November 11, 2008

Slowing down

Well, it has been a crazy month and we're only 11 days in. The election was amazing, I never thought I would see the day that a black man would become president. I couldn't be happier. Its a sign of hope and change and acceptance in this country. Although I fear greatly for Obama, because I know there will be attempts on his life, and I hope that none of them succeed. Regardless of what his color is, and what your political views are, he is now our president and he worked very hard to get there and he deserves his chance to prove himself.

With such a great step forward, there is also a great step backwards. Prop 8 has passed. I am now a second class least in the eyes of 52% of the voters in California. This is sickening. I am ashamed to be from California, and I am ashamed of my country and my fellow americans for allowing such discrimination to exist in this country...the land of the "free." Im sure that prop 8 is not permanent, it will be changed or removed, its just a matter of time. So don't gloat prop 8 people, cuz I'll hit you. Then rub it in your face when its overturned.

What else...oh today is my Mom's birthday! YAY. I love my mommy. she fuckin rocks.
You dont even know, she is the coolest. So Happy Birthday to Pretty.

I'm thrilled to announce that VCDD's "B" team KICKED FUCKING ASS AT THE OC GAME!!! Krazee Kate, Dr.Gyn 'o' Might, Anita Slapahoe, Lady Death, LaJefa, Hitman Heidi, Vendetta Vixen, Afternoon DD-Delight, Juv E. Nile, B-Stroyer, Clobberella (god I hope I didnt forget anyone) and everyone else were fantastic and did an amazing job! These bitches were so focused and on their game...Im so proud. VCDD BITCHES...WHAT?!?!!?!?
I can't overlook my Derby Husband/Hetero boyfriend Craig...he did a great job reffing, even though he kinda fell once, BUT it was cool cuz he jumped over two blockers who fell in front of him and landed on his skates!! I was impressed. Good job Craig.

I also met an amazing guy. We have been talking for a little while, but got to meet, and he is...well...just a genuinely good guy. He is funny, smart, driven, and I like him...ALOT. The situation is complicated for now, but hopefully in another month or two the complications will clear up and things will lighten up a bit. He knows how I feel about him so its all good.

I got sick, pretty bad, which SUCKS...I hate being sick. I usually blame someone around me, ya know, someone who was sick and gave it to me...I think I can blame Kendall cuz he was sick this weekend too but his symptoms were different from I'll just blame my shitty immune system.

I dont think that there are any other updates...OH my friend Gary...aka Gar-Bear is getting married!! Congrats to Mr and Mrs Gar-Bear. Im hoping to make it to the wedding but damnit, I got two weeks notice, and he lives in Lake Havasu we will see what I can do. Im hoping I can make it, but I dont know.

OKAY well thats all I have for right now, I'll try to line up some funnies for you.
PEACE OUT!!!!! BTW CLICK THE FUCKING GOOGLE ADS!!!! Im close to reaching the goal of $100 bucks!!! yaaaaay

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