Friday is such a wonderful day. Work is usually slow, there is the promise of the approaching weekend...and on friday the weekend seems so long...where as on sunday morning you wake thinking the weekend wasnt long enough. Friends gather on friday nights to do movie, pizza, card, bar, orgy, snort lines, whatever floats your boat....but friday is a good day!!!
This Friday is PARTICULARLY good. Work has been peacefully quiet so far, the day is humming along smoothly ( lets hope Im not jinxing myself with that statement), Im going to have a *delightful* lunch from WoodRanch...a BBQ chopped chicken salad. delish!!!! After work I will head home, have a little nappy-nap, then pack my bags and IM OFF TO PALM SPRINGS BITCHES!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ive never been there so Im way excited. I drove through once but that was it, and I was driving so I really didnt get a chance to look around or do anything. Im gonna go to a bear / fat boy bar where chunky boys like myself are the EYE CANDY...oh yeah. Otherwise the weekend is going to consist of poolside lounging, good food & good friends. Maybe a little Casino action while Im there too. GOD I cant wait.
I want to give a shout out to my home-chicken BETTIE 12GAGE...
today is her BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!! Miss Bettie 12Gage is representin' the VENTURA COUNTY DERBY DARLINS....
that's right, she's a roller girl. She is our roughest, toughest, horny-ist derby darlin and we adore her. Happy Happy Bitchday to you Bettie!!!!
I doubt she even reads my blog, but whatever, someone who knows her and reads this can tell her. WHATEVER. LOL I love her. I owe her a trip to Paddys. Dont tell her I said that cuz she will hold it against me and MAKE me go. :-P Im so over Paddys.
For those who dont know Paddys is the only Gay bar in Ventura County. The crowd is tired, bitter, and jaded...oh and my ex practically lives there so I dont ever go cuz ew.
ANYWAYS...Im excited about my lunch salad...I know typical fat kid thing to say but whatever get over it Im fat.
Okay I have some work to do ...since I'm AT work I should probably do actual Work.
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