February 11, 2009

Prop 8, the Sequal: Mormon Money may not be enough this time.

The fight for marriage equality in 2009 hasn't slowed down at all. We have lots of news in the last month and plenty to look forward to in the next.

- Prop 8: the Sequel, opens March 5 -

All eyes are on California as the battle for marriage equality accelerates in preparation for State Supreme Court arguments on March 5. Ken Starr, the legal architect behind the anti-equality movement, has gone on record suggesting the state should exit the marriage business entirely. Is this a sign he already expects a loss?

In preparation for this battle, we've taken a look at the legal arguments of CA Supreme Court Justice Marvin Baxter, the most strident legal enemy of marriage equality in the Supreme Court decision last May.

- Lies, damn lies, and the Mormon Church -

To no one's surprise, the multi-billion dollar political ringleader of prop 8 donated 100 times more money than previously reported during the election season. Could lying to the election commission be what causes the Mormon Church to lose its tax-exempt status in CA?

As if this deception wasn't enough, during the election the Mormon Church claimed to support full legal rights for gay couples so long as the word "marriage" was reserved for heterosexuals. This was a claim meant to pacify nominal California conservatives whose church told them one thing but conscience another. Now, a bill that would have allowed Utahns to sue if a same-sex partner suffers a wrongful death was killed by Mormon hands.

The church was dealt a blow when its attempts to hide the identities of donors to prop 8 was rejected out of hand by a California judge. "If there ever needs to be sunshine on a political issue, it is with a ballot measure," the Judge ruled. Amen.

- Gay marriage around the Union -

Wyoming has added itself to the auspicious list of states that have shaken off the moral poison of evangelical extremists when the state Senate killed a bill similar to prop 8. Given the dark cloud that hangs over Wyoming as the state that bred the torture and murder of Matthew Shephard, this is a positive step, and proof of the growing strength of the marriage equality cause even in conservative areas.

In New York, the state Senate has said that equality will come in 2010, once the necessary number of votes are secured. This may involve donations in the next New York senate race to deliver the needed votes, so be prepared for future fund raising drives.

Ohio has swung to the right side of the marriage equality battle: a christian church now refuses to grant marriage licenses until marriage equality is a reality for all couples in their state. We need to engage more churches like this to spread our message.

Nationally, support for gay marriage in the US Senate has jumped 300% in the past year. Combine this with the two rulings that raise "serious" constitutional questions about DOMA, and it may mean a full DOMA repeal may not be far away.

Hope/wish/pray for our lawyers who will be fighting our case in March!

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