February 20, 2009

Seriously? More hatred from Utah?

As if the rest of us NEED more of a reason to despise Utah... I know there are good people in Utah, there are good people everywhere...but I mean COME...ON. There is already a stereo type about Utahns...why make it worse? *sigh* on yeah, cuz these people are fucking idiots.

I just heard an unbelievable interview where State Senator Chris
Buttars of Utah called LGBT Americans "probably the greatest
threat to America...I know of."

With the country fighting two wars and the economy in freefall,
you'd think there would be other things that would keep Sen.
Buttars up at night.

Don't let them get away with ignorant homophobia. Click below to
tell the President of the Utah Senate that Sen. Buttars should
be condemned or censured.


Words matter. They can't just be laughed of shrugged off. In the
same interview, Sen. Buttars also called homosexuals "the
meanest buggers I've ever seen." That's exactly the kind of
rhetoric that creates an atmosphere conducive to violent hate

Will Utah's leaders turn a blind eye? Will they tolerate open
bigotry? Write to them today and demand accountability.


1 comment:

Krazee Kate said...

This is some bullshit! He's essentially equating the LGBT community to terrorist! I sent my e-mail!