December 21, 2010

Fan Mail

Okay this was on my face book from my dear friend Nadia...

Her Roller Derby name is Sandra Bullet, she is fabulousness, she is beautiful, and she is HILARIOUS. I absolutely adore her very being, and I had to post this on my blog.

Nadia Sandra Bullet West Dear Andy, I am having a shit day. Sofia has Pneumonia now, so you can imagine my stress level. However, I had your blog on my Bookmarks, and one entry in particular managed to brighten my day. The entry is from October 28th and is entitled "Hate Mail". The entire thing was magic, seriously. Thank you for making me laugh, I needed it. Love, Sandra

Andru Bergdahl My Dearest Sandra, I am very sorry to hear about your offspring having pheumonia. That truly sucks out loud. I am however, glad that you enjoyed my blog. Sometimes I manage to poop out a funny one, that isnt all angsty and emo. I hope tha...t you will be coming to Titty's reject xmas gathering, but I will be there and would LOVE to see you have too many drinks and starting calling me "Friend" really loud.

I hope all gets better soon and I love you to pieces.
hugs and squishes,
Andy Candy Pants.

P.S. ... Moist.

((She HATES the word "moist"))

It's nice to be appreciated and to have your work enjoyed.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

your facebooks make me laugh out loud. The best part is I can hear you in my head and sometimes can see the pin coming out of your neck lol.