okay, so I have these moments when I look around and start to notice weird shit. Like the fact that we drive on Parkways and park on Driveways...but that's not really all that fun or interesting... however, I have noticed a lot of weird things about myself... and here is a list:
1. I have become quite the Chunky Peanut Butter lover! I woke up at 2:30 this morning CRAVING chunky peanut butter, so I went into the kitchen, grabbed a spoon, grabbed the PB and dug a lil spoonful out, put the jar back, and sat on my balcony, enjoying the cool night air, and my little spoonful of peanut butter. Went back inside, had a glass of milk and then went back to bed.
2. I am quite the Milk drinker. I mean, I've been a milk drinker since I was a kid...that's how it was in my family, kids had milk with breakfast and dinner. Unless we wanted Juice. It was like an unspoken rule, adults had wine, or beer, or soda with dinner, kids had water or milk. As an adult, I Love Milk. I drink it....cuz I enjoy it. I am the guy who buys the two gallons for $4.50 every week or so. I use it for everything, cereal, cooking, baking, drinking...everything. What's weirder is that I have become such a creature of habit, that there are some foods I won't eat unless I have milk to accompany it. The following foods do not appeal to me unless I have milk:
Any baked good or pastry
breakfast food of any kind
Pasta's with cream sauces
Anything with Pesto Sauce
Mac & Cheese
PB & J
...well anything with peanut butter really...
Pot Pies
Tuna Noodle Casserole
Pasta w/ butter & cheese
Little Caesars $5 Pizza (sometimes, I wont, but usually I do)
3. I hate cutting my nails. I don't want them long and gross...I just don't want them to grow. Because I hate taking the time to sit down and cut my finger and toe nails.
4. I have weird outer toes. The little baby toes...mine are weird looking. They kinda freak me out.
5. Roller Derby has changed my way of thinking. For example...my friends have told me time and time again that I drive like a hellion. My ex called me "Captain Crazy" on the freeway. One friend has said more than once "Andy tried to kill me!!!" Which is lame because SHE is the one who needed to be at LAX by 3 and wasn't ready to go until 1:30. I was just trying to get her there on time. Anyway, thanks to Derby, I see this differently, Im not an asshole driver, I'm a Jammer :-) I'm just trying to get past the Blockers and the Pivots. On the Road of life, there are Blockers, and there are Jammers. I am a Jammer behind the wheel.
6. I make fun of emo kids alot. It's not because they look a certain way or anything like that....its the emo "whoa is me" bullshit that is so unnecessary. If you're so unhappy, do something to change it, or shut up. But they are fun to make fun of... which is sad, but true. HOWEVER... sometimes, some of those emo boys...are REALLY hot.
7. Goth people, the full on pale makeup, black everything else, Marilyn Manson-esque just...full on "I shit Bats" Goth kids...freak me out when they smile and laugh. It just seems so...unnatural. LMAO. But I like Goth kids, they are usually very creative and artistic...all be it, a big downer to be around sometimes, BUT I respect them.
8. Whenever someone asks "Who are you?" I almost instinctively respond "who do you want me to be?"
9. I love that when I go to Outlaws, there may be a few hetero douchebags who don't like the gay guy in the bar... but you see, the two hottie bartender girls...are my friends, (shout out to my girls Jessy and Kelly) and the two big burly scary bouncers at the door, smile and hug me when I arrive. BOOM.
10. Blasphemy make me laugh. I try to be respectful of religions and people's religious beliefs (except the Mormons, fuck those civil rights stealing douche-jockeys) but honestly, I can't help it, blasphemy is hysterical.
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