October 8, 2009

What's Up Pudding Cup?

Well damn its been a while since Ive posted a blog that wasnt about music.

Here's whats up in my life. Viva La Vida Dru....

Life in San Diego has been good, slow and boring but good. I have yet to develop a social life, mostly because I probably could put more effort into going places and meeting people, but frankly, Im lazy.
I did have coffee with someone who I think will be a very good friend who I will have lots of fun with, named Jimmy. No that isnt dirty gay "fun"...pervs. He has a man. He is funny and interesting and loves Avatar as much as I do. WOOT

Im told the craziness back home has calmed own. THANK GAWD. Its exhausting to drive all the way back to my old hood, just to be met with peoples issues. I have one friend who needs to stop whining about stuff, and do something about it and its incredibly frustrating because this friend has been a friend for a while but its like OMG STFU and do something. Stop bitchin. See a therapist or something..shit.

What else... OH I made the 1300 mile trip to Dallas a few weeks ago to spend a weekend away and to meet a cutie that I adore. We had a wonderful weekend, and he is very special to me. YAY. He knows who he is, and he knows I adore him endlessly. Im excited for him to move to california so we can kick it.

So my plan right now, is to kinda give up on men. Ive gotten my hopes up so many times just to be disappointed...so why bother? Dallas guy will probably be moving to cali next year around fall...so until then, Im pretty much not gonna bother. I thought i met someone before I moved who happened to live down here, and I really thought he and I wouldve been perfect together...i guess he felt differently, cuz after i told him that when he was ready for another relationship, that I really wanted that relationship to be with me...our contact all but vanished. I rarely hear from him and if I do its once in a blue moon and its usually "hey buddy...hows life" 5 minutes later, the texts end. *sigh* Yet another example of why I never try so hard not to get my hopes up, cuz Im always disappointed, and left alone wondering why I bother.

As much as I would like to find the right guy, Im really starting to think that maybe there isnt one out there for me, and I think Im learning to accept that and be okay with it. I dont feel that longing for companionship anymore...and once Im more financially stable and have my school issues cleared up (thats a whole 'nother blog post) Im thinking I might summon up the courage, to get a dog.


I cant decide if I want to name my pug Scrunchy Face, Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops, or Chunk.
Its a big commitment, and a HUGE responsibility that I dont want to take on until I know I can handle it, but it will happen. I have this feeling though... the feeling that more guys I meet, the more I will love and value my pug. Yes, I will be one of "those" and Im okay with that.

OH and b-t-dubs, you all are going to have to learn to accept the fact that YES I WILL BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO DRESSES THEIR DOGS! My pug will have at least one black t shirt with something clever or funny on it. He/She will probably have at least one halloween costume as well. Deal with it. I dont give a fuck if you like it or not.

My mother has been recovering from her stroke that happened back in may really well. She is driving, thriving, and walking. She is now on a cane, so she is able to move around better. She has her Smart Car which is both ridiculous..and adorable. She is so cute in it, and so happy. Which is what makes me so happy and glow inside. You dont even know the struggles that woman has been thru, and how she summoned up the strength to always keep going even when everything was against her, she never gave in and never gave up, and now that she is happy, I glow. Im so happy I Could cry.
She is, as I type this, on a cruise in the greek isles.

Well, I have a long weekend ahead of me, Im going to Ventura for a night, then heading to Lake Havasu AZ to visit my dear friend Gary and Kim. I love their house, its high class yet comfortable and peaceful and relaxing. They always feed us like Kings when we come visit, not mad at that, and its always fun to go. Im excited. I will be out of town for the next 5 days, so wish me safe travels.

Much Love to all and thank you for still reading my blog.
I know I have said this like 50 times, but i swear when I have more to write about I will.

OH, Im thinking about turning my tragic dating history into a book. Im actually considering trying to write a book, can you believe it?? I figure who better to tell the world what NOT to do that someone who has done it all wrong from the beginning. hahahaha
I will talk about my awful dates, funny stories, amazing friends, horrible ex boyfriends (who I will probably have to disguise with different names, but that are close enough to know WHO THEY ARE IF THEY READ IT...fuckers.... but it will be funny, informative, and so very ANDRU. Who knows, maybe I will make some money and become an author, or a comedian or something...who knows. All I know is that I need to find a way to live life without worrying so damn much about money.

OH and my friend Aaron is talking about doing a Roller Derby Interviewer webisode type thing starring yours truly!!! OMG if I become a web celeb I'll die. My goal right now is to be the gay Chelsea Handler. HAHAHAHAA

Oh and to use my celebrity (if I achieve it) to meet people like Kathy Griffin, Mo'Nique, Chelsea Handler, Joe Rogan (HOT) and maybe some of my favorite musicians.
oh and...make a difference in the world i guess or something....

OKAY i need to sleep

Peace out bitches. <3

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