I have recently been realizing that a lot of people are liked or disliked, for only one small part of their personality. I know that I personally despise people for one thing they did or said, and I don't even know what made them say it, or what happened in their life to turn the into such a raging douche-jockey. But see, like most people, Im not concerned with WHY they say or do things, the fact that they did or said these things is simply reason enough for me. So I began to wonder what it is people liked, disliked, about me. That was short lived as it is in my nature not to give a shit about peoples dislikes about me, but always want to know why I am liked. HAHAHA What can I say Im human, I like to be liked... BUT that does not equal self worth.
Moving on I know that there are a lot of people who LOVE the gay piece. The piece of me who likes boys. Naturally I run with it, because what else can I do, Im gay and that isn't going to change. There are people who like Humor piece. I must say I am partial to that one too, because I tend to crack myself up far more than I do others. Some people like the Thinker piece, these are the people like Zara, Katie, Sherri, Tim, Jill, and Jessica...the people who value my opinion and are always genuinely interested in my thoughts on various topics.
Then there are those who like the Physical Piece. Why they like the big hairy "bearish" Physical piece is a mystery to me, I wouldn't want to "do" me...but far be for me to poo on the opinions of others. The way I see it, GOD SAVE THE CHASERS!!!! There need to be more cuz I do firmly believe that big can be beautiful. And let's be honest, if there weren't Chubby Chasers and Bear Chasers i n the world, I would never get laid and I would never have known love. So more power to them!
As I sat in my car thinking about all these different things, I realized two things... ONE: I wasn't paying attention and was not only traveling at 94 MPH, but that I had passed my freeway offramp....and the TWO...there is a whole lot more to me than my physique, my humor and my sexuality. I was immediately offended at every person I have ever met because how dare they think have such a shallow view of me!!!
That thought was also short lived. I only have amazing people in my life, otherwise they wouldn't BE in my life. Then it dawned on me. One major problem with society in general, is that they have the most difficult time turning their scrutiny inward. Sure its easy when you don't like your body to scrutinize yourself, but do it for who you are...not what you look like. Yeah not so easy is it? Didn't think so. This would be the reason why I tell people who say "oh Ive been through all these relationships, and I always do the same thing, try to give it my all, and I always end up single..." As with my ex, maybe its NOT THEM. Have you thought that maybe you convince yourself that you are perfect but in actuality you are just as guilty as your boyfriend is for fucking up the relationship?? HELLO TURN INWARD.
But I digress...
I turned inward and thought "Well maybe this is all alot of people know because that is all I show them."
So I decided to make a quick list of things that make me who I am, and why I am the Unique homo, whose blog you return to so very often.(I love you all for that b-t-dubs.)
They are not in any specific order:
I like to Sew.
I love sushi but not the raw stuff.
Im Sicilian, Irish, Scottish, British, Cherokee Indian, German and Norwegian.
I have awful skin, but do what I can to survive with it.
I am a cancer survivor...well, skin cancer, but whatever, its cancer and I survived it!
I may have grown up in Camarillo, but I did not have an upper middle class suburban day dream life.
Not all people in Camarillo are closed minded idiots with minivans and lots of money.
I was rasied by the strongest and greatest single mother ever to walk the Earth.
I'm a total momma's boy.
I have issues with my father, and the way he abandoned me almost 2 years ago.
I hate that I have "baggage"
I have only truly been in love once.
I like most kinds of music, and have no problem telling you if YOUR music, is one that I DONT like.
I have little to no patience for people who "waste" their minds and their lives.
I have a freaky side.
Im no Angel.
Im no Devil either.
Some people freak out when the person they are seeing says after 2 dates "I want to be with you, and be your boyfriend"....I am not one of those people. I think its cute, and I prefer it because you get past all the awkward bullshit in the beginning.
I dislike the color yellow greatly, especially on cars and houses.
I have no problem hitting a woman who deserves it, or who tries to hit me. Bitch dont step to me Im a big fag, Ill hit you.
I hate violence and wish I never had to resort to it.
Roller Derby is the ONLY sport that I like outside of gymnastics.
Some members of my family make me nervous for no apparent reason.
I befriend easily, do not let go of friendships easily, but once your gone, your GONE.
More to come, if you care to know more about me. :-)
The Misadventures of a California Homo. Join me in my random quests and sightings, find out why I am unlike any other homo in Southern California....(cuz alot of them...are evil)and find out what I think about stuff, and why, for the most part, everything in my world is shit....but I love it.
October 31, 2008
All Hallows Eve
Well, this year has been a trip and a half...but I am so happy to report that I have been on a (for the most part) upward swing! Im workin my ass off to make sure it stays that way!
Im talking to a guy...who is...WOW...so cute. I cant even handle how cute he is...OMG.
New car that I love, job Im finally no longer a temp for, new music, new friends that I love, new money ventures, Im starting new hobbies and projects and ideas, this year is amazing. Thank you 2008 for rocking my world. Lets hope 09 is better!!
Here are some funnys to hold you over until I get a chance to REALLY entertain you like I used to. :-)
I know they are comfortable...but Crocs...are ugly...and Kitteh agrees with me:

The force is stroll with this one:

aren't I just the cutest big ol Country Bumpkin you ever did see?

I love Halloween...I get to dress up as the kind of white trash that I spend so much time making fun of!!
P.S. please dont be offended by the shirt, i know some of you might, but anyone who KNOWS ME knows that I mean no harm.
Besides...*giggle* Its funny cuz is blasphemous.
Im talking to a guy...who is...WOW...so cute. I cant even handle how cute he is...OMG.
New car that I love, job Im finally no longer a temp for, new music, new friends that I love, new money ventures, Im starting new hobbies and projects and ideas, this year is amazing. Thank you 2008 for rocking my world. Lets hope 09 is better!!
Here are some funnys to hold you over until I get a chance to REALLY entertain you like I used to. :-)
I know they are comfortable...but Crocs...are ugly...and Kitteh agrees with me:
The force is stroll with this one:
aren't I just the cutest big ol Country Bumpkin you ever did see?
I love Halloween...I get to dress up as the kind of white trash that I spend so much time making fun of!!
P.S. please dont be offended by the shirt, i know some of you might, but anyone who KNOWS ME knows that I mean no harm.
Besides...*giggle* Its funny cuz is blasphemous.
October 29, 2008
Cruel Parents
No Joke, he is a customer of ours, his name is Rusty Butz!!
What the fuck were his parents thinking? If your last name is Butz, you do NOT choose a first name that can be shortened to an ADJECTIVE. Rusty, Harry, names of this sort should be forbidden!!
Other people whose parent obviously hated them:
Dick Butkus
Harry Peters
Sunshine Rain
Harry Bonner
Amanda Bottom
Yes these are all customers of my company...well except Dick Butkus...he is some goober from the nfl. HAHAHA butt kiss.
What the fuck were his parents thinking? If your last name is Butz, you do NOT choose a first name that can be shortened to an ADJECTIVE. Rusty, Harry, names of this sort should be forbidden!!
Other people whose parent obviously hated them:
Dick Butkus
Harry Peters
Sunshine Rain
Harry Bonner
Amanda Bottom
Yes these are all customers of my company...well except Dick Butkus...he is some goober from the nfl. HAHAHA butt kiss.
Juxtaposition FAIL
Funny Quote
I think Jill told this to Tim and Tim told me....either way its freaking funny.
"Sometimes, Love conquers Ugly."
Here are a few quotes I have used over the past few years:
"Ew, your face."
"Fuck diamonds, a FAG is a girls best friend."
"If you can't grow it, SEW IT."
"Skinny Bitches are EVIL baby, and they need to be DESTROYED."
"It's not that I'm anti-social...I just don't like you."
"All men are dogs, some are poodles, some are dobermans, but we're all dogs."
yes this post was random...but whatever. your face is random. so there.
"Sometimes, Love conquers Ugly."
Here are a few quotes I have used over the past few years:
"Ew, your face."
"Fuck diamonds, a FAG is a girls best friend."
"If you can't grow it, SEW IT."
"Skinny Bitches are EVIL baby, and they need to be DESTROYED."
"It's not that I'm anti-social...I just don't like you."
"All men are dogs, some are poodles, some are dobermans, but we're all dogs."
yes this post was random...but whatever. your face is random. so there.
October 27, 2008
Viva La Musica
This is a list of the songs that are making me dance around my apartment like a fool:
1. Kirsty McColl - "In These Shoes"
2. Baby Face - "There She Goes"
3. Kelis - "Caught Out There"
4. Miranda Lambert - "Gunpowder & Lead"
5. Quietdrive - "Rise From the Ashes"
6. AFI - "Miss Murder"
sorry there are only 6... but whatever. If you havent heard them, give them a listen and download if you so desire.
No they are not all current music...actually....none of it is current music LOL but whatever. Hope you like them. BTDubs...if you know of anything you think I might like to listen to, TELL ME!!!!!!!!!! IM A MUSIC JUNKIE!!!! Im forever looking for cool artists and songs. Im one of these people who doesnt really care who sings it, if its a good song, Ill listen to it....EXCEPT...I will never listen to:
Jack Black
Paris Hilton
Heidi Montag
anything that is ugly mean or that they yell and growl so loud that you can understand what they are saying...I wont bother.
ANYTHING ELSE...gimme a shout, either as a comment, or send an email to GuacamoleJim@gmail.com
1. Kirsty McColl - "In These Shoes"
2. Baby Face - "There She Goes"
3. Kelis - "Caught Out There"
4. Miranda Lambert - "Gunpowder & Lead"
5. Quietdrive - "Rise From the Ashes"
6. AFI - "Miss Murder"
sorry there are only 6... but whatever. If you havent heard them, give them a listen and download if you so desire.
No they are not all current music...actually....none of it is current music LOL but whatever. Hope you like them. BTDubs...if you know of anything you think I might like to listen to, TELL ME!!!!!!!!!! IM A MUSIC JUNKIE!!!! Im forever looking for cool artists and songs. Im one of these people who doesnt really care who sings it, if its a good song, Ill listen to it....EXCEPT...I will never listen to:
Jack Black
Paris Hilton
Heidi Montag
anything that is ugly mean or that they yell and growl so loud that you can understand what they are saying...I wont bother.
ANYTHING ELSE...gimme a shout, either as a comment, or send an email to GuacamoleJim@gmail.com
I think I will call mine....
Isle of Andru...or something to that effect. CHECK THIS OUT:
A Florida couple decides to secede from the US, of course they secede without any legal recognition, thus making them not only crazy, but stupid. However, they seem to be getting away with it...for now anyway, so I was thinking, if Prop 8 passes, the gays and those who support equal rights should gather in one large location (I suggest San Francisco because they have great homes and apartments....and its practically gay central already) and then secede! BECOME OUR OWN NATION!!! So that gays from all over the world can come and get married. BOOM fuck you Californian H8RS!!!!!
Here is the Article:
Apparently not knowing that their entire state tried this about 150 years ago, and that it turned out badly, Florida couple Joel and Donna Brinkle have declared themselves independent and claim they are not subject to the authority of the United States government, or any other government, for that matter.
It was unclear whether Joel considers himself subject to the authority of Donna, and/or vice-versa.
Surprisingly, for the most part their claim of independence involves not wanting to pay taxes, which the Brinkles have not done since the 1990s. The government remains fairly touchy about this kind of thing, however, and both the IRS and state officials have pursued them for the unpaid amounts. Now the Brinkles are in more trouble because, acting under their self-declared sovereign authority, they have been filing liens against people they say have wronged them. The liens don’t have any direct effect, but they can cause problems for the subject, who, for example, may not be able to sell a home until the lien is removed. Over the past six years, the Brinkles have filed dozens of liens against everyone from a tow company to Bill Clinton to (in an especially ill-advised tactic) the chief judge of the local judicial circuit.
Independence also frees the Brinkles from the need to get a drivers’ license, but the government keeps arresting Joel Brinkle for not having one. Chief Judge Simmons found there was probable cause for one of those arrests, and a month later he had a lien on his house. Florida’s attorney general has now gotten involved, suing the Brinkles for fraud and harassment and seeking to ban them from filing any more liens without first getting court permission to do so. (If the case ends up before Judge Simmons, I would advise trying to change the venue.)
Being independent has other benefits, too, like as the ability to print your own money. Although they live on Social Security (which they get from the federal government they don’t recognize), in February the Brinkles made an offer on a $700,000 house. The developer was probably expecting to get United States money, but instead was presented with a money order hand-printed in the Land of Brinkle. He didn’t accept it, but Donna Brinkle (a former court clerk) recorded the sale anyway. As head of her own sovereign country, she said, she has the right to create her own monetary system. A judge disagreed, and soon had a lien on his stuff, too.
Despite the rather dramatic lack of success of this scheme, a lesson they could have learned from Wesley Snipes, among others, the Brinkles are not giving up. “All we lack,” Donna said, “is someone with a bigger stick than they have in Seminole County.” Again, folks, that would be the federal government you don’t recognize, unless you are hoping to get the British to intervene on your behalf.
A Florida couple decides to secede from the US, of course they secede without any legal recognition, thus making them not only crazy, but stupid. However, they seem to be getting away with it...for now anyway, so I was thinking, if Prop 8 passes, the gays and those who support equal rights should gather in one large location (I suggest San Francisco because they have great homes and apartments....and its practically gay central already) and then secede! BECOME OUR OWN NATION!!! So that gays from all over the world can come and get married. BOOM fuck you Californian H8RS!!!!!
Here is the Article:
Apparently not knowing that their entire state tried this about 150 years ago, and that it turned out badly, Florida couple Joel and Donna Brinkle have declared themselves independent and claim they are not subject to the authority of the United States government, or any other government, for that matter.
It was unclear whether Joel considers himself subject to the authority of Donna, and/or vice-versa.
Surprisingly, for the most part their claim of independence involves not wanting to pay taxes, which the Brinkles have not done since the 1990s. The government remains fairly touchy about this kind of thing, however, and both the IRS and state officials have pursued them for the unpaid amounts. Now the Brinkles are in more trouble because, acting under their self-declared sovereign authority, they have been filing liens against people they say have wronged them. The liens don’t have any direct effect, but they can cause problems for the subject, who, for example, may not be able to sell a home until the lien is removed. Over the past six years, the Brinkles have filed dozens of liens against everyone from a tow company to Bill Clinton to (in an especially ill-advised tactic) the chief judge of the local judicial circuit.
Independence also frees the Brinkles from the need to get a drivers’ license, but the government keeps arresting Joel Brinkle for not having one. Chief Judge Simmons found there was probable cause for one of those arrests, and a month later he had a lien on his house. Florida’s attorney general has now gotten involved, suing the Brinkles for fraud and harassment and seeking to ban them from filing any more liens without first getting court permission to do so. (If the case ends up before Judge Simmons, I would advise trying to change the venue.)
Being independent has other benefits, too, like as the ability to print your own money. Although they live on Social Security (which they get from the federal government they don’t recognize), in February the Brinkles made an offer on a $700,000 house. The developer was probably expecting to get United States money, but instead was presented with a money order hand-printed in the Land of Brinkle. He didn’t accept it, but Donna Brinkle (a former court clerk) recorded the sale anyway. As head of her own sovereign country, she said, she has the right to create her own monetary system. A judge disagreed, and soon had a lien on his stuff, too.
Despite the rather dramatic lack of success of this scheme, a lesson they could have learned from Wesley Snipes, among others, the Brinkles are not giving up. “All we lack,” Donna said, “is someone with a bigger stick than they have in Seminole County.” Again, folks, that would be the federal government you don’t recognize, unless you are hoping to get the British to intervene on your behalf.
October 24, 2008
Actual Work Conversation #2 (double header)
(sales guy who I've talked to many times, named Mike G.)
Mike G: "Whats up Andru?"
Me: "Not much Mike, just kickin back with my mai tai poolside..."
Mike G: "NICE!! I didnt know you have the office phone calls forwarded...do you have a pool at home?"
Me: "........*blink*.....not very bright are you Mike.... OH I hear you have a myspace page?"
Mike G: "yeah bro, its myspace.com/******* check it out real quick I can hold."
Me: "um, ok....**checking website, reading profile**... ok saw it."
Mike G: "cool, hey can you help me with something?"
Me: "Nope, I can't."
Mike G: "Why not?"
Me: "because according to your myspace page, you are a self described 'vaginatarian' and that sickens me cuz you aren;t even good looking enough to pull off such a joke without it being offensive...or even it being very believable."
Mike G: "....uhh...haha are you serious bro??? hahaha"
Me: "I'm sorry...what was that? I dont speak Pig...you should call back and ask for a translator. See ya."
This has been an actual work conversation.
Mike G: "Whats up Andru?"
Me: "Not much Mike, just kickin back with my mai tai poolside..."
Mike G: "NICE!! I didnt know you have the office phone calls forwarded...do you have a pool at home?"
Me: "........*blink*.....not very bright are you Mike.... OH I hear you have a myspace page?"
Mike G: "yeah bro, its myspace.com/******* check it out real quick I can hold."
Me: "um, ok....**checking website, reading profile**... ok saw it."
Mike G: "cool, hey can you help me with something?"
Me: "Nope, I can't."
Mike G: "Why not?"
Me: "because according to your myspace page, you are a self described 'vaginatarian' and that sickens me cuz you aren;t even good looking enough to pull off such a joke without it being offensive...or even it being very believable."
Mike G: "....uhh...haha are you serious bro??? hahaha"
Me: "I'm sorry...what was that? I dont speak Pig...you should call back and ask for a translator. See ya."
This has been an actual work conversation.
Actual Work Conversation
Steve: "Alright, please put me at 'no more calls' for the day..."
Me: "who are you trying to kid Steve, no one WANTS to call you...we are required to cuz it's our job."
Steve: "...ouch, thanks Andru"
Me: "You're welcome! kisses." *Click*
This has been an actual work conversation.
Me: "who are you trying to kid Steve, no one WANTS to call you...we are required to cuz it's our job."
Steve: "...ouch, thanks Andru"
Me: "You're welcome! kisses." *Click*
This has been an actual work conversation.
October 23, 2008
Why I love MySpace Award Center
This guy/girl/ whoever, is freaking funny and yet, brave. This is his most recent blog.
"In California there is a measure on the ballot to make gay marriage once and for all illegal in the state. Prop 8 it's called, advertises that gay marriage would be taught in schools. Use children as a scare tactic, it works very effectively.
Anyway, what ever. Hate gay people if you want to. Live in fear of life, that's your business.
But, I think if this measure passes, and cancels out all of the recent marriages, that Ellen should tell America to kiss her ass and quit her show.
What a slap in the face. WE LOVE YOU ELLEN! Oh you're so funny! But fuck you and your gay marriage.
All gay people need to start shutting shit down. Gay people should interview people before providing them their God given talents.
If you have gay friends and you're supporting an anti gay marriage measure then you're a pile. "
"In California there is a measure on the ballot to make gay marriage once and for all illegal in the state. Prop 8 it's called, advertises that gay marriage would be taught in schools. Use children as a scare tactic, it works very effectively.
Anyway, what ever. Hate gay people if you want to. Live in fear of life, that's your business.
But, I think if this measure passes, and cancels out all of the recent marriages, that Ellen should tell America to kiss her ass and quit her show.
What a slap in the face. WE LOVE YOU ELLEN! Oh you're so funny! But fuck you and your gay marriage.
All gay people need to start shutting shit down. Gay people should interview people before providing them their God given talents.
If you have gay friends and you're supporting an anti gay marriage measure then you're a pile. "
Douche-Baggery: Explained by Science
There are men whose very appearance can compel you to turn your head in disgust, muttering the word "douche" in a long whisper. They're flexing in their skin-tight t-shirt, invading women's personal space at the bar and going on and on about their goddamn promotion or over-sized truck.
For all the times you've muttered, "What's the deal with that douchebag?" science has actually taken the time to answer what was probably a rhetorical question.
The Egocentric Douchebag

The child who screams "Look at me! Look at me!" is all grown up and he can't wait to tell you about himself. You want to talk about the football game last night? He'll talk about how he quarterbacked his high school football team to the state championships. Wondering about a good place to grab a bite to eat? He'll tell you he can make reservations anywhere because he's the man. Concerned about poverty in Africa? Why the fuck do you care! This dude has banged like twenty models! Seriously, you're talking to a legend, and he'll be the first to remind you of this fact.
The Disorder:
Histrionic Personality Disorder or HDP. The disorder is characterized as an overwhelming desire to be noticed and willingness to engage in any attention-seeking behavior. This was the kid who was the first to jump off the high dive--if there was an audience to watch him.
These drama-queens know all the world's a stage, and they have been cast for lead role of MacD'bag. Those with HDP have a self-esteem that is dependent on the approval of others and they posses no clear concept of self worth. They're way more likely to lash out at criticism or disapproval than they should be. They'll flirt with anyone, any time. They tend to mistake any attention as sexual attraction ("I'm tellin' ya, she totally wants me, bro"). Their opinions are easily influenced by others, and they find it difficult to support them if pressed for details. They travel in packs...ugly packs.

The disease is not socially debilitating, since most sufferers maintain good networking skills, but they manipulate these relationships in a way that brings notice only to themselves. Thus, sufferers of the disease tend to pass their suffering onto us.
The Weightlifting Douchebag

The only thing this man loves more than his own reflection is sleeveless t-shirts. Sure, we all wouldn't mind toning up or putting on some muscle, but this guy's artificially tanned muscles are his full-time job. After hearing the guy go on about it for 20 minutes or so, I don't feel so bad for putting a video game controller in my hands and watching my body turn to dough.
The Disorder:
Muscle Dysmorphia or what is commonly referred to as "Bigorexia". This mental illness is seen as a male inverse of anorexia, except this disease lands you in a sideshow for freaks instead of the fashion runway (Yes, we know not all top models are anorexics. Some just do coke). Researches believe that the roots of both self-perception disorders come in early adolescences. While girls are dreaming of lounging poolside in Barbie's dream house, men want to be tearing down Cobra's infantry as a G.I. Joe.
Seeing the sculpted action figures sets up an unattainable goal for some young men. They carry the notion of always being too "small" and "thin" into their adult years, after they've become rippling man-beasts. Let's all take a minute to thank the parents of these impressionable youths for going Joe instead of Ninja Turtles, or our society may presently be plagued with mutant reptilian half-breeds roaming the sewers. Media has also had its impact, parading images of perfect pecs and washboard abs. Who honestly thinks that stuff is attractive? Seriously.
Alright, even I can admit that the occasional push-up, or marathon 25 turn Mario Party session on Wii can help you feel better, but for these men it's never enough. In 2000, researchers discovered a man who abstained from sex with his wife in order to focus all his energy on working out.
If you are worried you may have bigorexia ask yourself a few simple questions; How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror since starting this article? Do you think that Carrot Top "looks good but could use some work on his delts"? Does your desire for a ripped body make you act like a total douchebag?
The Drunken Douchebag

This heavy-drinking ass stumbles around parties, slobbering on strangers and telling people how buzzed he is... after two beers. Later in the night, after he's polished off his second six-pack, he'll tell you he's cool to drive home, just after he finishes pissing on your living room couch. This guy never seems to know where he's at on the sobriety scale, although on the douche scale he's always a perfect 10.
The Disorder:
This guy displays signs of what is known as the Mallenby effect. Basically, this causes a person to overestimate the effects of alcohol during the first few drinks (called the "absorption phase" by people who study drunkenness) and will underestimate them later in the night (during the "elimination phase"). If you want to see this concept in action, buy a lot of nonalcoholic beer for a party full of teenagers. If drinking with teens isn't your thing (and legally it shouldn't be anyone's "thing") then check out most college frat parties where the masses will start screaming "WHOO!!!" within the first 15 minutes that the keg is tapped, long before their system has actually had the chance to absorb any alcohol into the blood stream.

Later, the same people will physically display all signs of being drunk, but will claim to be sharp as a tack, because, as they'll tell you, they drink so much that it, like, would totally take all the booze in this place to get them drunk. Then they'll plow their Mustang or Ranger or Silverado into a drainage ditch and take a swing at a cop.
The Raging Douchebag

Don't step on his shoes, don't make incidental eye contact and don't talk to his girlfriend. If he doesn't have a girlfriend, don't talk to any girls because they could be his girlfriend, someday. It doesn't take a whole lot to set this type of guy off, and after he's pissed, screaming and swinging you'll wish you'd actually done something worthy of such a tantrum.
He's easy to pick out in a crowd, there'll be one man yelling while everyone else in the crowd exchanges confused glances along with sympathetic shrugging shoulders. He's the screaming one, the one trying to finish an imaginary fight with a person who didn't start it. A douche that can't be ignored.
The Disorder:
This is a classic case of Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED. This guy is a time bomb, and nobody can see the timer but him--he can go off at any moment. Although his aggression normally isn't life threatening, it's really fucking irritating. Medically diagnosed IED is defined as a behavioral disorder characterized by repeated episodes of aggressive and violent outbursts grossly out of proportion to the situation. Wearing a sleeveless rayon body vest while stinking like Axe body spray is common but unfortunately correlation does not equal causation.
A 2006 study by the National Institute of Mental Health has determined the condition to be more prevalent than previously thought, affecting around 2 out of every 25 adult Americans, most commonly seen in male youths. How the researches went about collecting data is not disclosed, though we hope they ruined many a striped shirt on nickel-beer-night while gathering subjects' reactions.
Cases of road rage, domestic abuse and destruction of property usually involve one or more parties with the disorder. Often those with IED will feel a great deal of regret or remorse if bodily harm or destruction of personal possessions occurs. It's uncertain if the same remorse is felt after chewing out a waitress for forgetting to refill a water glass, though the spit and pubes now hidden in the rest of their meal may balance out the situation.

This disorder can become a severe disruption in the lives of the afflicted but medications can be prescribed to help alleviate anger impulses. I am not licensed to give medical advice here, but if I were, I'd suggest taking muscle relaxers, washed down with your favorite liquor, to help calm the nerves. Now go warm up in a hot tub and feel those angry thoughts drift away.
The Aging Douchebag

It seems no matter where you go there's a grumpy asshole making things awkward for everybody. He'll bitch about why his coupons aren't scanning at the checkout. He'll complain when someone has an accent while in America. And that goddamn hip-hop is always too loud! He won't hesitate to tell you about how much better things were in the past, before the whole world turned against him.
The Disorder:
This man is suffering from what is known as andropause or "male menopause." (Manopause if you will) It's a frustrated state accompanied by anxiety and anger resulting from a lack of testosterone, the production of which diminishes in midlife. The term "male menopause" can also be used as an early detection method, since most men with IMS will hear this term and respond with a loud grunt while shouting about "New Age psychobabble bullshit."
The onset of this disorder is common at ages 40 to 55 but may happen as early as 35 or as late as 65. Although, a definite age is difficult to pinpoint if the male in question has been a prick their whole life.

The development of IMS is also dependent on environmental factors associated with stress, such as uncertain financial security, strained personal relationships and whatever happens to be wrong with kids these days. The physical symptoms (which can include loss of sex drive, loss of physical strength and increase in body fat) only exasperate the sense of frustration and nervousness and increases behaviors that society classifies as douchebaggery.
There are free tests and screenings available online to check for IMS, but if you already have it, you probably think the internet is a waste of time for freaks and perverts.
For all the times you've muttered, "What's the deal with that douchebag?" science has actually taken the time to answer what was probably a rhetorical question.
The Egocentric Douchebag
The child who screams "Look at me! Look at me!" is all grown up and he can't wait to tell you about himself. You want to talk about the football game last night? He'll talk about how he quarterbacked his high school football team to the state championships. Wondering about a good place to grab a bite to eat? He'll tell you he can make reservations anywhere because he's the man. Concerned about poverty in Africa? Why the fuck do you care! This dude has banged like twenty models! Seriously, you're talking to a legend, and he'll be the first to remind you of this fact.
The Disorder:
Histrionic Personality Disorder or HDP. The disorder is characterized as an overwhelming desire to be noticed and willingness to engage in any attention-seeking behavior. This was the kid who was the first to jump off the high dive--if there was an audience to watch him.
These drama-queens know all the world's a stage, and they have been cast for lead role of MacD'bag. Those with HDP have a self-esteem that is dependent on the approval of others and they posses no clear concept of self worth. They're way more likely to lash out at criticism or disapproval than they should be. They'll flirt with anyone, any time. They tend to mistake any attention as sexual attraction ("I'm tellin' ya, she totally wants me, bro"). Their opinions are easily influenced by others, and they find it difficult to support them if pressed for details. They travel in packs...ugly packs.
The disease is not socially debilitating, since most sufferers maintain good networking skills, but they manipulate these relationships in a way that brings notice only to themselves. Thus, sufferers of the disease tend to pass their suffering onto us.
The Weightlifting Douchebag
The only thing this man loves more than his own reflection is sleeveless t-shirts. Sure, we all wouldn't mind toning up or putting on some muscle, but this guy's artificially tanned muscles are his full-time job. After hearing the guy go on about it for 20 minutes or so, I don't feel so bad for putting a video game controller in my hands and watching my body turn to dough.
The Disorder:
Muscle Dysmorphia or what is commonly referred to as "Bigorexia". This mental illness is seen as a male inverse of anorexia, except this disease lands you in a sideshow for freaks instead of the fashion runway (Yes, we know not all top models are anorexics. Some just do coke). Researches believe that the roots of both self-perception disorders come in early adolescences. While girls are dreaming of lounging poolside in Barbie's dream house, men want to be tearing down Cobra's infantry as a G.I. Joe.
Seeing the sculpted action figures sets up an unattainable goal for some young men. They carry the notion of always being too "small" and "thin" into their adult years, after they've become rippling man-beasts. Let's all take a minute to thank the parents of these impressionable youths for going Joe instead of Ninja Turtles, or our society may presently be plagued with mutant reptilian half-breeds roaming the sewers. Media has also had its impact, parading images of perfect pecs and washboard abs. Who honestly thinks that stuff is attractive? Seriously.
Alright, even I can admit that the occasional push-up, or marathon 25 turn Mario Party session on Wii can help you feel better, but for these men it's never enough. In 2000, researchers discovered a man who abstained from sex with his wife in order to focus all his energy on working out.
If you are worried you may have bigorexia ask yourself a few simple questions; How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror since starting this article? Do you think that Carrot Top "looks good but could use some work on his delts"? Does your desire for a ripped body make you act like a total douchebag?
The Drunken Douchebag
This heavy-drinking ass stumbles around parties, slobbering on strangers and telling people how buzzed he is... after two beers. Later in the night, after he's polished off his second six-pack, he'll tell you he's cool to drive home, just after he finishes pissing on your living room couch. This guy never seems to know where he's at on the sobriety scale, although on the douche scale he's always a perfect 10.
The Disorder:
This guy displays signs of what is known as the Mallenby effect. Basically, this causes a person to overestimate the effects of alcohol during the first few drinks (called the "absorption phase" by people who study drunkenness) and will underestimate them later in the night (during the "elimination phase"). If you want to see this concept in action, buy a lot of nonalcoholic beer for a party full of teenagers. If drinking with teens isn't your thing (and legally it shouldn't be anyone's "thing") then check out most college frat parties where the masses will start screaming "WHOO!!!" within the first 15 minutes that the keg is tapped, long before their system has actually had the chance to absorb any alcohol into the blood stream.
Later, the same people will physically display all signs of being drunk, but will claim to be sharp as a tack, because, as they'll tell you, they drink so much that it, like, would totally take all the booze in this place to get them drunk. Then they'll plow their Mustang or Ranger or Silverado into a drainage ditch and take a swing at a cop.
The Raging Douchebag
Don't step on his shoes, don't make incidental eye contact and don't talk to his girlfriend. If he doesn't have a girlfriend, don't talk to any girls because they could be his girlfriend, someday. It doesn't take a whole lot to set this type of guy off, and after he's pissed, screaming and swinging you'll wish you'd actually done something worthy of such a tantrum.
He's easy to pick out in a crowd, there'll be one man yelling while everyone else in the crowd exchanges confused glances along with sympathetic shrugging shoulders. He's the screaming one, the one trying to finish an imaginary fight with a person who didn't start it. A douche that can't be ignored.
The Disorder:
This is a classic case of Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED. This guy is a time bomb, and nobody can see the timer but him--he can go off at any moment. Although his aggression normally isn't life threatening, it's really fucking irritating. Medically diagnosed IED is defined as a behavioral disorder characterized by repeated episodes of aggressive and violent outbursts grossly out of proportion to the situation. Wearing a sleeveless rayon body vest while stinking like Axe body spray is common but unfortunately correlation does not equal causation.
A 2006 study by the National Institute of Mental Health has determined the condition to be more prevalent than previously thought, affecting around 2 out of every 25 adult Americans, most commonly seen in male youths. How the researches went about collecting data is not disclosed, though we hope they ruined many a striped shirt on nickel-beer-night while gathering subjects' reactions.
Cases of road rage, domestic abuse and destruction of property usually involve one or more parties with the disorder. Often those with IED will feel a great deal of regret or remorse if bodily harm or destruction of personal possessions occurs. It's uncertain if the same remorse is felt after chewing out a waitress for forgetting to refill a water glass, though the spit and pubes now hidden in the rest of their meal may balance out the situation.
This disorder can become a severe disruption in the lives of the afflicted but medications can be prescribed to help alleviate anger impulses. I am not licensed to give medical advice here, but if I were, I'd suggest taking muscle relaxers, washed down with your favorite liquor, to help calm the nerves. Now go warm up in a hot tub and feel those angry thoughts drift away.
The Aging Douchebag
It seems no matter where you go there's a grumpy asshole making things awkward for everybody. He'll bitch about why his coupons aren't scanning at the checkout. He'll complain when someone has an accent while in America. And that goddamn hip-hop is always too loud! He won't hesitate to tell you about how much better things were in the past, before the whole world turned against him.
The Disorder:
This man is suffering from what is known as andropause or "male menopause." (Manopause if you will) It's a frustrated state accompanied by anxiety and anger resulting from a lack of testosterone, the production of which diminishes in midlife. The term "male menopause" can also be used as an early detection method, since most men with IMS will hear this term and respond with a loud grunt while shouting about "New Age psychobabble bullshit."
The onset of this disorder is common at ages 40 to 55 but may happen as early as 35 or as late as 65. Although, a definite age is difficult to pinpoint if the male in question has been a prick their whole life.
The development of IMS is also dependent on environmental factors associated with stress, such as uncertain financial security, strained personal relationships and whatever happens to be wrong with kids these days. The physical symptoms (which can include loss of sex drive, loss of physical strength and increase in body fat) only exasperate the sense of frustration and nervousness and increases behaviors that society classifies as douchebaggery.
There are free tests and screenings available online to check for IMS, but if you already have it, you probably think the internet is a waste of time for freaks and perverts.
October 22, 2008
I know there isnt anything special or fascinating about these pictures...but they make me smile..and lets be honest, its my happiness that counts :-) HA kidding. ENJOY!!!

YAY MORE FOLLOWERS!!! WELCOME!!!!! I swear when Im not under the weather and so super busy with reality, Ill be back to blogging about fun stuff more often!! stay tuned AND CLICK THOSE FUCKING GOOGLE AD LINKS ON MY PAGE SO I CAN GET MONEY!!!!!!
YAY MORE FOLLOWERS!!! WELCOME!!!!! I swear when Im not under the weather and so super busy with reality, Ill be back to blogging about fun stuff more often!! stay tuned AND CLICK THOSE FUCKING GOOGLE AD LINKS ON MY PAGE SO I CAN GET MONEY!!!!!!
October 20, 2008
I'm finally blogging again!
Hey peeps what it is? :-)
First I want to Welcome, and thank SimplySam. She is the newest follower to my little blog and I couldn't be happier to have you here!!!
Okay so this past week has been tempest cyclone. Work got crazy, some friends went nuts, I removed a fake friend from my life, dealt with the backlash from her stupid boyfriend...which actually was aimed at Jamie, but she dealt with it, and finally BATTLE FOR THE COAST.
As most of you know, I am the Announcer / MC for the Ventura County Derby Darlin's. They are a women's flat track roller derby league, and they are freaking amazing women! I have never been into sports in any way, but I have to tell you, Roller Derby is the most intense sport! I LOVE IT. I have never screamed so loud as I did this past weekend. Battle for the Coast was hosted by the Ventura County Derby Darlins (VCDD) and 9 teams from all over the west coast came to rumble. It was amazing. It was very sad that in the first game, one of our girls, Vicious Ticious (Tisha) was badly injured, breaking two bones and needing emergency surgery. She is doing well and is expected to recover. I send big love and well wishings out to Tisha. GET BETTER REAL SOON!!!! Shortly after the game resumed, one of the girls from the other team, Inland Empire Derby Diva's player Body Count was injured with, I believe it was a sprained ankle. So we were all very nervous for the rest of the day but everything went well, our vendors stayed busy, the bands were playing and derby girls were rumbling.
Of course there will always be haters out there, namely the Oxnard Derby Dames....or as we call them, the Oxnard Derby LAMES...two fugly cunts who used to be on our league, who left to start there own Bank Track league ( which I am happy to report is FAILING EPICALLY...as they should) decided to be total cowards and have some child put their recruitment flyers on all the cars in our parking lot...(which is littering and since it was a private event, by placing their ads on our spectators cars, they affiliated themselves with our organization, which is false advertising....we have our lawyer working on it. :-) hahahaha they are going down. Stupid bitches. I really try to be a decent person, I try to live and let live, I believe in Karma....but I really hope those two bitches get their faces bashed in with with sledge hammers!!!
What else...OH some tragic cow in an orange cheerleader outfit with tacky fake eye lashes had the fucking nerve to tell me I was "bad filler" and that Im not a good announcer....bitch you must not know about me, you better ask somebody! Im the only announcer who had spectators approaching them to talk to them. I get compliments from fans at every event, and I have my own little fan base...bitch ain't no one talkin to you!!!! Don't tell me I'm bad filler bitch. I almost socked her in the mouth. So I told my peeps about it, and sure enough the Amazing Zara and a bunch of others were screaming "BAD FILLER" whenever she tried to be funny on the mic. HAHAHAHAHAHA Stupid bitch.
It was a very long day, and I slept like a stone that night let me tell you.
OMG and there were SOOOO MANY HOT GUYS THERE!!! All different kinds!! Im totally in love with Scooter, who won two pairs of Derby short shorts...LOL Also there is this guy I have seen around, latin guy, thick, buff, he was wearing a Black Label Society t shirt...OMG he is sooo gorgeous. And my military daddy...who is actually younger than me but whatever. His name is Jerrod. He is a friend of Harley's and he is GORGEOUS. He bought a date with me at the Burlesque show, even though he is as straight as it gets, but that's just because Im a fuck ton of fun!!
He was there with his very cool roommate Pat (also a complete and total hottie) so that was cool.
All in all I have to say it was an eventful and wild day!
You can check out the game coverage on kadytv.com it was internet televised!! how cool is that.
Well peeps, thats all Ive got for now, Im gonna go find some noms to post, maybe search for some classy ladies....we will see.
VOTE NO ON 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 = H8
First I want to Welcome, and thank SimplySam. She is the newest follower to my little blog and I couldn't be happier to have you here!!!
Okay so this past week has been tempest cyclone. Work got crazy, some friends went nuts, I removed a fake friend from my life, dealt with the backlash from her stupid boyfriend...which actually was aimed at Jamie, but she dealt with it, and finally BATTLE FOR THE COAST.
As most of you know, I am the Announcer / MC for the Ventura County Derby Darlin's. They are a women's flat track roller derby league, and they are freaking amazing women! I have never been into sports in any way, but I have to tell you, Roller Derby is the most intense sport! I LOVE IT. I have never screamed so loud as I did this past weekend. Battle for the Coast was hosted by the Ventura County Derby Darlins (VCDD) and 9 teams from all over the west coast came to rumble. It was amazing. It was very sad that in the first game, one of our girls, Vicious Ticious (Tisha) was badly injured, breaking two bones and needing emergency surgery. She is doing well and is expected to recover. I send big love and well wishings out to Tisha. GET BETTER REAL SOON!!!! Shortly after the game resumed, one of the girls from the other team, Inland Empire Derby Diva's player Body Count was injured with, I believe it was a sprained ankle. So we were all very nervous for the rest of the day but everything went well, our vendors stayed busy, the bands were playing and derby girls were rumbling.
Of course there will always be haters out there, namely the Oxnard Derby Dames....or as we call them, the Oxnard Derby LAMES...two fugly cunts who used to be on our league, who left to start there own Bank Track league ( which I am happy to report is FAILING EPICALLY...as they should) decided to be total cowards and have some child put their recruitment flyers on all the cars in our parking lot...(which is littering and since it was a private event, by placing their ads on our spectators cars, they affiliated themselves with our organization, which is false advertising....we have our lawyer working on it. :-) hahahaha they are going down. Stupid bitches. I really try to be a decent person, I try to live and let live, I believe in Karma....but I really hope those two bitches get their faces bashed in with with sledge hammers!!!
What else...OH some tragic cow in an orange cheerleader outfit with tacky fake eye lashes had the fucking nerve to tell me I was "bad filler" and that Im not a good announcer....bitch you must not know about me, you better ask somebody! Im the only announcer who had spectators approaching them to talk to them. I get compliments from fans at every event, and I have my own little fan base...bitch ain't no one talkin to you!!!! Don't tell me I'm bad filler bitch. I almost socked her in the mouth. So I told my peeps about it, and sure enough the Amazing Zara and a bunch of others were screaming "BAD FILLER" whenever she tried to be funny on the mic. HAHAHAHAHAHA Stupid bitch.
It was a very long day, and I slept like a stone that night let me tell you.
OMG and there were SOOOO MANY HOT GUYS THERE!!! All different kinds!! Im totally in love with Scooter, who won two pairs of Derby short shorts...LOL Also there is this guy I have seen around, latin guy, thick, buff, he was wearing a Black Label Society t shirt...OMG he is sooo gorgeous. And my military daddy...who is actually younger than me but whatever. His name is Jerrod. He is a friend of Harley's and he is GORGEOUS. He bought a date with me at the Burlesque show, even though he is as straight as it gets, but that's just because Im a fuck ton of fun!!
He was there with his very cool roommate Pat (also a complete and total hottie) so that was cool.
All in all I have to say it was an eventful and wild day!
You can check out the game coverage on kadytv.com it was internet televised!! how cool is that.
Well peeps, thats all Ive got for now, Im gonna go find some noms to post, maybe search for some classy ladies....we will see.
VOTE NO ON 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 = H8
October 17, 2008
Actual Work Conversation
Hillary (co worker): "Ya know those people who are always happy and perky and always want you to be happy with them for stupid reasons like 'the sun in shining' and stuff?"
Me: "Yes, we can them losers."
This has been an actual work conversation.
Me: "Yes, we can them losers."
This has been an actual work conversation.
October 16, 2008
Friend Removal:
hey peeps,
so i had this friend....yes HAD this friend, named Hillary. She is Mormon..and i was still her friend....she talked all out her head about how she loved being a fag hag....yeah she was NOT a fag hag...she was a fruit fly... buzzed around the fruits and annoying us...but whatever...anyway she told one my of my BFF's Katie that she believes that being gay is a choice, and that IF she was voting she would vote YES ON PROP 8.
I lost my mother fucking mind. LOOOOORRRRD I showed my ass (figuratively speaking) and emailed her, telling her exactly what I think of her. And I copied and pasted it for your enjoyment....
quick side note, I am no longer friends with her. I cut her off. She is a Nazi like all the rest. okay here is what I sent to her.
"I respect your right to choose what to vote for. Your voting choiuce doesnt matter to me even though youre voting to take the rights away from the people you said were your friends.
But how dare you have the AUDACITY to even for a second think you know ANYTHING about being gay and it being a choice. You didnt choose to like boys!!! Its the same thing. What sickens me about this Hillary, is that as a Mormon, you know what its like to be discriminated against, ridiculed and made fun of for your lifestyle. Mormons are, as you well know, the butt of many jokes to the rest of the world...and yet knowing discrimination first hand...you would STILL chose to vote for something makes discrimination LEGAL??
If you bothered to actually read the OFFICIAL ballot information that is mailed to all registered voters by the STATE...it says in plain english that No on 8 DOES NOT EFFECT CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, OR CLERGY IN ANY WAY. It simply provides the same LEGAL rights to gay couples as it does to straight couples.
How would you feel if you married Blaine, and he got sick and died and you weren't allowed to see him in the hospital before he died because LEGALLY YOUR MARRIAGE ISN'T RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE??????? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU COULDNT MARRY THE PERSON YOU LOVED???? Well thats what Voting YES on Prop 8 will do, to me, to Tim, to every gay person you have ever met and claimed to be friends with. The fact that you care so little about your "friends" is why I am done with you. You are out of my life. I will not be friends or have anything to do with someone who would be that fake and two faced to me then turn around and say being gay is a CHOICE. WHY WOULD I CHOOSE TO BE HARASSED, MADE FUN OF, ATTACKED, AND THREATENED AS A CHILD, TEEN AND ADULT???? WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE THAT???? Did you even bother to think about anything beyond what your Paster or bishop or whoever told you? Do you not have the capability to think for yourself?
You know NOTHING about being gay, you know nothing about what we have been through, or struggled with because of who we are, and how we were BORN.
I want you to think about something Hillary:
"ProtectMarriage" and proposition 8...is funded and dounded by a group of people who wish to discriminate, oppress, and deny the rights of people who they do NOT know, simply because they are different. There was another group of people who discriminated, oppressed and REMOVED the god given HUMAN rights of an entire group of people who lived by different beliefs....it was in the not too distant past..maybe you've heard of them...they were NAZI'S!!!!!!!!!!
So what does that make you? As far as Im concerned, you and people like you...are no different than the Nazi's or the KKK.
I wish I could say that it was nice knowing you but now I see it was a waste of my time and my caring."
so i had this friend....yes HAD this friend, named Hillary. She is Mormon..and i was still her friend....she talked all out her head about how she loved being a fag hag....yeah she was NOT a fag hag...she was a fruit fly... buzzed around the fruits and annoying us...but whatever...anyway she told one my of my BFF's Katie that she believes that being gay is a choice, and that IF she was voting she would vote YES ON PROP 8.
I lost my mother fucking mind. LOOOOORRRRD I showed my ass (figuratively speaking) and emailed her, telling her exactly what I think of her. And I copied and pasted it for your enjoyment....
quick side note, I am no longer friends with her. I cut her off. She is a Nazi like all the rest. okay here is what I sent to her.
"I respect your right to choose what to vote for. Your voting choiuce doesnt matter to me even though youre voting to take the rights away from the people you said were your friends.
But how dare you have the AUDACITY to even for a second think you know ANYTHING about being gay and it being a choice. You didnt choose to like boys!!! Its the same thing. What sickens me about this Hillary, is that as a Mormon, you know what its like to be discriminated against, ridiculed and made fun of for your lifestyle. Mormons are, as you well know, the butt of many jokes to the rest of the world...and yet knowing discrimination first hand...you would STILL chose to vote for something makes discrimination LEGAL??
If you bothered to actually read the OFFICIAL ballot information that is mailed to all registered voters by the STATE...it says in plain english that No on 8 DOES NOT EFFECT CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, OR CLERGY IN ANY WAY. It simply provides the same LEGAL rights to gay couples as it does to straight couples.
How would you feel if you married Blaine, and he got sick and died and you weren't allowed to see him in the hospital before he died because LEGALLY YOUR MARRIAGE ISN'T RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE??????? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU COULDNT MARRY THE PERSON YOU LOVED???? Well thats what Voting YES on Prop 8 will do, to me, to Tim, to every gay person you have ever met and claimed to be friends with. The fact that you care so little about your "friends" is why I am done with you. You are out of my life. I will not be friends or have anything to do with someone who would be that fake and two faced to me then turn around and say being gay is a CHOICE. WHY WOULD I CHOOSE TO BE HARASSED, MADE FUN OF, ATTACKED, AND THREATENED AS A CHILD, TEEN AND ADULT???? WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE THAT???? Did you even bother to think about anything beyond what your Paster or bishop or whoever told you? Do you not have the capability to think for yourself?
You know NOTHING about being gay, you know nothing about what we have been through, or struggled with because of who we are, and how we were BORN.
I want you to think about something Hillary:
"ProtectMarriage" and proposition 8...is funded and dounded by a group of people who wish to discriminate, oppress, and deny the rights of people who they do NOT know, simply because they are different. There was another group of people who discriminated, oppressed and REMOVED the god given HUMAN rights of an entire group of people who lived by different beliefs....it was in the not too distant past..maybe you've heard of them...they were NAZI'S!!!!!!!!!!
So what does that make you? As far as Im concerned, you and people like you...are no different than the Nazi's or the KKK.
I wish I could say that it was nice knowing you but now I see it was a waste of my time and my caring."
October 14, 2008
Actual Work Conversation
Me: "Howard it's Andru, I'm adding a call to your route."
Howard: "Okay, what's the situation?"
Me: "She's brainless...I suggested we UNinstall the AC unit because she isn't smart enough to use it."
Howard: "I see... did she go for that idea? *chuckle chuckle*"
Me: "Sadly No, but we need to check out her thermostat cuz she is crazy and cant figure out how to make it stop blinking."
Howard: "How crazy... like Courtney Love Crazy??"
Me: "Oh no not that bad...more like Anna Nicole Smith crazy...ya know...the engine's running but no one is behind the wheel."
Howard: "Got it...lemme write this down.....speak.....slowly.....to......c-u-s-t-o-m-e-r. OK on my way!"
This has been an Actual Work Conversation
Howard: "Okay, what's the situation?"
Me: "She's brainless...I suggested we UNinstall the AC unit because she isn't smart enough to use it."
Howard: "I see... did she go for that idea? *chuckle chuckle*"
Me: "Sadly No, but we need to check out her thermostat cuz she is crazy and cant figure out how to make it stop blinking."
Howard: "How crazy... like Courtney Love Crazy??"
Me: "Oh no not that bad...more like Anna Nicole Smith crazy...ya know...the engine's running but no one is behind the wheel."
Howard: "Got it...lemme write this down.....speak.....slowly.....to......c-u-s-t-o-m-e-r. OK on my way!"
This has been an Actual Work Conversation
Classy Ladies
Yo peeps! what it is?
My name is Latavia Brown, but you can call me "Baby Sugar"
I like to think my picture speaks fo itself. I mean, look at me...Ima total dime piece.
I only dress high end, I dont be ghetto like the resta dem hoes. I pay mah OWN BILLZ, gots mah own money, be gettin mah own hair and nails did. I dont needa man for nothin. But it might be nice if a brutha took a sista out for some chicken once in a while....and who knows, if you floss high class like I do, then maybe we can kick it.
Holla at a fine uppa class sista if you think you got what it be takin.
October 13, 2008
Train-wreck of thought
Hello people.
Okay so I have been thinking a lot lately and a few things have to come to my mind. I think I need anger management classes or a therapist or something. Here me out: anyone who has read some of my most recent posts is aware of my concern over Proposition 8. But lately I find myself completely enraged in a matter of seconds whenever I see some minivan or SUV with a "Yes on 8" sticker on the bumper. Yes I flip them all off...but I find myself wishing I had a gun so I could take them out... I'm thinking that that is probably not healthy. I am furious that my civil rights, are in the hands of these idiots who cant see far enough past their own selves to think about the happiness of others. Yet when it comes to gay rights, they get all "protect our children" and "its better for mankind"....shut the fuck up! Before May 15th 2008 you didn't give a fuck about mankind. You were too busy with book club, little billy's soccer practice, making that big sale so the boss will like you, and being a good PTA mom. You wouldn't give a second thought to driving right past the homeless guy begging for spare change, yet NOW...when gay people might actually be treated equally, now you're Mankind's SUPERHERO....go fuck yourselves. I hope you all die painful deaths. Okay now this is what I'm talking about. RAGE ISSUES. I swear to god if someone walks up to me randomly and starts preaching about Prop 8... there will be ONE warning given, to get the hell away from me... and if they don't I will attack them. This is scary because I'm not normally this crazy but I cant help it. The idea that these pious selfish fuck heads can cast a vote and take away MY rights...just infuriates me. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You don't know me. You aren't a part of my life. What I do on a daily basis doesn't affect you. Yet you can have a hand in deciding my fate? This fills me with so much hatred and rage, so much so that I don't even recognize myself.
I'm wondering if this is a problem, or if this is inspiration? My opinion is that Homosexuals need to fight back, we need to rise up, clentch a fist and do to them what they have done to us. If someone pickets gay wedding, we picket a straight wedding. If they say hateful things, we say hateful things. If they gay bash, we bash back. Im tired of being a victim. Im tired of my people being mistreated and victimized...but I'm also tired of my people. So many of them don't care. They dont know or care about unity, respect, or their heritage. They mock the drag queens...I got news for you twinky bitchy caddy litle bitches out there....you wouldnt HAVE the rights you have NOW if it werent for Drag Queens. The Drag Queens at Stonewall who banded together and FOUGHT BACK AGAINST POLICE OPPRESSION, DISCRIMINATION, AND BRUTALITY. Now the Police uphold the law to protect us, so the next time you snicker at a drag queen...you remember who fought for you. The next time you see an old gay man at a bar and ASSUME he is a perv, you remember that when he was your age, he had to hide, and love in secret...cuz no one would protect him. They are our forfathers, and they fought so our generation and the generations that follow us could be free enough to love who we love, to party, go to bars, go clubbing, have cities, neighborhoods, districts, and burrowns evolve to fit us...instead of us changing to fit the area. Places like West Hollywood, San Francisco, Greenwich Village, Liberty Avenue, Palm Springs, and many many many other places where being gay is welcomed and celebrated. But No...all you little faggots see is a bar, loud music, and your own selfish desires for drugs and sex.
Maybe they should all have a little more respect for their elders, and the people who fought for their right to be drugged up whores.
No wonder so many heterosexuals cant accept us, we cant even accept ourselves. There is so much discrimination within our own community!! the bears dont like the twinks, the masculine muscles jocks hate queens, twinks and chubs are oil and water, there is no respect for your fellow gay. Its sickening. Maybe we dont deserve to be treated fairly because we dont treat each other fairly....but that's the beautiful this about basic human rights....its not based on your behavior or your birthright, or your color or gender, because you are HUMAN. They are HUMAN RIGHTS. I personally think that gangs are a waste of time and space and that to live that lifestyle is dangerous and stupid... but they are human. They have the right to vote, the right to make their voices heard. I may not want their input but their rights allow them to have it.
So do you see why I get so angry about this? The same basic rights that everyone else has, will be taken away from me and my community, because we are different.
I swear on everything I hold dear, if Prop 8 passes, I'm going to start silk screening shirts with phrases like:
"Please discriminate against me. Prop 8 allows it."
"Bigotry is now LEGAL! Thanks California!!"
"Prop 8 Passed, watch out Non-Caucasians...YOU'RE NEXT"
"I guess we're good enough to entertain you, but not to be treated equally"
"The Nazi's wanted to take away the rights of those who were different too...thanks for voting yes on 8!!"
"You voted Yes on 8....even though you just LOVED Will & Grace"
"You may have voted Yes on 8, but it's okay cuz you LOVE Ellen"
"Prop 8 allows you to hate me...so now I hate you more."
etc etc.
This kind of angry, violent, hate fueled spite is what goes through my head all the time, ever since Prop 8 was put out there. I dont think its healthy.... but i think more than anything, its not healthy because Im kind of ENJOYING IT.
I have also been thinking that there is WAY too much outside involvement in my life and decisions. I value the opinions and concerns of the people around me, who care about me...but i have noticed lately that sometimes, if you don't see eye to eye, the concern is followed by venomous judgment. I don't need that. I feel like regardless of what I do with my life and my resources, as a friend, support is what you should give. Advice, Concern, support. I have also noticed in a lot of situations, not just with friends but in general... where if you have some decision to make, and you dont make that decision exactly the way someone else would...and your decision turns out to be wrong, then you get no help from them because you didnt do it the way they wouldve. I think that is shitty. I mean I had a friend who had money problem a few years back, and I basically did a budget for him that wouldve solved his problem in two months, but he did his own way and it took him 9 months...and caused a problem with his school... and I didnt say "well dont come cryin to me." i was still there for him. I may not ever put in THAT much effort to fix his problems....but Im still there for him when his decisions backfire. Cuz that is what a friend does.
What else...ummm OH I have been thinking about the future...what have I done to prepare for my future? Not a whole lot. I mean I have mastered the art of survival. Ive been through more shit that most people who believe but Im did, and Im still here. But I need to prepare for the future. Im almost 30 after all. I'm still gonna seek out money making opportunities every chance I get. Im still going to do odd jobs, Im still going to try to start my own business eventually. I still want to go to school and become a computer geek, cuz thats where the money is!! Maybe something like Dental Assistance cuz I can deal with mouths. Or XRay technician work...I cant deal with Blood or guts...ew.
Maybe Orthodoncia....i went through it, there was no blood involved.
Either way, My future will not be bleak. I will not grow old in Camarillo, alone, and busting my ass to barely make ends meet. I will have a retirement account, I will have a love and a home and a savings account. I will have child who will carry on my family name and my families nutty characteristics, I will have an IRA or a CD or something financial..cuz i think those thingys are good to have right??
Either way, my existence will not be THIS forever. Although I love my apartment, I love my roommate because she is amazing...but Its not what I want for the rest of my life.
There is a fire inside...and it's time I let it out and used it. The Evolution Revolution begins with me.
Okay so I have been thinking a lot lately and a few things have to come to my mind. I think I need anger management classes or a therapist or something. Here me out: anyone who has read some of my most recent posts is aware of my concern over Proposition 8. But lately I find myself completely enraged in a matter of seconds whenever I see some minivan or SUV with a "Yes on 8" sticker on the bumper. Yes I flip them all off...but I find myself wishing I had a gun so I could take them out... I'm thinking that that is probably not healthy. I am furious that my civil rights, are in the hands of these idiots who cant see far enough past their own selves to think about the happiness of others. Yet when it comes to gay rights, they get all "protect our children" and "its better for mankind"....shut the fuck up! Before May 15th 2008 you didn't give a fuck about mankind. You were too busy with book club, little billy's soccer practice, making that big sale so the boss will like you, and being a good PTA mom. You wouldn't give a second thought to driving right past the homeless guy begging for spare change, yet NOW...when gay people might actually be treated equally, now you're Mankind's SUPERHERO....go fuck yourselves. I hope you all die painful deaths. Okay now this is what I'm talking about. RAGE ISSUES. I swear to god if someone walks up to me randomly and starts preaching about Prop 8... there will be ONE warning given, to get the hell away from me... and if they don't I will attack them. This is scary because I'm not normally this crazy but I cant help it. The idea that these pious selfish fuck heads can cast a vote and take away MY rights...just infuriates me. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You don't know me. You aren't a part of my life. What I do on a daily basis doesn't affect you. Yet you can have a hand in deciding my fate? This fills me with so much hatred and rage, so much so that I don't even recognize myself.
I'm wondering if this is a problem, or if this is inspiration? My opinion is that Homosexuals need to fight back, we need to rise up, clentch a fist and do to them what they have done to us. If someone pickets gay wedding, we picket a straight wedding. If they say hateful things, we say hateful things. If they gay bash, we bash back. Im tired of being a victim. Im tired of my people being mistreated and victimized...but I'm also tired of my people. So many of them don't care. They dont know or care about unity, respect, or their heritage. They mock the drag queens...I got news for you twinky bitchy caddy litle bitches out there....you wouldnt HAVE the rights you have NOW if it werent for Drag Queens. The Drag Queens at Stonewall who banded together and FOUGHT BACK AGAINST POLICE OPPRESSION, DISCRIMINATION, AND BRUTALITY. Now the Police uphold the law to protect us, so the next time you snicker at a drag queen...you remember who fought for you. The next time you see an old gay man at a bar and ASSUME he is a perv, you remember that when he was your age, he had to hide, and love in secret...cuz no one would protect him. They are our forfathers, and they fought so our generation and the generations that follow us could be free enough to love who we love, to party, go to bars, go clubbing, have cities, neighborhoods, districts, and burrowns evolve to fit us...instead of us changing to fit the area. Places like West Hollywood, San Francisco, Greenwich Village, Liberty Avenue, Palm Springs, and many many many other places where being gay is welcomed and celebrated. But No...all you little faggots see is a bar, loud music, and your own selfish desires for drugs and sex.
Maybe they should all have a little more respect for their elders, and the people who fought for their right to be drugged up whores.
No wonder so many heterosexuals cant accept us, we cant even accept ourselves. There is so much discrimination within our own community!! the bears dont like the twinks, the masculine muscles jocks hate queens, twinks and chubs are oil and water, there is no respect for your fellow gay. Its sickening. Maybe we dont deserve to be treated fairly because we dont treat each other fairly....but that's the beautiful this about basic human rights....its not based on your behavior or your birthright, or your color or gender, because you are HUMAN. They are HUMAN RIGHTS. I personally think that gangs are a waste of time and space and that to live that lifestyle is dangerous and stupid... but they are human. They have the right to vote, the right to make their voices heard. I may not want their input but their rights allow them to have it.
So do you see why I get so angry about this? The same basic rights that everyone else has, will be taken away from me and my community, because we are different.
I swear on everything I hold dear, if Prop 8 passes, I'm going to start silk screening shirts with phrases like:
"Please discriminate against me. Prop 8 allows it."
"Bigotry is now LEGAL! Thanks California!!"
"Prop 8 Passed, watch out Non-Caucasians...YOU'RE NEXT"
"I guess we're good enough to entertain you, but not to be treated equally"
"The Nazi's wanted to take away the rights of those who were different too...thanks for voting yes on 8!!"
"You voted Yes on 8....even though you just LOVED Will & Grace"
"You may have voted Yes on 8, but it's okay cuz you LOVE Ellen"
"Prop 8 allows you to hate me...so now I hate you more."
etc etc.
This kind of angry, violent, hate fueled spite is what goes through my head all the time, ever since Prop 8 was put out there. I dont think its healthy.... but i think more than anything, its not healthy because Im kind of ENJOYING IT.
I have also been thinking that there is WAY too much outside involvement in my life and decisions. I value the opinions and concerns of the people around me, who care about me...but i have noticed lately that sometimes, if you don't see eye to eye, the concern is followed by venomous judgment. I don't need that. I feel like regardless of what I do with my life and my resources, as a friend, support is what you should give. Advice, Concern, support. I have also noticed in a lot of situations, not just with friends but in general... where if you have some decision to make, and you dont make that decision exactly the way someone else would...and your decision turns out to be wrong, then you get no help from them because you didnt do it the way they wouldve. I think that is shitty. I mean I had a friend who had money problem a few years back, and I basically did a budget for him that wouldve solved his problem in two months, but he did his own way and it took him 9 months...and caused a problem with his school... and I didnt say "well dont come cryin to me." i was still there for him. I may not ever put in THAT much effort to fix his problems....but Im still there for him when his decisions backfire. Cuz that is what a friend does.
What else...ummm OH I have been thinking about the future...what have I done to prepare for my future? Not a whole lot. I mean I have mastered the art of survival. Ive been through more shit that most people who believe but Im did, and Im still here. But I need to prepare for the future. Im almost 30 after all. I'm still gonna seek out money making opportunities every chance I get. Im still going to do odd jobs, Im still going to try to start my own business eventually. I still want to go to school and become a computer geek, cuz thats where the money is!! Maybe something like Dental Assistance cuz I can deal with mouths. Or XRay technician work...I cant deal with Blood or guts...ew.
Maybe Orthodoncia....i went through it, there was no blood involved.
Either way, My future will not be bleak. I will not grow old in Camarillo, alone, and busting my ass to barely make ends meet. I will have a retirement account, I will have a love and a home and a savings account. I will have child who will carry on my family name and my families nutty characteristics, I will have an IRA or a CD or something financial..cuz i think those thingys are good to have right??
Either way, my existence will not be THIS forever. Although I love my apartment, I love my roommate because she is amazing...but Its not what I want for the rest of my life.
There is a fire inside...and it's time I let it out and used it. The Evolution Revolution begins with me.
October 10, 2008
Actual Work Conversation
Steve: Hey Andru, could you tell me if Mike is in route to the Greenburg property?
Me: Sure..*starts typing* ...hey Steve, would you like a piece of gum........PLEASE.
Steve: hahaha why does my breath stink?
Me: No...its worse than that. Its passed stink and moved on to rotting stench. It's like sour milk, cigar smoke, and a dead Pomeranian....
This has been....an actual work conversation.
Me: Sure..*starts typing* ...hey Steve, would you like a piece of gum........PLEASE.
Steve: hahaha why does my breath stink?
Me: No...its worse than that. Its passed stink and moved on to rotting stench. It's like sour milk, cigar smoke, and a dead Pomeranian....
This has been....an actual work conversation.
The Name Game
I am still debating on what to name my new car.
I want it to be pretty, I want it to fit the car, but I want an underlying strength to it.
I named the Hyundai (for those who dont understand accent, I will spell them how they sound)... "Rikku" (Ree-koo) and she was named after a video game character who I really admired because she was sweet, funny, naive, and scrappy yet lethal and skilled.
Later, I stumbled on a website that explained names, and "Rikku" is part feminine and part masculine. The masculine name Ryoku and the Feminine name Reika...I was reading that there is a nick-name for the masculine Ryoku that is "Riku", so the only translation available that would explain the name "Rikku" is a girl who is would be considered a beautiful tom-boy... the tom boy who grew up to be the hottie but still maintained the tom boy characteristics.... and I thought that was freaking cool. Cuz my little Hyundai was both Feminine and Masculine and was pretty & scrappy all at the same time.
With this in mind I am lost as to what to name my Honda. I want to it to have a somewhat Asian feel to it because it is a Japanese car, but I want it to be beautiful and strong as well...I guess who the inspiration for the name is could play a part in that. OH ALSO...I havent been able to pin point whether the Honda's energy feels Masculine or Feminine....so I dont if I should give it a male or female name.
Either way here are some names I am tossing around:
Female names:
Kairi (Ky-Ree)
Suki (Soo-Kee)
Mai (May)
Tai Li (Tie-Lee)
Male names:
I think the front runners are Kairi and Mai for female....and Aang and Roku for Male.
Any suggestions or input is welcome.
wow, thanks for NOT giving me any suggestions guys, means alot. hahahahahaha
I decided that her energy is definitely fierce fiesty yet cool and collected female, so I went with Mei.
My car's name is Mei.
OH and her windows are now tinted. she is super sexy
That is all.
I want it to be pretty, I want it to fit the car, but I want an underlying strength to it.
I named the Hyundai (for those who dont understand accent, I will spell them how they sound)... "Rikku" (Ree-koo) and she was named after a video game character who I really admired because she was sweet, funny, naive, and scrappy yet lethal and skilled.
Later, I stumbled on a website that explained names, and "Rikku" is part feminine and part masculine. The masculine name Ryoku and the Feminine name Reika...I was reading that there is a nick-name for the masculine Ryoku that is "Riku", so the only translation available that would explain the name "Rikku" is a girl who is would be considered a beautiful tom-boy... the tom boy who grew up to be the hottie but still maintained the tom boy characteristics.... and I thought that was freaking cool. Cuz my little Hyundai was both Feminine and Masculine and was pretty & scrappy all at the same time.
With this in mind I am lost as to what to name my Honda. I want to it to have a somewhat Asian feel to it because it is a Japanese car, but I want it to be beautiful and strong as well...I guess who the inspiration for the name is could play a part in that. OH ALSO...I havent been able to pin point whether the Honda's energy feels Masculine or Feminine....so I dont if I should give it a male or female name.
Either way here are some names I am tossing around:
Female names:
Kairi (Ky-Ree)
Suki (Soo-Kee)
Mai (May)
Tai Li (Tie-Lee)
Male names:
I think the front runners are Kairi and Mai for female....and Aang and Roku for Male.
Any suggestions or input is welcome.
wow, thanks for NOT giving me any suggestions guys, means alot. hahahahahaha
I decided that her energy is definitely fierce fiesty yet cool and collected female, so I went with Mei.
My car's name is Mei.
OH and her windows are now tinted. she is super sexy
That is all.
I have some very important information that you NEED to know:
1. I need a hair cut.
2. I think it's so cute that my friend Jamie will laugh uncontrollably if someone calls her or refers to anyone, as a "Window Licker"
3. I think it's so cute that my friend Katie will laugh uncontrollably if someone farts.
4. I can has new car.
5. I haven't eaten red meat in 17 days. I dont know why...I just havent...and Im gonna continue not eating red meat because I need to bring down my cholesterol...which is good right?
This has been important information that you NEEDED to know.
1. I need a hair cut.
2. I think it's so cute that my friend Jamie will laugh uncontrollably if someone calls her or refers to anyone, as a "Window Licker"
3. I think it's so cute that my friend Katie will laugh uncontrollably if someone farts.
4. I can has new car.
5. I haven't eaten red meat in 17 days. I dont know why...I just havent...and Im gonna continue not eating red meat because I need to bring down my cholesterol...which is good right?
This has been important information that you NEEDED to know.
Okay, so I have been thinking alot about my political blogs that are DRIPPING with disdain...and fueled by hate. Now, I am not going to play the "hate doesnt defeat hate" card... cuz fuck that. We have been hated and treated poorly for far too long, and I have no problem, or regret about turning the tables and throwing hatred right back, cuz two wrongs may not make a right...but they make it EVEN.
That will be saved for another blog....this blog is a bit of a retraction, and a bit of clarity...
I realized last night that not EVERY person who supports Prop 8 is a Nazi Bigot. There are alot of people who are either Uneducated and just dont know anything other that the lies "Protect Marriage" is spewing...or they are sympathetic, but believe different things.
Many people I have talked to, think that Gays should have every LEGAL right as any other person, but for their own religious beliefs, they do not agree with gay marriage, as a religious binding.
Not being a religious person myself, this doesn't bother me. My relationship with the higher power is my own, and I dont need an organized religious group to validate or justify it. So to those people, who believe in equality, but maybe just dont know better, or have religious choices...I hope my blog does not offend you.
There are people who jumped on the Prop 8 bandwagon, for no other reason than to be hateful. They dont like gays for their own personal reasons, and because they are such cowards, they see safety in numbers, so they join a group...this is the kind of stupidity and cowardly thinking that gets ridiculous propositions passed. EDUCATE. UNITE. FIGHT.
I don't speak for all homosexuals...though I would LOVE to... but I for one stand by my words, my actions, and my beliefs. I will fight for my rights. I will fight for my life. I will fight anyone who tries to discriminate against me. I am NOT the peaceful protest type. I start fires. LOL
WHO'S WITH ME?!?!!?!? hahahahahahahahaha
That will be saved for another blog....this blog is a bit of a retraction, and a bit of clarity...
I realized last night that not EVERY person who supports Prop 8 is a Nazi Bigot. There are alot of people who are either Uneducated and just dont know anything other that the lies "Protect Marriage" is spewing...or they are sympathetic, but believe different things.
Many people I have talked to, think that Gays should have every LEGAL right as any other person, but for their own religious beliefs, they do not agree with gay marriage, as a religious binding.
Not being a religious person myself, this doesn't bother me. My relationship with the higher power is my own, and I dont need an organized religious group to validate or justify it. So to those people, who believe in equality, but maybe just dont know better, or have religious choices...I hope my blog does not offend you.
There are people who jumped on the Prop 8 bandwagon, for no other reason than to be hateful. They dont like gays for their own personal reasons, and because they are such cowards, they see safety in numbers, so they join a group...this is the kind of stupidity and cowardly thinking that gets ridiculous propositions passed. EDUCATE. UNITE. FIGHT.
I don't speak for all homosexuals...though I would LOVE to... but I for one stand by my words, my actions, and my beliefs. I will fight for my rights. I will fight for my life. I will fight anyone who tries to discriminate against me. I am NOT the peaceful protest type. I start fires. LOL
WHO'S WITH ME?!?!!?!? hahahahahahahahaha
October 9, 2008
More of Zara's insight:
After thanking her for her amazing bulletin, and praising her mind and words...my friend Zara replied with this...and I found it to be yet another pearl of wisdom. B-T-dubs people....Zara is the reason I HAVE THIS BLOG...she told me about it, and the adsense money making thing, and the blogger.com place where I host my blog...so thank her when you see her.
Zara: "Ultimately, I try to look at the world through my daughter's eyes. I'm going to die before she does, as destiny SHOULD have it at least. I want her to have a world of opportunities, an open mind, a giving heart.
For Liv, a child who knows not to hate people for any underlying circumstances other than how that person treats her, I consider her judgment superior to all others. As adults, I think it would serve everyone better to learn from children rather than think that we've got this job to program them. You guide, as a parent, not direct. Wacky idea of mine.
Basically, Liv looks at you, Chris, Raylene and every other gay man and woman in my life and sees YOU. She loves you because you're Andru. Because you make her laugh and because you enjoy Noms as much as she does.
Now, if I could only implant her reflections into the rest of the world, I'd have an easier time sleeping at night."
I think we all would. I wish people could just live and let live and stay out of other peoples lives.
If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex! If you don't like gay people, don't associate with any gay people, if you like abortion, don't have one, if you don't like getting being treated like a 2nd class citizen, then stand up for yourself.
I dont understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.
Zara: "Ultimately, I try to look at the world through my daughter's eyes. I'm going to die before she does, as destiny SHOULD have it at least. I want her to have a world of opportunities, an open mind, a giving heart.
For Liv, a child who knows not to hate people for any underlying circumstances other than how that person treats her, I consider her judgment superior to all others. As adults, I think it would serve everyone better to learn from children rather than think that we've got this job to program them. You guide, as a parent, not direct. Wacky idea of mine.
Basically, Liv looks at you, Chris, Raylene and every other gay man and woman in my life and sees YOU. She loves you because you're Andru. Because you make her laugh and because you enjoy Noms as much as she does.
Now, if I could only implant her reflections into the rest of the world, I'd have an easier time sleeping at night."
I think we all would. I wish people could just live and let live and stay out of other peoples lives.
If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex! If you don't like gay people, don't associate with any gay people, if you like abortion, don't have one, if you don't like getting being treated like a 2nd class citizen, then stand up for yourself.
I dont understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.
The New Plan
Okay, so there is a Professor at Pepperdine University School of Law, named Richard Peterson who appeared in a PROTECT MARRIAGE YES ON PROP 8 commercial....he is spewing lies saying "If prop 8 fails, schools will be FORCED to teach and preach gay marriage to your children" LIES
So since he was BRAVE enough to appear on the bigoted website, he should be brave enough todeal with a few emails and phone calls. :-) I think we should email and call him and tell him what we think of his NAZI mentality. He is a Nazi, supporters of Prop 8 and the creators of prop 8...NAZI NAZI NAZI.
So I encourage you to email and call Professor Richard Peterson of Pepperdine University...and LOOK AT THIS...I did a little digging...and found his contact info.
Email Professor Peterson at Richard.Peterson@pepperdine.edu
Call Professor Peterson at 310.506.4094
So since he was BRAVE enough to appear on the bigoted website, he should be brave enough todeal with a few emails and phone calls. :-) I think we should email and call him and tell him what we think of his NAZI mentality. He is a Nazi, supporters of Prop 8 and the creators of prop 8...NAZI NAZI NAZI.
So I encourage you to email and call Professor Richard Peterson of Pepperdine University...and LOOK AT THIS...I did a little digging...and found his contact info.
Email Professor Peterson at Richard.Peterson@pepperdine.edu
Call Professor Peterson at 310.506.4094
pepperdine university,
proposition 8,
richard peterson
This is why Zara is my friend:
Zara, who is the kind of successful blogger I aspire to be, is a friend of mine, and an amazing thinker and writer. Nevermind that I kinda wanna do naughty things with her boyfriend... I cant help it, I just wanna squeeze him, he is adorable... moving on,
Zara has an amazing point of view! I'm not saying this because I happen to agree with her most of the time, but because she is fearless in her presentation of her point of view. Like myself, she has little to no fear about voicing her opinion, to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Below is a blog she wrote regarding Proposition 8.
Im sure many of you are tired of my ranting about politics, wondering why Im not blogging about stupid people, work stress, bad drivers, douchebags, classy ladies, and my daily experiences with ROller Derby, friends, travels, and adventures. Well this is something I am passionate about because YOUR VOTE, and the votes of my fellow Californians...determines MY future, MY rights, and MY LIFE. Yes, Andru is more than a funny, goofy, loud mouthed fun loving homo-bear....he is actually an adult with a complex mind and serious opinionated side....weird I know.
Anyway, Zara wrote this and I was beyond impressed...I was touched. She even bulletined it on MySpace with the post saying "For Andru" She dedicated it to her gays...and this is why she is amazing. I know some people will not share her opinion, and thats fine...but this is MY BLOG and I personally agree with her and Im posting it....so there!! boom.
Be a Straight Without Hate: Vote No on Prop 8 (the attempt that actually posted)
Category: News and Politics
Hey there. Bet you're thinking... "Great, more political bullshit from Zara, that chick who used to know her place and dance like our monkey writing blogs about inane shit."
Well, it's kinda what I've been thinking about lately too.
A few weeks back, People Magazine featured a cover story about actress Portia de Rossi and talk show host Ellen Degeneres getting married. Glossy stills from their storybook wedding filled the center of the middle of the road circular. People were happy to be reading about Portia and Ellen in People. Hell, I think it's a line in all doctors' and dentists' oaths that they're required to keep the publication in their offices for their patrons to peruse.
Here in California, the state which most of the rest of the country regards as being forever a blue one, the state filled with hippies and their medical marijuana, we're STILL facing a crisis over same-sex marriages. First they were approved. Then our governator revoked those rights. Then the Supreme Courts ruled that the marriages would stand. Now? Well, now we face a proposition on our ballots trying to convince the people to overturn those rights AGAIN.
See, we haven't always been a blue state. In 1988, Bush Sr. colored us red. Same with Reagan in the 1984 and 1980 elections. The common assumption is that California is primarily Democrats mainly because our Democrats aren't going quietly into the night. We have celebrity clout on our blue side and being a Republican is a dirty word. Myself and my Sharpies have been thorns in the Conservative side for years.
But numbers are numbers. While our state also boasts the first openly gay political figure in San Francisco's Harvey Milk, we also have plenty of opponents to free thinking. Milk was a member of the San Fran Board of Supervisors and was so beloved a character that his story has been turned into an Oscar-buzz film featuring the ever-controversial Sean Penn. Once again, parading out the gays for everyone's enjoyment.
But Milk was also murdered along with San Fran mayor George Moscone. The shooter was Dan White, another city supervisor who blamed his fear of Milk's homosexuality and popularity as being part of the catalyst in the murders, as well as his desire to withdraw his resignation from his seat. Milk rallied to get together not just the gay community within his district, but had pull amongst others who overall regarded him to be an honest and decent man.
I personally believe that the fear of his popularity drove the murder more than his sexual orientation. Fuck. I hate that phrase. I hate that people who don't get the tingles from the opposite sex have to completely redefine their expression of love and lust. That they have even the smallest of things, like the designation of bride and groom on a marriage application, standing in their way. California has been more accepting of adding Spanish to every governmental form than being neutral in its other specifications.
So... here's the gay marriage opponent's main argument. Same-sex marriages "ruin" what is supposed to be "sacred" about marriage.
Hmmm.... Let's think about that for awhile. Not just the easy pot-shot jokes at hillbilly weddings or the ludicrous idea that Bristol Palin is more prepared for marriage than two adult, college-educated and highly paid and employed tax-paying men might be. Let's think about the very basic sentiment behind the thought that marriage is something "sacred."
Most people who oppose same-sex marriage are copping behind their bibles and whining that it wasn't what god would want. I'm not an expert on any religion in particular, nor do I ever care to be. But the basic lesson which I thought sprung from Christianity was that you're not allowed to judge. That only god can. That you're supposed to be accepting.
Why is it that people who claim to be Christians can never follow through on what they claim to be experts at: their own faith?
Proposition 8, the very fact that we're arguing at all about who can marry whom, it's all a fucking joke to me. Marriage, in fact, is a fucking joke to me.
Little known fact about me? Something that I never discussed before in my blogs? I've been married. I did it for legal reasons, because I see marriage as nothing more than that: a legal binding agreement that the court has to hold up for you. I did it so that my daughter would supposedly have support, no matter what. Lot of good it ended up doing for me, causing me more trouble than it was worth.
But my point remains: in the eyes of the law, marriage is simply a binding contract between two people.
If you're under 18, you can get parental consent to get married. Your parents have to sign your marriage documents for you. Why? Because people under 18 can't enter into a legal agreement. It's, well... illegal. They can't hold credit cards in their own name or get car loans. Hell, my kid can't even have a savings account without my name being attached to it.
Marriage isn't sacred in the eyes of the law. It's a way of collecting debt if your spouse defaults on a loan or taxes. It's a way for you to get a different filing status come April 15th. It's how the hospitals are able to find the responsible party when it comes time to pull the plug on a vegetable. Law doesn't give a shit if you attend church or if you don't. It doesn't care if you have kids unless you're asking for governmental assistance for them.
Law has nothing to do with religious, faith-based bullshit.
That's why it's called separation of church and state.
I can't understand being pro-discrimination. Every single person, aside from the straight, white, affluent males of this world, has something about them that people in the past have tried to legally repress.
Women? Well, if you have a brain and a uterus, you can't possibly figure out how to use them both at the same time. Blacks? Baby, you're still only a couple generations removed from slavery. Religious? You've got to be a nutjob fanatic. Atheist? You've got to be a nutjob conspiracy theorist. Drink? Impaired alcoholic. Smoke? Worthless, undisciplined addict.
Too young, too old, too fat, too short... anyone speaking under a faith based principle can use that shit against you. Faith isn't based on fact or science. It's based on hope.
Well, and fear.
And law, our gentle goddess of sorts, she's supposed to be blind. Law abolishes the former bullshit about how certain ethnicities couldn't marry. It says that those under 18 are still growing in their mental capacities, not just for their protection from abuse but to ensure that someone is held responsible for their upbringing. That if you're havin' em, you gots to pay for them and keeps them safe from harm.
Law says that if you're black, you can't be told that you're only allowed to sit at the back of the bus. It says that if you're a woman, no one can say that you're not entitled to a college education. That if you're retarded, you can't be given the same consideration for a job than just the average stupid person.
Law allows you to build a church to whatever deity you believe in. It protects you from those who might do harm to you for having your faith. Law even gives your church a fucking tax break.
And sadly... law even provides faith-based, hatred spewing assholes the choice, freedom and ability to vote on whether or not other people have certain rights.
I believe in the law. If I could say that there was anything close to a faith that I have, it's in the law to uphold the beliefs of the people. I just fear what the majority of the people are thinking right now in California. I cringe whenever I see "Yes on Prop 8" stickers on bumpers and I feel physically ill when people in my life that I consider quite admirable are told that they are "lesser than."
And I get absolutely infuriated when I spend a day listening and looking and hurting over this shit and then find out that the nation is watching "Project Runway" with a passion. Gushing over the gay designers. Laughing at gay comedians jokes. Snapping up issues of People with Ellen on the cover. Or Clay.
Treating gay people like monkeys in a cage at the zoo, there for their amusement, but ultimately "less than" them. Fuck that noise.
Vote NO on Prop 8.
what did I tell ya? She is amazing.
Protect Marriage, yes on 8 is lying to California to win the vote.
they say that voting NO will do the following:
1. Remove the Churches Non-Profit tax status (NOT TRUE)
2. Force teachers to teach children that marriage is okay for two people of the same sex. (NOT TRUE)
3. Prove that 4 Supreme Court judges were WRONG to over turn the vote. (NOT TRUE...it will reverse their order, HOWEVER< the reason they overturned the vote was because the law contradicted the constitution by legalizing discrimination...they found a flaw, and fixed it...)
No on 8, regardless of what the bigots will tell you....does NOTHING to tax status of churches, does NOTHING to the Required teaching materials of the state, and doesn't prove anything except that ALL PEOPLE DESERVE EQUAL RIGHTS.
The bigots will tell you that gays already HAVE the same rights under the civil union, but that we want to use the WORD.....GET OVER IT. ITS A WORD.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.... this epiphany came to me last night as I was driving home....
Those of you who support proposition 8 are, by definition, "a group of people who believe that a certain group of people who are different that yourselves, or believe different beliefs that you do, are NOT deserving of the same rights and equal treatment as you."
there was another group of people who rallied together to remove the rights of people who were different and believed different things...
they were call NAZIS. Think about that you fucking hate filled, bigot NAZI!!!!!
Zara has an amazing point of view! I'm not saying this because I happen to agree with her most of the time, but because she is fearless in her presentation of her point of view. Like myself, she has little to no fear about voicing her opinion, to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Below is a blog she wrote regarding Proposition 8.
Im sure many of you are tired of my ranting about politics, wondering why Im not blogging about stupid people, work stress, bad drivers, douchebags, classy ladies, and my daily experiences with ROller Derby, friends, travels, and adventures. Well this is something I am passionate about because YOUR VOTE, and the votes of my fellow Californians...determines MY future, MY rights, and MY LIFE. Yes, Andru is more than a funny, goofy, loud mouthed fun loving homo-bear....he is actually an adult with a complex mind and serious opinionated side....weird I know.
Anyway, Zara wrote this and I was beyond impressed...I was touched. She even bulletined it on MySpace with the post saying "For Andru" She dedicated it to her gays...and this is why she is amazing. I know some people will not share her opinion, and thats fine...but this is MY BLOG and I personally agree with her and Im posting it....so there!! boom.
Be a Straight Without Hate: Vote No on Prop 8 (the attempt that actually posted)
Category: News and Politics
Hey there. Bet you're thinking... "Great, more political bullshit from Zara, that chick who used to know her place and dance like our monkey writing blogs about inane shit."
Well, it's kinda what I've been thinking about lately too.
A few weeks back, People Magazine featured a cover story about actress Portia de Rossi and talk show host Ellen Degeneres getting married. Glossy stills from their storybook wedding filled the center of the middle of the road circular. People were happy to be reading about Portia and Ellen in People. Hell, I think it's a line in all doctors' and dentists' oaths that they're required to keep the publication in their offices for their patrons to peruse.
Here in California, the state which most of the rest of the country regards as being forever a blue one, the state filled with hippies and their medical marijuana, we're STILL facing a crisis over same-sex marriages. First they were approved. Then our governator revoked those rights. Then the Supreme Courts ruled that the marriages would stand. Now? Well, now we face a proposition on our ballots trying to convince the people to overturn those rights AGAIN.
See, we haven't always been a blue state. In 1988, Bush Sr. colored us red. Same with Reagan in the 1984 and 1980 elections. The common assumption is that California is primarily Democrats mainly because our Democrats aren't going quietly into the night. We have celebrity clout on our blue side and being a Republican is a dirty word. Myself and my Sharpies have been thorns in the Conservative side for years.
But numbers are numbers. While our state also boasts the first openly gay political figure in San Francisco's Harvey Milk, we also have plenty of opponents to free thinking. Milk was a member of the San Fran Board of Supervisors and was so beloved a character that his story has been turned into an Oscar-buzz film featuring the ever-controversial Sean Penn. Once again, parading out the gays for everyone's enjoyment.
But Milk was also murdered along with San Fran mayor George Moscone. The shooter was Dan White, another city supervisor who blamed his fear of Milk's homosexuality and popularity as being part of the catalyst in the murders, as well as his desire to withdraw his resignation from his seat. Milk rallied to get together not just the gay community within his district, but had pull amongst others who overall regarded him to be an honest and decent man.
I personally believe that the fear of his popularity drove the murder more than his sexual orientation. Fuck. I hate that phrase. I hate that people who don't get the tingles from the opposite sex have to completely redefine their expression of love and lust. That they have even the smallest of things, like the designation of bride and groom on a marriage application, standing in their way. California has been more accepting of adding Spanish to every governmental form than being neutral in its other specifications.
So... here's the gay marriage opponent's main argument. Same-sex marriages "ruin" what is supposed to be "sacred" about marriage.
Hmmm.... Let's think about that for awhile. Not just the easy pot-shot jokes at hillbilly weddings or the ludicrous idea that Bristol Palin is more prepared for marriage than two adult, college-educated and highly paid and employed tax-paying men might be. Let's think about the very basic sentiment behind the thought that marriage is something "sacred."
Most people who oppose same-sex marriage are copping behind their bibles and whining that it wasn't what god would want. I'm not an expert on any religion in particular, nor do I ever care to be. But the basic lesson which I thought sprung from Christianity was that you're not allowed to judge. That only god can. That you're supposed to be accepting.
Why is it that people who claim to be Christians can never follow through on what they claim to be experts at: their own faith?
Proposition 8, the very fact that we're arguing at all about who can marry whom, it's all a fucking joke to me. Marriage, in fact, is a fucking joke to me.
Little known fact about me? Something that I never discussed before in my blogs? I've been married. I did it for legal reasons, because I see marriage as nothing more than that: a legal binding agreement that the court has to hold up for you. I did it so that my daughter would supposedly have support, no matter what. Lot of good it ended up doing for me, causing me more trouble than it was worth.
But my point remains: in the eyes of the law, marriage is simply a binding contract between two people.
If you're under 18, you can get parental consent to get married. Your parents have to sign your marriage documents for you. Why? Because people under 18 can't enter into a legal agreement. It's, well... illegal. They can't hold credit cards in their own name or get car loans. Hell, my kid can't even have a savings account without my name being attached to it.
Marriage isn't sacred in the eyes of the law. It's a way of collecting debt if your spouse defaults on a loan or taxes. It's a way for you to get a different filing status come April 15th. It's how the hospitals are able to find the responsible party when it comes time to pull the plug on a vegetable. Law doesn't give a shit if you attend church or if you don't. It doesn't care if you have kids unless you're asking for governmental assistance for them.
Law has nothing to do with religious, faith-based bullshit.
That's why it's called separation of church and state.
I can't understand being pro-discrimination. Every single person, aside from the straight, white, affluent males of this world, has something about them that people in the past have tried to legally repress.
Women? Well, if you have a brain and a uterus, you can't possibly figure out how to use them both at the same time. Blacks? Baby, you're still only a couple generations removed from slavery. Religious? You've got to be a nutjob fanatic. Atheist? You've got to be a nutjob conspiracy theorist. Drink? Impaired alcoholic. Smoke? Worthless, undisciplined addict.
Too young, too old, too fat, too short... anyone speaking under a faith based principle can use that shit against you. Faith isn't based on fact or science. It's based on hope.
Well, and fear.
And law, our gentle goddess of sorts, she's supposed to be blind. Law abolishes the former bullshit about how certain ethnicities couldn't marry. It says that those under 18 are still growing in their mental capacities, not just for their protection from abuse but to ensure that someone is held responsible for their upbringing. That if you're havin' em, you gots to pay for them and keeps them safe from harm.
Law says that if you're black, you can't be told that you're only allowed to sit at the back of the bus. It says that if you're a woman, no one can say that you're not entitled to a college education. That if you're retarded, you can't be given the same consideration for a job than just the average stupid person.
Law allows you to build a church to whatever deity you believe in. It protects you from those who might do harm to you for having your faith. Law even gives your church a fucking tax break.
And sadly... law even provides faith-based, hatred spewing assholes the choice, freedom and ability to vote on whether or not other people have certain rights.
I believe in the law. If I could say that there was anything close to a faith that I have, it's in the law to uphold the beliefs of the people. I just fear what the majority of the people are thinking right now in California. I cringe whenever I see "Yes on Prop 8" stickers on bumpers and I feel physically ill when people in my life that I consider quite admirable are told that they are "lesser than."
And I get absolutely infuriated when I spend a day listening and looking and hurting over this shit and then find out that the nation is watching "Project Runway" with a passion. Gushing over the gay designers. Laughing at gay comedians jokes. Snapping up issues of People with Ellen on the cover. Or Clay.
Treating gay people like monkeys in a cage at the zoo, there for their amusement, but ultimately "less than" them. Fuck that noise.
Vote NO on Prop 8.
what did I tell ya? She is amazing.
Protect Marriage, yes on 8 is lying to California to win the vote.
they say that voting NO will do the following:
1. Remove the Churches Non-Profit tax status (NOT TRUE)
2. Force teachers to teach children that marriage is okay for two people of the same sex. (NOT TRUE)
3. Prove that 4 Supreme Court judges were WRONG to over turn the vote. (NOT TRUE...it will reverse their order, HOWEVER< the reason they overturned the vote was because the law contradicted the constitution by legalizing discrimination...they found a flaw, and fixed it...)
No on 8, regardless of what the bigots will tell you....does NOTHING to tax status of churches, does NOTHING to the Required teaching materials of the state, and doesn't prove anything except that ALL PEOPLE DESERVE EQUAL RIGHTS.
The bigots will tell you that gays already HAVE the same rights under the civil union, but that we want to use the WORD.....GET OVER IT. ITS A WORD.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.... this epiphany came to me last night as I was driving home....
Those of you who support proposition 8 are, by definition, "a group of people who believe that a certain group of people who are different that yourselves, or believe different beliefs that you do, are NOT deserving of the same rights and equal treatment as you."
there was another group of people who rallied together to remove the rights of people who were different and believed different things...
they were call NAZIS. Think about that you fucking hate filled, bigot NAZI!!!!!
October 8, 2008
I roll MAD DEEP YO...don't hate.
I got my new car!!! Well its new to me...LOL its a beautiful black 2004 Honda Accord Coupe. Its GORGEOUS, fast, and a HONDA...so it will never die. yay. It drives like a sports car, it feels like a solid smooth luxury car, and it sips gas like hybrid I LOVE IT.
Its so me. I love it. My MySpace quote was very appropriate for my car accident...and it was put on my page way before the accident...its says "This is probably a blessing in disguise...a fucking GOOD disguise." Damn that was a good quote. LOL Maybe my bad horrible skin is the fucking good disguise that means Im meant to marry a hot dermatologist!!! I can dream cant I?
Anyway here is the picture I took last night right before I went home. I haven't settled on a name just yet, Im trying a few out. We will see.....

Isn't she GORGEOUS?!?!?!?!?
Love to you all. PEACE
Its so me. I love it. My MySpace quote was very appropriate for my car accident...and it was put on my page way before the accident...its says "This is probably a blessing in disguise...a fucking GOOD disguise." Damn that was a good quote. LOL Maybe my bad horrible skin is the fucking good disguise that means Im meant to marry a hot dermatologist!!! I can dream cant I?
Anyway here is the picture I took last night right before I went home. I haven't settled on a name just yet, Im trying a few out. We will see.....
Isn't she GORGEOUS?!?!?!?!?
Love to you all. PEACE
October 7, 2008
Dear Bigots,
hello, my name is Andru. I was born and raised in California. I am a homosexual. I am no less a Californian, American, or human than you are.
I personally don't give a fuck about your opinions, beliefs, or desires...I'm sure you feel the same way about me...and that's fine. I want to tell you all...all of you right wing, hate filled, bigoted, hiding-behind-your-religion, self righteous, arrogant, Pro-Prop 8, vote-for-discrimination, closed minded assholes....I am not afraid of you.
I don't know about any other homosexuals out there, but I am not afraid of you. I will not back down to you. I will not turn and run away from you. I WILL; however, fight you with every ounce of strength in my body. I will fight you politically, legally, emotionally, verbally, and physically. I think that every other homo out there should be prepared to do the same. I am not a peace loving hippy who will hold signs and cry...oh no. I will throw blows, kick you in the face, and call you horrible names. I will flip off every car I see with a "Vote yes on 8" sticker...whether they are driving like an asshole or not...youre gettin the finger...and I DARE YOU to pull me over and ask me why...cuz Ill tell you with no fear.
Even if Proposition 8 passes, and another idiot Republican becomes president...you will not win, because WE WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING.
I do not fear you or your kind...but I think it's time you feared me and my kind.
In closing, to all of you who believe Homosexual are beneath you, I say:
Bring it on Mother Fuckers.
Warmest Regards,
I personally don't give a fuck about your opinions, beliefs, or desires...I'm sure you feel the same way about me...and that's fine. I want to tell you all...all of you right wing, hate filled, bigoted, hiding-behind-your-religion, self righteous, arrogant, Pro-Prop 8, vote-for-discrimination, closed minded assholes....I am not afraid of you.
I don't know about any other homosexuals out there, but I am not afraid of you. I will not back down to you. I will not turn and run away from you. I WILL; however, fight you with every ounce of strength in my body. I will fight you politically, legally, emotionally, verbally, and physically. I think that every other homo out there should be prepared to do the same. I am not a peace loving hippy who will hold signs and cry...oh no. I will throw blows, kick you in the face, and call you horrible names. I will flip off every car I see with a "Vote yes on 8" sticker...whether they are driving like an asshole or not...youre gettin the finger...and I DARE YOU to pull me over and ask me why...cuz Ill tell you with no fear.
Even if Proposition 8 passes, and another idiot Republican becomes president...you will not win, because WE WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING.
I do not fear you or your kind...but I think it's time you feared me and my kind.
In closing, to all of you who believe Homosexual are beneath you, I say:
Bring it on Mother Fuckers.
Warmest Regards,
October 6, 2008
This is very important. The radio station KFI...who broadcasts that snail trail-idiot Dr. Laura...is a Radio station that promotes HATRED and DISCRIMINATION. They took money from the "Protect Marriage" hate mongers, AND AIRED A HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE AND BIGOTED COMMERCIAL.
The commercial said "We've tolerated gays all this time...now they want us to ACCEPT THEM??"
Its time for HATE MAIL. Check KFI's website, and send them hate mail. That is horrible.
Im about ready to GIVE people a reason to hate homo's. Im about to get real ugly real fast. This fag BASHES BACK...and no Im not the Ghandi type of homo...I will use violence. :-)
I have no problem physically defending my right to be treated equally under the constitution. Bring it on.
The commercial said "We've tolerated gays all this time...now they want us to ACCEPT THEM??"
Its time for HATE MAIL. Check KFI's website, and send them hate mail. That is horrible.
Im about ready to GIVE people a reason to hate homo's. Im about to get real ugly real fast. This fag BASHES BACK...and no Im not the Ghandi type of homo...I will use violence. :-)
I have no problem physically defending my right to be treated equally under the constitution. Bring it on.
October 3, 2008
Douche Baggery: The Inflate-a-Douche
Really??? He doesnt even look Human. looks like an orange painted RealDoll that was a mistake in the factory. The male figure somehow got lipstick, and J-Lo eye brows.
Someone Smack his momma for raising him to think this is acceptable. Look at him. WHY do these people think this is appealing?
what is wrong with them?
Hey bitches!!
SOrry I wasnt able to blog yesterday, VERY BUSY DAY... work was MISERY yesterday, then afterwork I had a little chill time then I had to skidaddle to Ventura to help my BFF Tim sew flags. Yes, Flag Sewing Fags....and some hetero girls. It was actually a fuck ton of fun!! Im gonna buy a sewing machine here soon and start creating shit. Ill probably customize stuff...not actually create stuff from scratch...Im not tryin to be on project runway....unless Keith comes back...*yummy* he was gorgeous and I wanted to lick his shoulder/neck tattoo. mmmmm.
anyway, so I have my insurance payout info for the car accident and Im gonna be JUST FINE!!! Im hoping to get my car this weekend. :-) TRUST, there will be pictures posted of my new car, cuz Im a dork like that.
I HAVE A NEW NOM!!! Courtesy of Honey Hematoma:
Killer Frog...NOM ATTACK!!!
SOrry I wasnt able to blog yesterday, VERY BUSY DAY... work was MISERY yesterday, then afterwork I had a little chill time then I had to skidaddle to Ventura to help my BFF Tim sew flags. Yes, Flag Sewing Fags....and some hetero girls. It was actually a fuck ton of fun!! Im gonna buy a sewing machine here soon and start creating shit. Ill probably customize stuff...not actually create stuff from scratch...Im not tryin to be on project runway....unless Keith comes back...*yummy* he was gorgeous and I wanted to lick his shoulder/neck tattoo. mmmmm.
anyway, so I have my insurance payout info for the car accident and Im gonna be JUST FINE!!! Im hoping to get my car this weekend. :-) TRUST, there will be pictures posted of my new car, cuz Im a dork like that.
I HAVE A NEW NOM!!! Courtesy of Honey Hematoma:
Killer Frog...NOM ATTACK!!!
October 1, 2008
Don Ostrov
Don Ostrov is a horrible, cantankerous, rotten old FUCK whom I hope chokes and dies a slow painful death....gets eaten by dogs, and his children have to find him half eaten.
I hate him. He is rude, thoughtless, and undeserving of sympathy, understanding, or anything good in any way.
Yay now that I have vented...back to work. :-)
I hate him. He is rude, thoughtless, and undeserving of sympathy, understanding, or anything good in any way.
Yay now that I have vented...back to work. :-)
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