hey, Im Lurlynn Joleen Skinner.
I'm the hottest piece of ass in the trailer park and yall better believe that! Ain't no man round here been able to say no to me. When I ain't workin at the Piggly Wiggly or as an exotic dancer at the Titty Twister, I like to sit on my trailer porch, listening to my Gretchen Wilson album, cuz yaaallllll.....she is the best song writer i ever heard of...and smoke while enjoying a refreshing Pabst Blue Ribbon. Dudes, if yall are gonna try to come'round and get with me...ya gotta have three things:
1. A truck
2. a Confederate Flag
3. a Confederate Flag on your truck.
It wouldn't hurt to bring some beer with ya if ya DO come round. 7 or 8 beers and I'll probably give ya some cootchie on the first date. I aint got time for you whiny lovey dovey types...just get over here, knock me up, and marry me. BUT YA BETTER TREAT ME WITH RESPECT LIKE THE PRINCESS I AM. I had me this truck driver once, he was so good to me, he would roll into town, all fat and greasy, covered in hair and chewin tobacco... he would hold me down, do me, then kick me outta the cab of his 18 wheeler, then toss me a beer out the window and say "next time sweet thang" I miss him. Anyway I'm single so grab a beer and lets go.
Gotta' keep the Classy Ladies section!
You gotta' keep posting the Classy Ladies! Hi-larious!
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