I am still debating on what to name my new car.
I want it to be pretty, I want it to fit the car, but I want an underlying strength to it.
I named the Hyundai (for those who dont understand accent, I will spell them how they sound)... "Rikku" (Ree-koo) and she was named after a video game character who I really admired because she was sweet, funny, naive, and scrappy yet lethal and skilled.
Later, I stumbled on a website that explained names, and "Rikku" is part feminine and part masculine. The masculine name Ryoku and the Feminine name Reika...I was reading that there is a nick-name for the masculine Ryoku that is "Riku", so the only translation available that would explain the name "Rikku" is a girl who is would be considered a beautiful tom-boy... the tom boy who grew up to be the hottie but still maintained the tom boy characteristics.... and I thought that was freaking cool. Cuz my little Hyundai was both Feminine and Masculine and was pretty & scrappy all at the same time.
With this in mind I am lost as to what to name my Honda. I want to it to have a somewhat Asian feel to it because it is a Japanese car, but I want it to be beautiful and strong as well...I guess who the inspiration for the name is could play a part in that. OH ALSO...I havent been able to pin point whether the Honda's energy feels Masculine or Feminine....so I dont if I should give it a male or female name.
Either way here are some names I am tossing around:
Female names:
Kairi (Ky-Ree)
Suki (Soo-Kee)
Mai (May)
Tai Li (Tie-Lee)
Male names:
I think the front runners are Kairi and Mai for female....and Aang and Roku for Male.
Any suggestions or input is welcome.
wow, thanks for NOT giving me any suggestions guys, means alot. hahahahahaha
I decided that her energy is definitely fierce fiesty yet cool and collected female, so I went with Mei.
My car's name is Mei.
OH and her windows are now tinted. she is super sexy
That is all.
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