November 5, 2008

MSAC is amazing

Once again, the MySpace Award Center / guy is fucking amazing.


You screwed up

Ok so here's what I don't get.

The nastiness. The ease with which people let racist and offensive comments fall out of their mouths about Barack Obama. So many people in my opinion who look away from the negative things they may have done, too cowardly to face the mistakes they may have caused by voting for the wrong president in the past.

John McCain lost this election because he assumed American women were so shallow that if he tossed a female into the ring anyone with a vagina would vote for him. Why aren't all the loud mouthed finger pointers screaming their frustrations about John McCain's GIGANTIC misjudgment? That is why he lost. If he had chosen Mit Romney he probably would have won.

If you were a decent person you'd be disappointed in your candidate for making a really bad decision. But you can't admit that. You aren't a fair person. You can only now express your disgust for the candidate that won because your team lost, and for good reason.

Your team lost because you put George Bush into the White house......twice.

The truth is many people in this country are afraid. If you are straight and white and moderately well off financially, then you have never had to question otherwise. The ONLY thing that makes you nervous is when people who are not exactly like you want a fair shake.

What might that mean to your lifestyle?

There are people who are different. There are different beliefs and cultures. Not everyone is Christian.

Ask yourself this honestly. Are you respectful of people who are different or do you insist that they follow your rules and social behavior? How do you feel about people who are not Christian? Do you feel you have the right to insisted they live by your beliefs? Are you truly a kind and compassionate person or do you pretend to be, saying please and thank you because it's what good people do?

After the past eight disastrous years how can anyone who participated in creating this mess honestly have the nerve to tell anyone who they should vote for?

John McCain didn't just lose, he was SLAUGHTERED. Because Americans are sick of the same old bullshit. Point your angry little accusatory fingers at yourselves because YOU created this mess. If a Democrat in office makes you angry, have the courage to admit that is was because you made the horrible mistake that swayed Americans in the other direction."

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