREAKING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. YOU. LITTLE. BASTARD. Scream only when terrified, being raped, or being beat up. Otherwise, there is no use for it. You are irritating the world around you, shut the fuck up, you should have been aborted.

20. If you have a dog, and you allow that dog to bark, constatly, at everything and everyone that moves, and you allow it to run all over your neighborhood barking....I will hit it with my car, and will not feel bad or apologize for it. Be a better pet parent, and get control of your animal, or give it away to someone who will. I hate you. I hope you die.

Okay so the running theme for this blog is that I hate things and want them to die.

OH one more thing...

To those of you (girls age 3-17) who just **LOOOVVEEEE** Justin Beiber.... let me teach you something.... He is not original. He is not an innovator. HE DOES NOT HAVE "SWAG, or SWAGGER" He is Usher's puppet. Check out Usher in the 90's, see his dance moves, his persona, his style, his public image....why, could it be?? why yes! its Black Beiber. Stop acting like he is an epic icon of Beethovenesque proportions. He is a pop star, nothing more. Love him all you want, he is a narrow minded douchebag in training...his father was a douche bag, his mother all but signed over custody of him to the industry, he is doomed. He might have a good long career....but not while he is pumping out the same love songs over and sover. We get it, even though your big toothed, gay haired, ignorant, bigoted self could have any girl who screams your "just need somebody to loooooooove." *rolls eyes* Please get over Justin Beiber, he is not that special.

I NEED SUBSTANCE. Music should have substance, and I can promise you, anything that will have millions of little pubescent girls shreaking like banshees....severely lacks substance.

Dear God... where are the thinkers? The poeple use their brains before following the sheep?? Where are the girls who DONT WATCH JERSEY SHORE....

OH MY GAWD HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT RETARD WOOKIE SNOOKI HAVE A HOT ASS BOYFRIEND ?!?!!?!?!? WTF!!!?!?!?! She is an annoying little classless tramp with an orange chunky body, and a TERRIBLE did she land the hot mother fucker she has now...Jionni i think is his name HE IS GORGEOUS. And there is no gel in his hair.

Speaking of gel.. Pauly D... *sigh* Having seen a few interviews with him, he actually has a sweet side, a polite, well mannered side who doesnt ACTUALLY behave like his TV persona would make you believe.... and...that smile ;) Here is my challenge... I will bet, that is not dressed like a greasy guido with no class, and you did his hair like a normal person...then had him flash that smile, I'll bet you he would be GORGEOUS. As for the "situation" The gym can't fix ugly. You have an ugly face. deal with it.

Anything else bothering me right now.....hmmmm? No I think that covers it.


Anonymous said...


Andru said...

OH, STAY TUNED MY gets better...