Well, well, well...what have we here? Why its the Gui-douche!!
Found commonly on the east coast (I'm guessing Jersey as he looks like a Jersey Guido), this douchebag specimen is in rare form. Pay attention, this is classic douche baggery...the open shirt with the tacky gold chain, the drunk eyes, flushed skin, and cig hanging out of his mouth...CLASSIC douch trademarks....but he goes a few steps further, thus landing him on my list... The slicked back, greasy, yet still poofy hair, the pinky ring, and the pouty thing he doing with his lips... oh man...he's had practice!!
It doesn't help his case that the brunette looks like she is trying to escape his sweaty grasp, undoubtedly gagging on his Stetson Sierra cologne. And the poor Blonde girl...she is upclose and personal with this filth. His douche-baggery has him so completely self absorbed that he is worried more about the way he will look in the picture, than he is about damn near putting that Marlboro Ultra Light out in her eye.
Due to his epic failure at life...he was not able to accomplish either goal...its a bad picture and he is still gonna burn her retina.... speaking of the blonde...is it just me...or is that Jodie Sweetin from Full House....that girl looks JUST LIKE Stephanie Tanner. LOL Minus all the meth.
BEWARE the Guido-Douche...they are smooth talkers, and almost always know how to make anyone melt...this kind of trickery is what gets this douche laid, and we must put a stop to it. BECOME DECENT HUMAN BEINGS OR NO SEX!!!!
I should run for President and use that as my campaign slogan.
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