my names Krystlenn Tucker. Im 16 years old and looking for a husband. I been outta school fer about a yr now, and Im tired of dealin wit my damn kids all day. Id like to go out honkey tonken or somethin once ina while. I like cowboys...but yall need to be open minded cuz my first two kids have black daddies, and the one Im carryin now is either half mexican or half american indian...we'll see when she pops out!!
Im easy to pleeze... dont need much..just diapers and milk mostly and wic covers that.
For my 17th burthday, momma said she would enclose the porch on our mobile home so i could have like, my own that happens you can move in with me, she wont say nuttin.
I wont be able to meet no guys after a week or two cuz im due to pop out this kid. but after a week or two ill be out and about and if you can wait that long, then you must be special. I got pregnant 4 days after I had my first baby...cuz he wasnt special and just wanted it. its hurt so i kept drinkin beer until i passed out and let him finish. I woke up pregnant again...stupid Tyrone...or Daevaughn...or DeMarko..whatever his black ass name was...glad i dumped him. Worst 2 months of my life... but if you wait until the Dr says i can have sex again...then Ill know your my man for real.
let's talk! I gotta feed the kids so message me kwik ok!!
Let us not forget to note her taste in fine automobiles as is evident in the exquisite Toyota Corsica with the serious oxidized paint job. Truly a fine endorsement for Budweiser as well. I wonder if they put Bud in the formula as well so once the baby stops breast feeding from the mother, who more than likely can easily put away a case in one sitting, it won't get withdraw issues.
HUGS AND KISSES Candy pants.
Excellent!! Youve got a keen eye, Handsome!!...and the cigarette in hand. And the award for Mother of the Year goes to....
HUGS AND KISSES back Craigsfist!!!
p.s. I think the "Corsica" was a Chevy... i think you're thinking Cressida, Corona, or Corolla?? ^_^ xoxo
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