...so I didn't a chance to finish what I started...and I HATE that. Im back!
I have a few bones to pick...I guess its not a big deal but it bothered me... I made a comment about how stupid Yes on 8 people are...because one of them actually said "9/11 happened because God Hates Fags" Ok...if those planes had crashed into San Francisco, specifically the Castro district, then yes, MAYBE I could see why people would think that...but really? How stupid....anyway so I said "9/11 was an inside job paid for and orchestrated by the US government. Because nothing controls Americans like fear. Anyway, all of a sudden, I dont know what I'm talking about and I have been watching too many conspiracy theory movies. I don't think that's right. My opinion is what it is...and I was immediately discredited and disregarded as foolish. I realize that Im not the most mature person sometimes, and yes I joke around and yes I have a childish side, but I am almost 30 years old. Dont talk to me like I'm a child just because I am younger than you. I respected what was being said to me, but what I was saying was not respected at all, and that pissed me off. Ya know what... maybe I am a conspiracy theorist. SO WHAT. This country fucks over its own citizen with its Money system, Banking System, Interest, and Credit.... The government has its fingers in everything and controls it all, they hide info from us, they control us... so why is it SO hard to believe that the coincidences surrounding 9/11 could be MORE than just coincidence? I watched an interview of an Actual Ex Government official who said "Al Queda is not a group of terrorists. Al Queda is a computer program that the US government has been using for the past 40 yrs." But that wasn't regarded as even possible either...I didnt know what I was talking about. So I have decided that in these situations, I am going to keep my opinion to myself since it wont be taken seriously.... which brings me back to the Pieces of me... I have a serious side, I have intelligence and I have more than just cartoons in my head.
I can be political
Even though I am a goofball, I can have intelligent conversation.
I hate being talked to and treated like an irresponsible teenager, I'm an adult, maybe I'm not in my 40's but I've lived a life that alot of people wouldn't have been able to handle, I had to deal with alot of grown up situations when I was a child. I've been through more than my goofy exterior might lead you to believe and I deserve and demand respect, especially when I always try to give it. (yes I said try, because we all slip and say or do things that are disrespectful, and I always try to respect peoples thoughts and opinions)
I have a beautiful mind when Im not talking about what's in my mind. I wish I could project the images in my head onto a screen so people could see the beauty that I see.
I will strive to find the unique qualities that make something, or someone beautiful.
I don't understand why people are afraid of labels or moving too quickly. I figure get it over with. For instance: If you have first date, and you hit it off, your laughing, your holding hands, your kissing, you feel amazing....whats so scary about saying "hey this is amazing, you are amazing, lets become an item."
Why is that scary. I mean if someone went out with me, and we were totally into each other, and the next day he said " I want to be your boyfriend" I would think that that is adorable and sweet, not crazy and moving too quick. I would also say yes and then call my peeps and be like " I GOTTA BOOOOOYFRIEND I GOTTA BOOOOOOOYFRIEND"
And the Label of "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." Get over it, its a word. "Oh but I dont like the label" Get over it. Stop trying to be "deep" a label isnt a bad thing. If you went to the grocery store cuz you wanted Chili for dinner and there were no labels, you would end up crackin open a can sardines in a chili tomato sauce and wouldnt be very happy. SO PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, its just a word. If anything it's a respectful word. It shows exclusivity and respect to the person you are dating. I know a guy who was with his guy for over 2 years but never referred to each other as boyfriends, because weren't into labels, yet they were completely exclusive, and even lived together. But not boyfriends. LAME.... I am not, nor will I ever be one of those people. I am not afraid of labels, or commitment, or relationships, or dating, or Love....and I never will be.
I dont care what anyone says or thinks, I am a Britney Spears fan. Boom.
I like the word "Idiosyncrasy" even though I rarely if ever use it.
I tend to feel like a loser for most, if not all 24 hours of the day.
Lately, I have been feeling more and more like people aren't laughing with me, as much as they are laughing at me.
Yes, I am a fast driver, and I tend to weave around cars. THIS DOES NOT MAKE ME BAD DRIVER. Get over it. Dont like it, stay the fuck outta my car!
Lately I find myself driving slower and weaving less....maybe Im getting old?
Don't bitch and complain and insult my music when in my car. If you dont like a song or artist, simply say "I don't care for this song, could we skip it?" and I will do so.
Age discrimination is stupid. I have a friend who just turned 20 and she is light-years ahead on the grown up scale than some people twice her age. I respect her opinion and thoughts more than some people 3 times her age. To Me, she isn't 20, she is Katie.
Unlike so many others, I embrace turning 30. My 20's have been such a tumultuous decade, that I am very ready to leave it behind.
The word "Tabernacle" makes me giggle without fail. Its just too funny.
When I am down in the dumps, or need to think, I hit the road. I can be found either overlooking the ocean, or in the middle of the desert staring at the stars.
There are people in my life that I turn to for advice, and there are some people in my life, who I wouldn't even talk about belly button lint with...how messed up is that?
I like dogs more than cats...mostly because I'm allergic to cat dander.
I do not want to live the rest of my life in Camarillo...but I don't know where to go.
I believe that there are real honest to goodness psychics in the world, but they are hard to find, and if you find one, DON'T LET THEM GO. If you know of one, please let me know, I need a session something fierce. I have a lot in my head that I am unsure of and a helpful pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
For those of you who actually read my blog, I wish I could get you all at one place at one time so I could hug you all. Not only does this bring me a small amount of money (Thanks to your clicking of the google ads....) but its a release for me, and its a venue for me to share with you, the things I like...or dislike.
Vomiting for me, is a fate worse than death.
There are some things about me that I need to change. My disgust for Paddy's bar for instance...I really need to just get over it. My discomfort with running into my ex...why should that bother me, it has happened a few times and it was pleasant every time. I think I am pre-programmed to want to avoid him like the plague, and even though I have every reason to...I don't hate him. I'm not in love with him anymore...(thank god)...but I don't hate him.
I try to learn something everyday, even if its learning from a mistake.
I'm addicted to WoodRanch's BBQ chopped chicken salad.
I'm a bad homo, I don't like Barbara Streisand, or Liza Minnelli, Im not a huge fan of ABBA, and I enjoy Cher more as someone to imitate when singing songs in the car than as an actual performer...although I do have a tremendous amount of respect and love for Cher for embracing the Gay community as she has.
I realize that enjoying lolcats as much as I do makes me an loloser but I don't care.
The following names are just...ugly in my mind, and I dont know why:
Bryce <----i know why this one is gross...long story)
Beatrix (Not Beatrice...that one is pretty)
Thaddeus: other spellings Thaddious, Thadious, Thadius..etc (Tad for short)
I don't know why, I just don't like those names, I don't even like to say them.
I think that Soap Operas provide a valuable service....Military wives and people on disability need them and I'm all for it! HOWEVER....they give there characters the STUPIDEST NAMES...
"Dakota is in love with Sierra, but Greenlee wants Dakota all for herself, even though her husband Bronson can provide a better life for Greenlee and her daughter Montana. Meanwhile, Bronson's evil mother, Chrysanthemum is trying to break them up because she wants her precious Bronson to leave Greenlee. She says that Greenlee isn't good enough for her son, and she wants him to marry her best friend, Hyacinth's youngest daughter Blueberry, even though Blueberry is only 17. But little does poor Hyacinth know that her innocent little Blueberry is pregnant, carrying the child of her secret lover, Torque, the local motorcycle mechanic, who just so happens to the illegitimate nephew of Quail Egg Valley's richest and most powerful resident... Morton Vander-Cracken. Morton runs the largest magazine publishing house in all of Quail Egg Valley. His pride and joy, is his only son... Dakota. But little does he know that he fathered a second child, a girl named Nevada, who died giving birth to her baby girl...Sierra. ***ooo the twists and turns***
Who comes up with this crap?
I think for now, this is all I can muster up. There will be more Pieces of Me posted because I am so much more than people think. And I think it's high time I let the world know. LOL
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