September 11, 2008

Douche-Baggery: Beware the Common Garden Variety Douche.

douche 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

This particularly irritating Douche is the most commonly recognizable Douche. This is the fat, ugly loser who thinks he is punk rock hard core cuz of his Mandana under his DC hat...what he doesnt realize is that he is a total douche factory. First lets start with the UGLY FACE...would cracking a smile for a picture kill you? NOTE: YOU CAN DRESS LIKE A "BRO" AND GET AWAY WITH IT, IF YOU DONT DO THE MEAN FACE AND LOOK ANGRY ALL THE TIME....SMILE, BE GENUINE, AND DONT FLASH HAND GESTURES OR GROPE CHICKS INAPPROPRIATELY....

Moving on.... secondly...rocking two known "bro" brands on the shirt and the that you are a total douche poser because a REAL "bro" or person who started the look, wouldnt be impressed or care about the brand.
Third....really....BUDWEISSER? Could you look any lower class?
Also notice the poor posture...he is Neanderthalish in his existence, and the screen print on that shirt combined with his bad posture make him look like he has boobs...HAHA Moobs Bro. He looks like the kind of Douche who was the ugly duckling that never gained swan status so he was a total geek loser, then decided to get trashed at a party and change his look from normal ex-jock-douchebag.
This is the kind of person you refer to as "Chump Change" because that's all he will ever amount to.

Take a good look at this picture kids, cuz this is most common Douche Bag you will ever see....this fucktard is a dime a dozen, they crawl at bars like cockroaches.


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