Okay, the holidays are over, good food was had, joy was had, love was shared, gifts were given....and now Im back at work. The first day back to work after christmas is always the worse work day of the year. Its long, boring, and you resent being there. I hate it. Thankfully its almost over, and I can go home and relax.
I am sad to report that even though I am forever grateful for the generosity of my friends and family, I am still unable to afford to replace my laptop for a while, so I am having to use my computer at work to blog. Not that this bothers me much, but still. it sucks to go home and have just my iPhone for internet. I'll have to deal. When I get my tax refund, if it is as big as it was last year, I am going to buy a new Macbook. They are the best on the market and yes the cheapest one is $999...but they are worth every penny and last a very long time. I won't have to replace it in less than two years like I had to do with my HP.
I just dont like to wait. Guess I have no choice. It's okay though, it will be worth it. I will be so happy to have my macbook. I wont feel technologically inferior anymore LOL. After that is purchased, I may get an iPhone 4. I have a 3G now, and it has been amazing until I was required by iTunes to upgrade the software.... now its unreliable, freezes, and uses the battery more than before. I fucking hate it. Now I have to deal with THAT even longer now that I have to replace my laptop. It must be nice to make 100 grand a year like this guy I know who is two years younger than me and got his job because his grandfather knew someone who worked for the company. *sigh* I guess my time will come but damnit, I hate being poor. I hate it. Overworked, underpaid, trying to get ahead, get a college degree....ugh.
Anyway I digress... I think tonight is a delivery dinner night. I do NOT have the energy to cook dinner. I also dont want to deal with my roommate or her dog tonight but I'm probably going to have to. Oh well. I would normally take my laptop up to my room and watch TV online or a movie or something....but can't do that now. *sigh* I have DVD's at least up there to watch. eh.
Im thinking pizzahut pasta night. yummy.
I am looking forward to next weekend. new years eve party back home, my friend might go with me so Im excited about that. I just wish I had someone to kiss...and I mean REALLY KISS at midnight. Probably just gonna be another lonely new years eve. But at least I will be around a lot of good friends. Could be worse.
I've always hated the first 5 minutes of every new year. Everyone is kissing their partners, spouse, signifigant others... and then theres me, sitting in the corner, smiling at everyone elses happiness...and waiting for them to stop kissing each other and everyone starts hugging their friends...then I get to join in again.
oh well. My time will come. That's what I keep telling myself. hahahaha
The Misadventures of a California Homo. Join me in my random quests and sightings, find out why I am unlike any other homo in Southern California....(cuz alot of them...are evil)and find out what I think about stuff, and why, for the most part, everything in my world is shit....but I love it.
December 27, 2010
December 22, 2010
Bah Hum Fuck
Well, it's the holidays again and once again I am left feeling conflicted about it. I do not believe in "God" or christianity anymore. I used to but I think it was because that was all I was exposed to and therefor blindly believed. So now that I am 30 and have decided for myself that there are WAY too many contradictions and way too few facts or proof for me to believe in it. As far as Im concerned, it's a fairy tale.
Anyway, I always loved the holidays, the spirit of it, the joy, the happiness.... I however do NOT like the shopping, the crowded frustrating malls and stores, and the bullshit that people throw around in the name of "giving" I damn near snatched one bitch bald-headed because after I stood in line for about 30 minutes to buy two gift cards at Forever21, this middle aged stuck up yuppy snobby bitch just walks in front of my when I get to the register and starts bitching at the cashier
Old Cow: "Um, my daughter left her jacket in the fitting room, and the fitting room person told us it was up here in the lost and found...can you check quickly? I have a lot to do today."
Me: "Uh, no...we ALL have a lot to do, what the hell makes you think your time is more important than mine or anyone elses in this LONG line you just walked right past? You need to take yourself to the back of the line and wait like everyone else."
Old Cow: "Excuse me? Was I talking to you? No, I wasn't."
Me: "There IS no excuse for you, and no you weren't talking to me, but you DID cut right in front of me in this line, and that's not okay, and NOW you're giving me attitude?? Bitch don't make me have to repeat myself!" *I point to the back of the line*
Old Cow: *puts her hand up as if to say 'talk to the hand' and turns to the cashier*
"Well?? Is it here or not?"
Cashier: "No ma'am Im sorry I dont see it here."
Old Bitchy Cow: "WHAT? Well are you gonna replace it? If someone stole it from this store then this store needs to replace it! They said it was up here, now you need to find it!"
Me: "You rude fucking bitch! The only thing this sweet and polite cashier NEEDS to do, is ring up the purchases of all the people who waited in line! Who the fuck do you think you are that you can come up in here and act crazy? You better get your hand down out of my face bitch or Im gonna slap the hell outta you!"
Old Cow: "Ya know what? I have had JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU."
Me: "DO SOMETHING. I wish you would, bitch. Give me a reason to punch you in the mouth. Secondly, it's not the store's fault that your stupid ass daughter can't be responsible enough to remember to grab her belongings when she leaves a fitting room. That's HER fault, not the store's fault. You need to yell at YOUR KID. And another thing, you better get your stupid ass kid and get to the back of the fucking line before I MOVE YOU to the back of the line, Im not having this, you can't fuckin talk to people like this and treat people like they are beneath you because eventually you're gonna come across someone CRAZY like ME who will be more than willing to beat you WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE FACED SACK BELLIED OVER BOTOXED FAKE ASS BITCH. Now pick up your sagging middle aged breasts and vagina lips, and GET YOUR UGLY BITCH ASS TO THE BACK OF THE LINE THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING."
**at this point, people in line behind me are yelling at her, some are laughing at what I'm yelling at her, some are tweeting, one girl recorded what I was saying, i wouldnt be surprised if I end up on youtube...**
At this point one guy is laughing and clapping, and the poor cashier is calling her manager frantically. The stupid bitch snatched up her bags and stormed off. I calmly walked to the register and said:
"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. You ok punkin?"
Cashier: "hehe yeah I guess Im okay. Wow."
Me: "yeah, THAT just happened. Anywho could you put $25 dollars on each of these gift cards for me? Thanks!"
When I walked outside, there was the stupid cow coming towards me with a security guard...
Me: "Oh this outta be good..."
Old Cow: "Him, right there, he attacked me!"
Security Guard: "Sir, come with me."
Me: "Um, no. Im not going anywhere with you, I never attacked her, I threatened to, that much is true, but never laid a hand on her."
Security Guard: "Ma'am is this true?"
Cow: "well yes but he attacked me!"
Me: "I verbally assaulted her in the store because she cut in front of 20 people to bitch at an innocent cashier about her dumb ass daughter losing her jacket. She put her hand up in my face and I lost my mind. She's LUCKY I didn't swing a mannequin over the back of her head."
Security guard: "Sir, that's not helping.... Ma'am, he didn't touch you, you told me he had...now did he or didn't he?"
Me: "actually it helped me, Im enjoying myself."
Security Guard "Sir... please."
Cow: "Well no but he was GOING to physically attack me, and I think you should do something about him."
Me: "Good thing you don't get paid for thinkin, bitch. Are we done here? The longer I have to hear the sound of her voice, the more likely I am to become violent."
Security Guard: "Sir, go about your shopping, be nice to people, and have a nice day..... Ma'am, you do the same, and wait patiently in line like all the other shoppers"
*I turned to her and very smuggly said* "BOOM."
I turned and headed for the parking garage.
This is what I hate the most about the holidays. People are SO fucking rude. Granted I couldve handled that situation with more class...but why? People need to know that their selfish and inconsiderate behavior is unacceptable!
ANYWAY, I feel weird about the holidays. I used to love it, now it makes me nervous. It sometimes can feel like all the holiday cheer is so fake and forced. I dont know, maybe Im just over it this year and its not as special as it used to be when I was younger... either way, my shopping is done, I only have one more person to buy for and I can do that after the 25th.
In other news, the universe made it VERY clear that the goals I had set for myself this month were not meant to happen.
I have been trying to find a one bedroom or studio apartment for a couple of months, and I was going to use my financial aid refund to get the apartment. Well wouldn't you know it, 3 days before my money comes in the mail, my laptop that I use for school dies...the next day, my car's maintenance light comes on telling me I need to get my oil changed and my transmission serviced....then a few hours later, the check engine light comes on, then dies in an intersection. All in all, the car costs me $1250 to fix and get serviced.
Fuck My Life
So there went my dream of having my very own apartment all by myself.
This kinda ruined me for about two days, then I switched gears. I decided t hat since I had to spend half my refund on my car, the other have should be put to good use... something that will make my future apartment hunt a little easier.
I work for a credit reporting agency. I have a VERY good understanding of credit, how it works, and most importantly, how to fix it. I decided to get my credit report from all three credit bureaus, and wanted to see exactly what is on my credit that maybe I can pay off to help improve my credit score and help improve my chances of getting approved for an apartment, or a new car (since my car just cost me a fortune to fix, I might want to be prepared to replace it, because the idea of having to make a car payment every month, AND make payments to repair shops, is NOT acceptable to me.) So I did. I contacted three of the creditors I owed money to, and paid them off. There is only one more left, which is about a grand, then Im free and clear! No more bad items on my credit report! HOORAY!!!
Im thinking that the universe didn't think I was prepared enough to live alone, so it changed my plans for me. As much as I can accept that I was not destined to get my own place this month, I am also a little pissed off at the universe. Couldn't you send me a note? Or an email or something letting me know this change I was preparing for wasn't the best decision?? Why did you have to fuck up my computer (which I depend on ) AND my car???? Fucking A... your little heads-up just cost me a fucking fortune!!!! Dear Universe, next time, EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!! Dont try to fuck up my life!!! JEEZ!!
Anyway, things are good right now, Im single, and Im actually okay with it. I would rather have someone I can hang out with, maybe have sex with, but no pressure of a relationship. Normally I would be totally relationship oriented, and would not want to just have a "fuck buddy" but ya know, it's easier right now. Let me be clear about one thing....
I havent had sex in a long time... but there were two guys I wanted to be with. I love them both, but sadly one just wanted to be friends even though in the beginning we were hot and heavy and flirty....then he just changed his mind one day.
The other guy, the one who I've loved for a LONG time...is 9 hours away, and we can;t really be together very often because neither one of us can afford to fly back and forth to see each other, so we stay in touch but aren't official because long distance relationships are shitty and usually fail because of the loneliness involved.
So maybe right now, I dont need a relationship. I think Im FINALLY okay with being single. Thank god, i hate that lonely feeling. Im good.
What else can I blog about....
My job is going well....I hope to become perminant soon and no longer be a temp, i would get paid more, and get benfits, as well as added job security. Cross your fingers.
hmmmm what else..... Im kinda back on my kick about wanting a Volkswagen Jetta. Although for about 5 grand more, I could get a Volkswagen Tiguan...cuz they are SUPER cute.
Anyway thats all I have in my head at the moment.
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
Anyway, I always loved the holidays, the spirit of it, the joy, the happiness.... I however do NOT like the shopping, the crowded frustrating malls and stores, and the bullshit that people throw around in the name of "giving" I damn near snatched one bitch bald-headed because after I stood in line for about 30 minutes to buy two gift cards at Forever21, this middle aged stuck up yuppy snobby bitch just walks in front of my when I get to the register and starts bitching at the cashier
Old Cow: "Um, my daughter left her jacket in the fitting room, and the fitting room person told us it was up here in the lost and found...can you check quickly? I have a lot to do today."
Me: "Uh, no...we ALL have a lot to do, what the hell makes you think your time is more important than mine or anyone elses in this LONG line you just walked right past? You need to take yourself to the back of the line and wait like everyone else."
Old Cow: "Excuse me? Was I talking to you? No, I wasn't."
Me: "There IS no excuse for you, and no you weren't talking to me, but you DID cut right in front of me in this line, and that's not okay, and NOW you're giving me attitude?? Bitch don't make me have to repeat myself!" *I point to the back of the line*
Old Cow: *puts her hand up as if to say 'talk to the hand' and turns to the cashier*
"Well?? Is it here or not?"
Cashier: "No ma'am Im sorry I dont see it here."
Old Bitchy Cow: "WHAT? Well are you gonna replace it? If someone stole it from this store then this store needs to replace it! They said it was up here, now you need to find it!"
Me: "You rude fucking bitch! The only thing this sweet and polite cashier NEEDS to do, is ring up the purchases of all the people who waited in line! Who the fuck do you think you are that you can come up in here and act crazy? You better get your hand down out of my face bitch or Im gonna slap the hell outta you!"
Old Cow: "Ya know what? I have had JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU."
Me: "DO SOMETHING. I wish you would, bitch. Give me a reason to punch you in the mouth. Secondly, it's not the store's fault that your stupid ass daughter can't be responsible enough to remember to grab her belongings when she leaves a fitting room. That's HER fault, not the store's fault. You need to yell at YOUR KID. And another thing, you better get your stupid ass kid and get to the back of the fucking line before I MOVE YOU to the back of the line, Im not having this, you can't fuckin talk to people like this and treat people like they are beneath you because eventually you're gonna come across someone CRAZY like ME who will be more than willing to beat you WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE FACED SACK BELLIED OVER BOTOXED FAKE ASS BITCH. Now pick up your sagging middle aged breasts and vagina lips, and GET YOUR UGLY BITCH ASS TO THE BACK OF THE LINE THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING."
**at this point, people in line behind me are yelling at her, some are laughing at what I'm yelling at her, some are tweeting, one girl recorded what I was saying, i wouldnt be surprised if I end up on youtube...**
At this point one guy is laughing and clapping, and the poor cashier is calling her manager frantically. The stupid bitch snatched up her bags and stormed off. I calmly walked to the register and said:
"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. You ok punkin?"
Cashier: "hehe yeah I guess Im okay. Wow."
Me: "yeah, THAT just happened. Anywho could you put $25 dollars on each of these gift cards for me? Thanks!"
When I walked outside, there was the stupid cow coming towards me with a security guard...
Me: "Oh this outta be good..."
Old Cow: "Him, right there, he attacked me!"
Security Guard: "Sir, come with me."
Me: "Um, no. Im not going anywhere with you, I never attacked her, I threatened to, that much is true, but never laid a hand on her."
Security Guard: "Ma'am is this true?"
Cow: "well yes but he attacked me!"
Me: "I verbally assaulted her in the store because she cut in front of 20 people to bitch at an innocent cashier about her dumb ass daughter losing her jacket. She put her hand up in my face and I lost my mind. She's LUCKY I didn't swing a mannequin over the back of her head."
Security guard: "Sir, that's not helping.... Ma'am, he didn't touch you, you told me he had...now did he or didn't he?"
Me: "actually it helped me, Im enjoying myself."
Security Guard "Sir... please."
Cow: "Well no but he was GOING to physically attack me, and I think you should do something about him."
Me: "Good thing you don't get paid for thinkin, bitch. Are we done here? The longer I have to hear the sound of her voice, the more likely I am to become violent."
Security Guard: "Sir, go about your shopping, be nice to people, and have a nice day..... Ma'am, you do the same, and wait patiently in line like all the other shoppers"
*I turned to her and very smuggly said* "BOOM."
I turned and headed for the parking garage.
This is what I hate the most about the holidays. People are SO fucking rude. Granted I couldve handled that situation with more class...but why? People need to know that their selfish and inconsiderate behavior is unacceptable!
ANYWAY, I feel weird about the holidays. I used to love it, now it makes me nervous. It sometimes can feel like all the holiday cheer is so fake and forced. I dont know, maybe Im just over it this year and its not as special as it used to be when I was younger... either way, my shopping is done, I only have one more person to buy for and I can do that after the 25th.
In other news, the universe made it VERY clear that the goals I had set for myself this month were not meant to happen.
I have been trying to find a one bedroom or studio apartment for a couple of months, and I was going to use my financial aid refund to get the apartment. Well wouldn't you know it, 3 days before my money comes in the mail, my laptop that I use for school dies...the next day, my car's maintenance light comes on telling me I need to get my oil changed and my transmission serviced....then a few hours later, the check engine light comes on, then dies in an intersection. All in all, the car costs me $1250 to fix and get serviced.
Fuck My Life
So there went my dream of having my very own apartment all by myself.
This kinda ruined me for about two days, then I switched gears. I decided t hat since I had to spend half my refund on my car, the other have should be put to good use... something that will make my future apartment hunt a little easier.
I work for a credit reporting agency. I have a VERY good understanding of credit, how it works, and most importantly, how to fix it. I decided to get my credit report from all three credit bureaus, and wanted to see exactly what is on my credit that maybe I can pay off to help improve my credit score and help improve my chances of getting approved for an apartment, or a new car (since my car just cost me a fortune to fix, I might want to be prepared to replace it, because the idea of having to make a car payment every month, AND make payments to repair shops, is NOT acceptable to me.) So I did. I contacted three of the creditors I owed money to, and paid them off. There is only one more left, which is about a grand, then Im free and clear! No more bad items on my credit report! HOORAY!!!
Im thinking that the universe didn't think I was prepared enough to live alone, so it changed my plans for me. As much as I can accept that I was not destined to get my own place this month, I am also a little pissed off at the universe. Couldn't you send me a note? Or an email or something letting me know this change I was preparing for wasn't the best decision?? Why did you have to fuck up my computer (which I depend on ) AND my car???? Fucking A... your little heads-up just cost me a fucking fortune!!!! Dear Universe, next time, EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!! Dont try to fuck up my life!!! JEEZ!!
Anyway, things are good right now, Im single, and Im actually okay with it. I would rather have someone I can hang out with, maybe have sex with, but no pressure of a relationship. Normally I would be totally relationship oriented, and would not want to just have a "fuck buddy" but ya know, it's easier right now. Let me be clear about one thing....
I havent had sex in a long time... but there were two guys I wanted to be with. I love them both, but sadly one just wanted to be friends even though in the beginning we were hot and heavy and flirty....then he just changed his mind one day.
The other guy, the one who I've loved for a LONG time...is 9 hours away, and we can;t really be together very often because neither one of us can afford to fly back and forth to see each other, so we stay in touch but aren't official because long distance relationships are shitty and usually fail because of the loneliness involved.
So maybe right now, I dont need a relationship. I think Im FINALLY okay with being single. Thank god, i hate that lonely feeling. Im good.
What else can I blog about....
My job is going well....I hope to become perminant soon and no longer be a temp, i would get paid more, and get benfits, as well as added job security. Cross your fingers.
hmmmm what else..... Im kinda back on my kick about wanting a Volkswagen Jetta. Although for about 5 grand more, I could get a Volkswagen Tiguan...cuz they are SUPER cute.
Anyway thats all I have in my head at the moment.
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
December 21, 2010
Fan Mail
Okay this was on my face book from my dear friend Nadia...
Her Roller Derby name is Sandra Bullet, she is fabulousness, she is beautiful, and she is HILARIOUS. I absolutely adore her very being, and I had to post this on my blog.
Nadia Sandra Bullet West Dear Andy, I am having a shit day. Sofia has Pneumonia now, so you can imagine my stress level. However, I had your blog on my Bookmarks, and one entry in particular managed to brighten my day. The entry is from October 28th and is entitled "Hate Mail". The entire thing was magic, seriously. Thank you for making me laugh, I needed it. Love, Sandra
Andru Bergdahl My Dearest Sandra, I am very sorry to hear about your offspring having pheumonia. That truly sucks out loud. I am however, glad that you enjoyed my blog. Sometimes I manage to poop out a funny one, that isnt all angsty and emo. I hope tha...t you will be coming to Titty's reject xmas gathering, but I will be there and would LOVE to see you have too many drinks and starting calling me "Friend" really loud.
I hope all gets better soon and I love you to pieces.
hugs and squishes,
Andy Candy Pants.
P.S. ... Moist.
((She HATES the word "moist"))
It's nice to be appreciated and to have your work enjoyed.
Her Roller Derby name is Sandra Bullet, she is fabulousness, she is beautiful, and she is HILARIOUS. I absolutely adore her very being, and I had to post this on my blog.
Nadia Sandra Bullet West Dear Andy, I am having a shit day. Sofia has Pneumonia now, so you can imagine my stress level. However, I had your blog on my Bookmarks, and one entry in particular managed to brighten my day. The entry is from October 28th and is entitled "Hate Mail". The entire thing was magic, seriously. Thank you for making me laugh, I needed it. Love, Sandra
Andru Bergdahl My Dearest Sandra, I am very sorry to hear about your offspring having pheumonia. That truly sucks out loud. I am however, glad that you enjoyed my blog. Sometimes I manage to poop out a funny one, that isnt all angsty and emo. I hope tha...t you will be coming to Titty's reject xmas gathering, but I will be there and would LOVE to see you have too many drinks and starting calling me "Friend" really loud.
I hope all gets better soon and I love you to pieces.
hugs and squishes,
Andy Candy Pants.
P.S. ... Moist.
((She HATES the word "moist"))
It's nice to be appreciated and to have your work enjoyed.
December 15, 2010
Viva la Musica
This is what thumpin out of my car speaker at the moment...
Rihanna - "What's My Name"
David Guetta feat. Rihanna - "Who's that Chick"
Ingrid Michaelson - "Parachute"
Uknown - "Hot Mess" (I dont know who the fuck she is) Hot Mess.
Britney Spears - "Little Me"
Bruno Mars - "Grenade"
Ke$ha - "Crazy Beautiful Life"
Glee Cast - "Valerie"
Ida Maria - "Oh My God"
Ida Maria - "Louie"
YG - "Toot it and Boot it" <--- this song is just funny. the R&B remix is the best.
V.V. Brown - "Shark in the Water"
Mackintosh Braun - "Made for Us"
pretty sure they are all on youtube. check them out if you want! peace out bitches!
Rihanna - "What's My Name"
David Guetta feat. Rihanna - "Who's that Chick"
Ingrid Michaelson - "Parachute"
Uknown - "Hot Mess" (I dont know who the fuck she is) Hot Mess.
Britney Spears - "Little Me"
Bruno Mars - "Grenade"
Ke$ha - "Crazy Beautiful Life"
Glee Cast - "Valerie"
Ida Maria - "Oh My God"
Ida Maria - "Louie"
YG - "Toot it and Boot it" <--- this song is just funny. the R&B remix is the best.
V.V. Brown - "Shark in the Water"
Mackintosh Braun - "Made for Us"
pretty sure they are all on youtube. check them out if you want! peace out bitches!
December 10, 2010
Silver Lining
Well, my financial aid money came. Hooray. It came just in time to pay $918 to fix my Honda. I distinctly remember buying a newer Honda so that I wouldn't HAVE to worry about it breaking down. I get regular oil changes, transmission services, I check the fluids, hoses and belts.... never had a problem with it, until this past Wednesday. My Accord coupe "Mei" had a stroke. (I associate auto repairs with medical proceedures and diagnoses....so if you have a CV Axle clicking = broken wrist, head light out = black eye, oil change = dialysis, etc etc) Apparently, the Actuator that controls the 4th valve of each cylnder, which is apprently the brain of the "VTEC" system in the engine decided to fry itself stupid....so it was running on only 3 valves per cylinder. The chip that regulates the activities of the actuator also fried in the process. She had a damn stroke at the tender age of 116,300 miles. So Mission Valley Honda in San Diego was the hosiptal to which my baby was towed, and they were surprisingly very good to me. They explained what happened, they told me that there was nothing I did to cause it, and nothing I could have done to prevent it, it just happens sometimes, and they were up front on their estimate. Now, the second day, they told me they needed the car for one more day... this obviously was a HUGE inconvenience to me, so they generously said that they would not charge me for the second part they needed, they only charged me for 3 hours of labor and the actuator cost, AND they gave me a *FREE* loaner car from the used car lot....which is a 2009 Honda Accord LX sedan. Very nice, very confortable, very plush...all in all a sweet ride. Im not really a fan of the transmission because unlike the automatic tranny in MY accord, this one is overly shifty and tries to hard to keep the RPMS super low for efficiency, and it ends up draining the power and acceleration. So its adequate, but not fun to drive or peppy. Im not complaining though, I have a loaner for free so Im over the moon.
I go down to pick up my baby after I get off work, then life will be better. I think she needs brakes though...the back brakes i think need to be replaced.... Ill work on it Im not sure. Im just happy she is alive and well.
I go down to pick up my baby after I get off work, then life will be better. I think she needs brakes though...the back brakes i think need to be replaced.... Ill work on it Im not sure. Im just happy she is alive and well.
December 6, 2010
...of course. so typical
Well, just when things are going well, there is always SOMETHING that fucks it up. This is the story of my life. This is why I am so fucking pessamistic people, people say "omg youre so negative all the time" well when all you get is the shit end of the stick in every situation.... yeah, you would be a downer too.
Anyway, I still have gotten my financial aid check yet, which is completely unacceptable, and Im still trying to find an apartment because YET AGAIN, my roommate couldnt be bothered to go to the bank or make time to get her rent money until the 7th... and then she deposited a check into my account. Her check NEVER CLEAR. Whether she has the money or not, her c hecks bounce. So I dont have enough money to cover the rent, so the landloard is going to have to wait. OH and I cant call him, because the software update on my phone ERASED MY CONTACT LIST>.... SO I HAVE NO PHONE NUMBERS.... So I just hope he doesnt get too pissed off and evict us before I can move out. I dont want the eviction on my credit because SHE fucked up and doesnt think paying her bills on time is important.
THEN... as Im trying to recover my phone list, my laptop suddenly goes black, and has been stuck in perpetual reboot since yesterday. AWESOME. its less than 2 years old. FUCKING FANTASTIC. JUST WHEN I FINALLY AM GETTING MY MONEY AND MOVING FORWARD, SOMETHING ALWAYS FUCKS IT UP AND I GET DRAGGED BACK DOWN....well ya know what...FUCK THAT. If I cant get my laptop to work, and cant afford to fix it, then i will happily pitch it over a cliff and smile as it shatters into a million pieces. Fuck that laptop. Ill figure out a way to get another one. Im still moving, fuck that Im not giving up on that dream.
So right now my mood is fucking FOUL.
Anyway, I still have gotten my financial aid check yet, which is completely unacceptable, and Im still trying to find an apartment because YET AGAIN, my roommate couldnt be bothered to go to the bank or make time to get her rent money until the 7th... and then she deposited a check into my account. Her check NEVER CLEAR. Whether she has the money or not, her c hecks bounce. So I dont have enough money to cover the rent, so the landloard is going to have to wait. OH and I cant call him, because the software update on my phone ERASED MY CONTACT LIST>.... SO I HAVE NO PHONE NUMBERS.... So I just hope he doesnt get too pissed off and evict us before I can move out. I dont want the eviction on my credit because SHE fucked up and doesnt think paying her bills on time is important.
THEN... as Im trying to recover my phone list, my laptop suddenly goes black, and has been stuck in perpetual reboot since yesterday. AWESOME. its less than 2 years old. FUCKING FANTASTIC. JUST WHEN I FINALLY AM GETTING MY MONEY AND MOVING FORWARD, SOMETHING ALWAYS FUCKS IT UP AND I GET DRAGGED BACK DOWN....well ya know what...FUCK THAT. If I cant get my laptop to work, and cant afford to fix it, then i will happily pitch it over a cliff and smile as it shatters into a million pieces. Fuck that laptop. Ill figure out a way to get another one. Im still moving, fuck that Im not giving up on that dream.
So right now my mood is fucking FOUL.
December 3, 2010
Friday's are good.
Today was a good day. my HS isnt killing me, im in a good mood, I had a good day at work, lots of food and laughs on the clock...good times.
UNTIL: lemme tell you about this IGGNUNT (yes, I said iggnunt. its Ingorant...only WORSE) food with jacked up crooked teeth and bad corn rows up on his ugly ass head tryin to act like he is the man around here... and he has only worked here like 3 weeks. He straight up asked my co work "dang girl, are you pregnant?"
yeah Im now on a mission to get his ass fired. That was the final straw, he is rude, he tries to bum rides from people he doesnt even know, he talks shit to his girl (im amazed his ugly ass has one) while he is at his desk with co workers around, he is ex military who thinks he doesnt have to take orders from women....or "civilians" well guess what nukkah, yo boss, and two of yo leads..ARE WOMEN. And I may be a homosexical & a "civlilian", but I am higher than you on the seniority list and you gotta do what I say too... SO SUCK IT EASY FUCK FACE.
OOOOH he got me LIT...made me have to catch a case on a friday.
Anyway... thats my day. Once Im outta here, I'm gonna meet my boys for a nice dinner and maybe some cocktails. YAY WEEKEND!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, be safe, and make memories!!
UNTIL: lemme tell you about this IGGNUNT (yes, I said iggnunt. its Ingorant...only WORSE) food with jacked up crooked teeth and bad corn rows up on his ugly ass head tryin to act like he is the man around here... and he has only worked here like 3 weeks. He straight up asked my co work "dang girl, are you pregnant?"
yeah Im now on a mission to get his ass fired. That was the final straw, he is rude, he tries to bum rides from people he doesnt even know, he talks shit to his girl (im amazed his ugly ass has one) while he is at his desk with co workers around, he is ex military who thinks he doesnt have to take orders from women....or "civilians" well guess what nukkah, yo boss, and two of yo leads..ARE WOMEN. And I may be a homosexical & a "civlilian", but I am higher than you on the seniority list and you gotta do what I say too... SO SUCK IT EASY FUCK FACE.
OOOOH he got me LIT...made me have to catch a case on a friday.
Anyway... thats my day. Once Im outta here, I'm gonna meet my boys for a nice dinner and maybe some cocktails. YAY WEEKEND!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, be safe, and make memories!!
Music = Life
Here's what's on my iPod and in my CD player in the car:
Rihanna - "What's My Name" <---- on repeat omg I love it
Ke$ha - "Cannibal"
Ke$ha - "VIP"
Ke$ha - "Blow"
PitBull featuring Ke$ha - "Girls"
Kristine Elezaj - "Kidnap the DJ"
Cascada - "Evacuate the Dancefloor"
Sarah Bareilles - "Gravity"
Darius Rucker - "Exodus"
Dashboard Confessional - "This Bitter Pill"
Cast of Glee - "Teenage Dream"
Ida Maria - "Oh My God"
Florence and the Machine - "The Dog Days are Over"
they should all be on youtube... check em out!!! Hope you love them as much as I do.
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rihanna - "What's My Name" <---- on repeat omg I love it
Ke$ha - "Cannibal"
Ke$ha - "VIP"
Ke$ha - "Blow"
PitBull featuring Ke$ha - "Girls"
Kristine Elezaj - "Kidnap the DJ"
Cascada - "Evacuate the Dancefloor"
Sarah Bareilles - "Gravity"
Darius Rucker - "Exodus"
Dashboard Confessional - "This Bitter Pill"
Cast of Glee - "Teenage Dream"
Ida Maria - "Oh My God"
Florence and the Machine - "The Dog Days are Over"
they should all be on youtube... check em out!!! Hope you love them as much as I do.
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 30, 2010
OMG you guys I hate the waiting game. Waiting for the clock to run out so I can leave work, waiting for my financial aid check, waiting to hunt for new apartments cuz I dont have the check yet, waiting to hear if I'm getting hired on perminantly , waiting for my credit limit to increase, waiting for my credit score to improve, waiting for my friends to come visit me, waiting for one special friend in particular to come visit me ( and no it's not my period ) He knows who he is.
I am a product of the US demand for instant gratification. I accept this. I embrace this in fact. But damnit its so hard to fulfill sometimes. So I am made to wait. *sigh* I guess it is a fact of life.
So here is what's current in my little glittery world.
I am craving something new and interesting to read, and though I have books I havent read yet, I cant seem to get myself to actually pick up the books and read them. I would go into books on tape, but I feel that is just lazy.
My credit card company keeps claiming to have "pre approved" me for an auto loan, which can be very dangerous because if you dont know, Im a car whore, and love cars and always seem to want a new car every other year or so. I am currently driving my 10th car in the 12 years I have been a car owner. Of course my mind goes straight back to the car I wanted before I got the car I have now...the VW Jetta. I still love them. However I do not trust VW transmissions. They are jumpy quick to shift, run through each gear super fast, and are slow to respond to downshifts for more power.... Plus most people I have know who have driven the revised and revamped generation of Volkswagens (1999 and newer) have been unahppy with automatic transmissions and have had problems. They have also had electrical system problems....
VW being the brilliant engineers that they are have done away with the electrical system issues by installing mostly electrical contacts and connectors, and reducing the use of wires that so easily cause problems.
There is an easy fix for the automatic transmission problems as well...buy a stick shift. I havent decided what to do just yet. Part of me would love to finally get my Jetta, there is another part of me that loves my Accord and doesnt want to get rid of it. But honestly, the Accord isnt what it used to be, it needs a paint job, it is starting to need things...i know the rear brakes and drums need to be replaced, god only knows what that's going to cost me... Actually that's all I can say about the Accord thats negative. Everything else works just fine...OH except the passenger window doesn't work....and that whole...me backing into a tree thing.... but that was my fault.
I also have to consider the fact that I may be able to get a much lower interest rate through Capital One, which would greatly reduce my monthly payment. Would it be so bad to have a nicer, newer car, with a TON less miles, for LESS money a month? I don't see why this is a bad thing, yet I always seem to get opposition from people. "You don't NEED a new car." yeah well we dont NEED cell phones or make up or computers or shoes yet people have no issue spending money on these things, yet a car...oh no, Im a terrible person for wanting a car. Some people like shoes, some people like stamp collecting, some people collect porn....I ... like cars. Thats my thing. Let me have my thing!
This next thought fucks with people pretty good too.... I might look into saving my money for a few months, and buying some little beater car...as a second car, to drive to and from work. It will save the mileage on the newer car, thus allowing it to retain its value and lowering any future repair and maintenance costs for the new car, and feeds my need for cars!! plus, honestly, the insurance on some random pile on wheels would be almost nothing a month to add to my insurance policy, the gas mileage will be steller (granted Im looking at mid 90's Honda Civics) and i wont be concerned with how the car looks or even drives...as long as it gets me to and from work...and the occasional errand. Someone asked "What if that beater breaks down?? then what??"
O_O.... srsly? if it breaks down...I HAVE THE NICE CAR SITTING THERE READY TO GO... if the crappy car dies...well, either I will let it sit until I can fix it, or I will call a junk yard and have them come get it, and usually they will pay you a couple hundred bucks for it cuz they will part it out and sell it piece by piece. Either way, Im not really LOSING anything.
Of course none of this is set in stone. I havent applied for anything to do with the car because right now priority one is to get my apartment. And I think I have found 3 or 4 that could really be contendors!!!! One even says "Bad Credit OK" Im excited.
I just HATE MOVING. I HATE IT. I HATE PACKING AND LOADING THE CAR AND GOING BACK AND FORTH dropping shit off and picking shit up...the heavy lifting, the awkward sweaty exisitence...ugh I hate it. I. HATE. IT.
But I guess it's worth it. My friend Drew says he can get the Ford Excursion from work to help move. I only really need it for the bed...but who knows. The funny thing is, he works for a radio station...and its the republican douche bag advertising SUV... so it has like Sean Hannity all over the side. So Drew and I will be bumping the gayest music ever, and be super gay while we drive around in the right wing mobile. HA. We might take pictures and post them!! OMG I know right, so funny.
Then I need to get my deposit back, and with that I will begin to acquire furnature. See, I have a bed, a night stand, a random white shelf thing, and a book case (small) that my TV sits on. OH and two lamps and two end tables. Thats it. That it the extent of my furnishings. So I will need to start searching around for cheap furniture. I will need a couch, maybe a small dining table and chairs, maybe something better to put my TV on. OMG and I need kitchen stuff. I need silverware, plates, cooking stuff, pots and pans....that stuff. All I have is glasses and mugs. and I think I have...one pot. UGH I need a toaster, blender, and microwave too... UGH... Well you best believe I will be getting cooking utencils and plates and spatulas and pots (if possible) at my local 99 cent store. Trust I am NOT above the 99 cent store.
I feel like I should have a housewarming party in the hopes that I will get gifts. LOL
Maybe not but it was a nice thought though.
WELL I think I have emptied my brain... stay tuned!!!
I am a product of the US demand for instant gratification. I accept this. I embrace this in fact. But damnit its so hard to fulfill sometimes. So I am made to wait. *sigh* I guess it is a fact of life.
So here is what's current in my little glittery world.
I am craving something new and interesting to read, and though I have books I havent read yet, I cant seem to get myself to actually pick up the books and read them. I would go into books on tape, but I feel that is just lazy.
My credit card company keeps claiming to have "pre approved" me for an auto loan, which can be very dangerous because if you dont know, Im a car whore, and love cars and always seem to want a new car every other year or so. I am currently driving my 10th car in the 12 years I have been a car owner. Of course my mind goes straight back to the car I wanted before I got the car I have now...the VW Jetta. I still love them. However I do not trust VW transmissions. They are jumpy quick to shift, run through each gear super fast, and are slow to respond to downshifts for more power.... Plus most people I have know who have driven the revised and revamped generation of Volkswagens (1999 and newer) have been unahppy with automatic transmissions and have had problems. They have also had electrical system problems....
VW being the brilliant engineers that they are have done away with the electrical system issues by installing mostly electrical contacts and connectors, and reducing the use of wires that so easily cause problems.
There is an easy fix for the automatic transmission problems as well...buy a stick shift. I havent decided what to do just yet. Part of me would love to finally get my Jetta, there is another part of me that loves my Accord and doesnt want to get rid of it. But honestly, the Accord isnt what it used to be, it needs a paint job, it is starting to need things...i know the rear brakes and drums need to be replaced, god only knows what that's going to cost me... Actually that's all I can say about the Accord thats negative. Everything else works just fine...OH except the passenger window doesn't work....and that whole...me backing into a tree thing.... but that was my fault.
I also have to consider the fact that I may be able to get a much lower interest rate through Capital One, which would greatly reduce my monthly payment. Would it be so bad to have a nicer, newer car, with a TON less miles, for LESS money a month? I don't see why this is a bad thing, yet I always seem to get opposition from people. "You don't NEED a new car." yeah well we dont NEED cell phones or make up or computers or shoes yet people have no issue spending money on these things, yet a car...oh no, Im a terrible person for wanting a car. Some people like shoes, some people like stamp collecting, some people collect porn....I ... like cars. Thats my thing. Let me have my thing!
This next thought fucks with people pretty good too.... I might look into saving my money for a few months, and buying some little beater car...as a second car, to drive to and from work. It will save the mileage on the newer car, thus allowing it to retain its value and lowering any future repair and maintenance costs for the new car, and feeds my need for cars!! plus, honestly, the insurance on some random pile on wheels would be almost nothing a month to add to my insurance policy, the gas mileage will be steller (granted Im looking at mid 90's Honda Civics) and i wont be concerned with how the car looks or even drives...as long as it gets me to and from work...and the occasional errand. Someone asked "What if that beater breaks down?? then what??"
O_O.... srsly? if it breaks down...I HAVE THE NICE CAR SITTING THERE READY TO GO... if the crappy car dies...well, either I will let it sit until I can fix it, or I will call a junk yard and have them come get it, and usually they will pay you a couple hundred bucks for it cuz they will part it out and sell it piece by piece. Either way, Im not really LOSING anything.
Of course none of this is set in stone. I havent applied for anything to do with the car because right now priority one is to get my apartment. And I think I have found 3 or 4 that could really be contendors!!!! One even says "Bad Credit OK" Im excited.
I just HATE MOVING. I HATE IT. I HATE PACKING AND LOADING THE CAR AND GOING BACK AND FORTH dropping shit off and picking shit up...the heavy lifting, the awkward sweaty exisitence...ugh I hate it. I. HATE. IT.
But I guess it's worth it. My friend Drew says he can get the Ford Excursion from work to help move. I only really need it for the bed...but who knows. The funny thing is, he works for a radio station...and its the republican douche bag advertising SUV... so it has like Sean Hannity all over the side. So Drew and I will be bumping the gayest music ever, and be super gay while we drive around in the right wing mobile. HA. We might take pictures and post them!! OMG I know right, so funny.
Then I need to get my deposit back, and with that I will begin to acquire furnature. See, I have a bed, a night stand, a random white shelf thing, and a book case (small) that my TV sits on. OH and two lamps and two end tables. Thats it. That it the extent of my furnishings. So I will need to start searching around for cheap furniture. I will need a couch, maybe a small dining table and chairs, maybe something better to put my TV on. OMG and I need kitchen stuff. I need silverware, plates, cooking stuff, pots and pans....that stuff. All I have is glasses and mugs. and I think I have...one pot. UGH I need a toaster, blender, and microwave too... UGH... Well you best believe I will be getting cooking utencils and plates and spatulas and pots (if possible) at my local 99 cent store. Trust I am NOT above the 99 cent store.
I feel like I should have a housewarming party in the hopes that I will get gifts. LOL
Maybe not but it was a nice thought though.
WELL I think I have emptied my brain... stay tuned!!!
November 29, 2010
Fucked over by Google...
Apparently its a no no to encourage people to click your ads on your blog. So google has removed my ads and disabled my account. Thanks a lot. Fuckers.
SO now Im on the hunt for a similar program. Fuck Google, Ill advertise for someone else!
SO now Im on the hunt for a similar program. Fuck Google, Ill advertise for someone else!
November 23, 2010
Gobble Gobble
Okay, so I have mixed feelings about Thanksgiving as a holiday. I love it, because I get to spend time with my family and friends, and eat some DELICIOUS food... but I think it's complete and utter bullshit. Give thanks that the pilgrims came to this land, and shared food with indians?? Ya know what the pilgrims gave the indians?? Blankets full of Small Pox. After that killed off a whole bunch of then, they began forcing the indians out of their native land so that they could colonize and escape the oppression of England. So they oppressed another culture...to escape their own oppression. Yeah that's fair. Who gives a shit about anyone else as long as WE have what WE want...
THEN as times change, life goes on... now the government said "Okay, so our bad, we kinda fucked you and your people over... WHOOPS... okay so lets make it up to you... you are allowed to live among us...as long as you adapt to our culture, act as civil as we act, dress like us, behave like us, work and live your life as we do... if you can't...well... okay here is a random plot of land in the middle of nowhere...with some trailers on it... we will give it to you, we will call it your Reservation, and you can do whatever you want with it...its all yours!! No need to thank us.. its our way of saying... "our bad, we cool?"
I happen to have a lot of respect for native americans, and not because I am 1/16 Cherokee, but because they are smart! They figured out a way to get back at the white man. They have their casino's and they are taking the white man's money back one slot machine at a time. I think it is sad that Native American culture has been glamourized and exploited for decoration in a flashy casino... BUT at least they are strong and smart enough to do something with what they were "given" and making the best of life after what was stolen from them.
For me, the meaning of "Thanksgiving" is not that some Brit stumbled upon our shores and founded a new world... No No.
I am thankful for my friends, my family, the good things I have in my life, and I am Thankful to the Native Americans for not going buck wild ape shit crazy and slaughtering every white man they saw... So Cheers to the Native Americans, I am thankful that they didnt kill us all, and I am thankful that so many of the native american men are FUCKING HOT.
Even though my ancestors were in Sicily making wine...I still would like to say, Dear Native American's: You got a bum deal! You were fucked over big time and you didn't deserve that shit!!! You should all get together, and take over England and then be like " HOW DO YOU LIKE IT BITCHES!!!!"
THEN as times change, life goes on... now the government said "Okay, so our bad, we kinda fucked you and your people over... WHOOPS... okay so lets make it up to you... you are allowed to live among us...as long as you adapt to our culture, act as civil as we act, dress like us, behave like us, work and live your life as we do... if you can't...well... okay here is a random plot of land in the middle of nowhere...with some trailers on it... we will give it to you, we will call it your Reservation, and you can do whatever you want with it...its all yours!! No need to thank us.. its our way of saying... "our bad, we cool?"
I happen to have a lot of respect for native americans, and not because I am 1/16 Cherokee, but because they are smart! They figured out a way to get back at the white man. They have their casino's and they are taking the white man's money back one slot machine at a time. I think it is sad that Native American culture has been glamourized and exploited for decoration in a flashy casino... BUT at least they are strong and smart enough to do something with what they were "given" and making the best of life after what was stolen from them.
For me, the meaning of "Thanksgiving" is not that some Brit stumbled upon our shores and founded a new world... No No.
I am thankful for my friends, my family, the good things I have in my life, and I am Thankful to the Native Americans for not going buck wild ape shit crazy and slaughtering every white man they saw... So Cheers to the Native Americans, I am thankful that they didnt kill us all, and I am thankful that so many of the native american men are FUCKING HOT.
Even though my ancestors were in Sicily making wine...I still would like to say, Dear Native American's: You got a bum deal! You were fucked over big time and you didn't deserve that shit!!! You should all get together, and take over England and then be like " HOW DO YOU LIKE IT BITCHES!!!!"
November 16, 2010
okay, omg omg omg....
so there is this dirty faggot I used to be friends with right? We'll call him "Birthing hips"
B-Hips said some truly awful and hateful things about some friends of mine, and then acted like a victim when we all told him to fuck off. Then he starts telling people we are liars, he never said those things...blah blah blah... anyway...
So he and his little band of rag tag losers who were OUR left over friends that we kinda of cast off... they start their little group, and then try to mess with us or talk shit...which is laughable...cuz t hey are all pathetic losers.
Anyway...i get a call today from a certain someone's Auto Financing company. UH OH...car payments arent being made...they are looking to repo... so being the concerned consumer that I am....I did what any good person would do. I gave them B-Hips' new address, phone number, work phone number, and new work address.
Ain't I a stinker?
I just sat back after the phone call and said "So THIS is what it feels like to have a prayer answered. I like it.
So THANK YOU KARMA for giving me the opportunity to return the favor to someone who did some horrible shit, and didnt get the ass beating that was deserved.
*sigh* My night has been made.
so there is this dirty faggot I used to be friends with right? We'll call him "Birthing hips"
B-Hips said some truly awful and hateful things about some friends of mine, and then acted like a victim when we all told him to fuck off. Then he starts telling people we are liars, he never said those things...blah blah blah... anyway...
So he and his little band of rag tag losers who were OUR left over friends that we kinda of cast off... they start their little group, and then try to mess with us or talk shit...which is laughable...cuz t hey are all pathetic losers.
Anyway...i get a call today from a certain someone's Auto Financing company. UH OH...car payments arent being made...they are looking to repo... so being the concerned consumer that I am....I did what any good person would do. I gave them B-Hips' new address, phone number, work phone number, and new work address.
Ain't I a stinker?
I just sat back after the phone call and said "So THIS is what it feels like to have a prayer answered. I like it.
So THANK YOU KARMA for giving me the opportunity to return the favor to someone who did some horrible shit, and didnt get the ass beating that was deserved.
*sigh* My night has been made.
November 12, 2010
Investment Ideas
Okay so you know how some people buy properties as investments? Well I was thinking that I might buy an investment vehicle. I was thinking if I can pick up something for under $2000, something reliable, like a Honda Civic, or a Toyota Celica or something along those lines... I can use the little used car to drive to and from work, running errands, even weekend trips to visit friends and family... That was I can keep the mileage off of my nice car. Even though my "nice" car is a 6 year old Honda Accord...I still have 2 years worth of payments left on it, and it's starting to look a little tired and worn out, it would be nice to throw a car cover on it and keep it looking nice so it will actually be worth something when its paid off and I want to new car. WHICH by the way Im thinking might be a Scion xB. The new ones are cute. I want a stick shift again. Im hoping that if I can afford to pick up a little used Honda or something, that Ill be able to find a stick shift.
Anyway, thats an idea I have been tossing around. I dont know if it is going to happen BUT I do know this: I am going to have my own apartment by the first of the year!! I've already told my roommate, she is fine with it, so I just have to wait until my financial aid check arrives! That would be almost 3 grand so there is my moving money PLUS when my roommate finds a new roommate...I will get my almost 2 grand deposit back!! So maybe then I will get my lil beater car. Either that or some furniture for my new place!!!!! hey maybe if Im smart and frugal...BOTH!!! Im so excited I could pee!! I also want to take a weekend trip up to San Francisco to visit friends and have a little fun! My friend Scott is recently single after 7 or 8 years so I KNOW he needs a weekend away so he and I are planning on going, I just have to wait until I get my financial aid. We will see what happens. :-)
On top of all of this goodness, I have ideas again!!! my brain is once again full of creativity and ideas and stories for my books!!!! OMG I can't wait to get it all done!!!!!
Anyway, thats an idea I have been tossing around. I dont know if it is going to happen BUT I do know this: I am going to have my own apartment by the first of the year!! I've already told my roommate, she is fine with it, so I just have to wait until my financial aid check arrives! That would be almost 3 grand so there is my moving money PLUS when my roommate finds a new roommate...I will get my almost 2 grand deposit back!! So maybe then I will get my lil beater car. Either that or some furniture for my new place!!!!! hey maybe if Im smart and frugal...BOTH!!! Im so excited I could pee!! I also want to take a weekend trip up to San Francisco to visit friends and have a little fun! My friend Scott is recently single after 7 or 8 years so I KNOW he needs a weekend away so he and I are planning on going, I just have to wait until I get my financial aid. We will see what happens. :-)
On top of all of this goodness, I have ideas again!!! my brain is once again full of creativity and ideas and stories for my books!!!! OMG I can't wait to get it all done!!!!!
November 10, 2010
November 8, 2010
Brainstorming / Feedback from YOU
Okay readers... I have questions for you, and I really want your feedback.
Number one, how do I get more dedicated readers? I need to build a fan base and really get this going, because I really want to get different people's opinions about stuff... even if its just the random shit I post, at least there is some kind of dialog to work with.
I also would like to open up a "Blog Topic" type of situation where my readers will give me a topic and we can go off on it. hahaha Also, i am full of experience, piss and vineager, ASK ME QUESTIONS!!!! Ask for my advice!!! Ask me what I would do!!!! SO FUN!!!
okay so I have like 3 book projects in my head right now, another autobiography..focused mostly on the tragedy of my dating life as an adult, a fictional gay romance novel from my point of view (no model gorgeous men falling in love at the gym and live happily ever after in their gorgeous future of being buff adonis' that no living person could ever ACTUALLY live up to....) and my very unique cook book.
Right now Im curious about the fictional romantic gay comedy type book... I am wondering what you guys think about this idea, because I know that things that arent the norm tend to make the masses nervous, and when Americans come in contact with something they dont understand, they attack it, light it on fire, throw bibles at it, brand it a Terrorist and blame 9/11 on it...
I also know that sometimes when you tap into a little known genre, you can really make an impact, and THAT is what I love more than anything.
Okay so here is the basic plot:
Overweight gay male in his twenties battles stereotypes, and fetishes trying to find love. After being screwed over time and time again, he has decided it is better to reject the concept of love and gives in to the despair he is left with after every failed attempt at love. Eventually he comes in contact with an easily underestimateable man, whom he barely even notices... but the underestimate man is immediately attracted to the overweight bundle of low self esteem that hides behind a slightly slutty bitchy and jaded exterior, but the time is just never right... eventually, the plain unnoticable boy catches the eye of the tortured overweight gay man who is so wrapped up in dealing with his inner turmoil that he fails to notice right away that this boy is in fact, not plain or underestimatable...he is in fact extraoridinary and beautiful and everything he ever dreamt of in one person but never thought would be possible, but the chance for love may have passed as someone else may have caught the eye of the newly gorgeous underestimated boy. What will happen? How will it get resolved? What will overweight pessimistic homo do??? There will be an interesting and funny cast of characters, friends, and family complications that will complicate the story...and make it enjoyable. (at least I think it will be enjoyable)
Obviously alot of the emotional struggle, depression, and dating train-wrecks will be based on my own life, but for the most part, the story line will get complicated and frustrating...but not stupid and lame...like a certain sparkly vampire movie I wont mention cuz its stupid and lame.
Okay so what do you think?? Too predictable? Not interesting enough? Not relatable enough?? Please give me your feedback, good or bad on the concept.
I also have an idea for a lesbian based love story as well, that I plan to based on a couple of friends. They have endured outside hate, people discounting their love, their families not supporting them, financial crises, problems w ith their kids, ex's, and infidelity, yet throughout it all, they are crazy enough to stay together.
I think it will really be an interesting story to tell.
Anyway, please give me your suggestions, comments, questions, and I promise I will respond to every single one of them!!!
Thank you, and please, spread the word about my blog, i really would like to have lots of readers!!! this is the link to copy and paste to people if you want to suggest my writings to them:
Number one, how do I get more dedicated readers? I need to build a fan base and really get this going, because I really want to get different people's opinions about stuff... even if its just the random shit I post, at least there is some kind of dialog to work with.
I also would like to open up a "Blog Topic" type of situation where my readers will give me a topic and we can go off on it. hahaha Also, i am full of experience, piss and vineager, ASK ME QUESTIONS!!!! Ask for my advice!!! Ask me what I would do!!!! SO FUN!!!
okay so I have like 3 book projects in my head right now, another autobiography..focused mostly on the tragedy of my dating life as an adult, a fictional gay romance novel from my point of view (no model gorgeous men falling in love at the gym and live happily ever after in their gorgeous future of being buff adonis' that no living person could ever ACTUALLY live up to....) and my very unique cook book.
Right now Im curious about the fictional romantic gay comedy type book... I am wondering what you guys think about this idea, because I know that things that arent the norm tend to make the masses nervous, and when Americans come in contact with something they dont understand, they attack it, light it on fire, throw bibles at it, brand it a Terrorist and blame 9/11 on it...
I also know that sometimes when you tap into a little known genre, you can really make an impact, and THAT is what I love more than anything.
Okay so here is the basic plot:
Overweight gay male in his twenties battles stereotypes, and fetishes trying to find love. After being screwed over time and time again, he has decided it is better to reject the concept of love and gives in to the despair he is left with after every failed attempt at love. Eventually he comes in contact with an easily underestimateable man, whom he barely even notices... but the underestimate man is immediately attracted to the overweight bundle of low self esteem that hides behind a slightly slutty bitchy and jaded exterior, but the time is just never right... eventually, the plain unnoticable boy catches the eye of the tortured overweight gay man who is so wrapped up in dealing with his inner turmoil that he fails to notice right away that this boy is in fact, not plain or underestimatable...he is in fact extraoridinary and beautiful and everything he ever dreamt of in one person but never thought would be possible, but the chance for love may have passed as someone else may have caught the eye of the newly gorgeous underestimated boy. What will happen? How will it get resolved? What will overweight pessimistic homo do??? There will be an interesting and funny cast of characters, friends, and family complications that will complicate the story...and make it enjoyable. (at least I think it will be enjoyable)
Obviously alot of the emotional struggle, depression, and dating train-wrecks will be based on my own life, but for the most part, the story line will get complicated and frustrating...but not stupid and lame...like a certain sparkly vampire movie I wont mention cuz its stupid and lame.
Okay so what do you think?? Too predictable? Not interesting enough? Not relatable enough?? Please give me your feedback, good or bad on the concept.
I also have an idea for a lesbian based love story as well, that I plan to based on a couple of friends. They have endured outside hate, people discounting their love, their families not supporting them, financial crises, problems w ith their kids, ex's, and infidelity, yet throughout it all, they are crazy enough to stay together.
I think it will really be an interesting story to tell.
Anyway, please give me your suggestions, comments, questions, and I promise I will respond to every single one of them!!!
Thank you, and please, spread the word about my blog, i really would like to have lots of readers!!! this is the link to copy and paste to people if you want to suggest my writings to them:
Another Book Idea...
Okay people, I've decided that I am going to write a cook book. Im so tired of these "Naturally Skinny" types trying to get everyone thin... ya know what america... there will ALWAYS be FAT PEOPLE. GET OVER IT.
Im gonna write a cook book of delicious traditional cooking for people who eat.
Title has already been chosen, and no offense, im not sharing it yet, because it's good and I dont want to risk some random reader coming along and stealing the idea.
This book will include party tips, hosting ideas, decoration ideas, as well as the recipes....
there will be soul food, italian, mexican, sushi, desserts, and fusion recipes.
Im so excited I could pee.
Im gonna write a cook book of delicious traditional cooking for people who eat.
Title has already been chosen, and no offense, im not sharing it yet, because it's good and I dont want to risk some random reader coming along and stealing the idea.
This book will include party tips, hosting ideas, decoration ideas, as well as the recipes....
there will be soul food, italian, mexican, sushi, desserts, and fusion recipes.
Im so excited I could pee.
November 7, 2010
Peace of Mind?
All seems to be well in my world at them moment...aside from the usual Hidradenitis Suppurativa drama... But this sense of calm is a nice change from the usual trainwreck I live in. Another week has ended and a new one shall begin. The sad thing is, as much as I am enjoying this "all's well" feeling, I am terrified of it as well, because every time I feel like Im on even ground, the bottom drops out, and shit hits the fan again.
I am doing my best to think positively, and makes plans for a better future. Its tough but I am gonna do it, even if it ends up being shit, I am gonna find a way to make the best of it and kick some ass in the process!!
I have also begun brainstorming for my second book. I have already begun writing it, about a year ago LOL but I hit a road block and havent looked back since. I am slowly feeling the drive to write again, thanks to forcing myself to get back into this blog. I have some ideas for a fiction novel as well... a slightly more reality-based version of a romance novel....and a novel about how my life SHOULD have gone. LOL
We will see. I have many many things I would like to do and accomplish, so wish me luck and send your love!
On a more personal note:
Jill, Fallon, Sergi: I love you <3
Fallon: I am so excited about your growing eggs!
Jill: We are SERIOUSLY overdue for a roadtrip. I say we pack up one of the cars, grab some slurpees and beef jerky, and the three of us (cuz Justin is totally welcome) hit the road.
Sergi: Plans are constantly fluctuating, but I am doing my best to make a trip to come visit.
Vixey: Thank you for still reading and clicking the ads and commenting! Hope all is well in Sri Lanka! EAT SOMETHING, YOURE TOO DAMN SKINNY!!! hahahahahahaha
I am doing my best to think positively, and makes plans for a better future. Its tough but I am gonna do it, even if it ends up being shit, I am gonna find a way to make the best of it and kick some ass in the process!!
I have also begun brainstorming for my second book. I have already begun writing it, about a year ago LOL but I hit a road block and havent looked back since. I am slowly feeling the drive to write again, thanks to forcing myself to get back into this blog. I have some ideas for a fiction novel as well... a slightly more reality-based version of a romance novel....and a novel about how my life SHOULD have gone. LOL
We will see. I have many many things I would like to do and accomplish, so wish me luck and send your love!
On a more personal note:
Jill, Fallon, Sergi: I love you <3
Fallon: I am so excited about your growing eggs!
Jill: We are SERIOUSLY overdue for a roadtrip. I say we pack up one of the cars, grab some slurpees and beef jerky, and the three of us (cuz Justin is totally welcome) hit the road.
Sergi: Plans are constantly fluctuating, but I am doing my best to make a trip to come visit.
Vixey: Thank you for still reading and clicking the ads and commenting! Hope all is well in Sri Lanka! EAT SOMETHING, YOURE TOO DAMN SKINNY!!! hahahahahahaha
November 5, 2010
Okay, so I have a situation that I don't want to talk about in detail, but I will say this... I made a mistake, and now its come back to bite me in the ass... I need to go deal with this tomorrow...but if turns out the way I think its gonna turn out...heads will ROLL.
November 3, 2010
OMG youre gonna die...
laughing....when you watch my friend Jason and I playing "Just Dance" on Wii. My friend Jason, Arty and Drew and I decided to spend a weekend at Arty's family's beach house in Pacific Beach, CA and when we started drinking, they thought it would be a fun idea to play this dancing game. Well I heard Tina Turner and was IN. They thought it would be HYSTERICAL if I wore a wig so it would be all Tina-licious. As you will see in the video, my fat ass got too damn hot wearing that wig and it came flyin off.
Anyway...ENJOY! (god I hope this goes viral... maybe I will get a chance to go on Tosh.0 and meet that yummy dork Daniel Tosh!)
****Apparently the link won't work.... COPY AND PASTE!!!
Anyway...ENJOY! (god I hope this goes viral... maybe I will get a chance to go on Tosh.0 and meet that yummy dork Daniel Tosh!)
****Apparently the link won't work.... COPY AND PASTE!!!
November 2, 2010
In other news...
enough of my bitching about my home life. I am sick to death of being stressed out about shit all the time. I hate it. I HATE it.
Im trying to think of something positive and frankly I can't think of anything. I hate when this happens...when there is SO MUCH bad in your life that you are physically incapable of finding good. I am stressed at work, unahppy at home, still single, still broke, still struggling, still waiting for financial aid to pull their heads out of their asses and give me my fucking check! Im still dealing with family drama revolving around the holidays, Im still in constant unrelenting excrutiating pain every second of every day thanks to Hidradenitis Suppurative... FUCK MY LIFE. I wish there was a reset button. The good things I have in my life are far away. ALWAYS...the good stuff is always out of reach. I swear I am god's personal joke. He LOVES to watch me suffer. All I get is a hard time. Well I n ow no longer believe in god. fuck god. fuck religion...its all wrong anyway. Prayers have never done anything for me, Ive prayed and prayed and prayed all my life...and ya know what...either God doesnt give a shit, or there is NO GOD. Its kind of stupid to believe in something that we have no rock solid proof even exists. It would be like be starting a religion based on the existance and teachings of the "Stay-Puffed Marshmellow Man" I mean, we was giant and in a movie...so whose to say he wasnt our savior? yeah... thats how ridiculous "god" and religion sounds to me.
So I quit on God. He was never there for me, and now I walk away from faith. I have nothing to have faith in.
Some people will find this offensive (get over it) some people will find this sad (get over it) but ya know...this actually makes me feel better. It makes me feel more independent and less like a forgotten child who just wants to be heard and helped....no... now I am able to let go of fantasy...and move into reality. Who would have thought that letting go of this lie we've been fed since birth would actually make me feel BETTER!?!?
And now Im smiling for the first time all day.... awesome :-)
Im trying to think of something positive and frankly I can't think of anything. I hate when this happens...when there is SO MUCH bad in your life that you are physically incapable of finding good. I am stressed at work, unahppy at home, still single, still broke, still struggling, still waiting for financial aid to pull their heads out of their asses and give me my fucking check! Im still dealing with family drama revolving around the holidays, Im still in constant unrelenting excrutiating pain every second of every day thanks to Hidradenitis Suppurative... FUCK MY LIFE. I wish there was a reset button. The good things I have in my life are far away. ALWAYS...the good stuff is always out of reach. I swear I am god's personal joke. He LOVES to watch me suffer. All I get is a hard time. Well I n ow no longer believe in god. fuck god. fuck religion...its all wrong anyway. Prayers have never done anything for me, Ive prayed and prayed and prayed all my life...and ya know what...either God doesnt give a shit, or there is NO GOD. Its kind of stupid to believe in something that we have no rock solid proof even exists. It would be like be starting a religion based on the existance and teachings of the "Stay-Puffed Marshmellow Man" I mean, we was giant and in a movie...so whose to say he wasnt our savior? yeah... thats how ridiculous "god" and religion sounds to me.
So I quit on God. He was never there for me, and now I walk away from faith. I have nothing to have faith in.
Some people will find this offensive (get over it) some people will find this sad (get over it) but ya know...this actually makes me feel better. It makes me feel more independent and less like a forgotten child who just wants to be heard and helped....no... now I am able to let go of fantasy...and move into reality. Who would have thought that letting go of this lie we've been fed since birth would actually make me feel BETTER!?!?
And now Im smiling for the first time all day.... awesome :-)
Sad Realization
Its sad sad day when you realize that you are the only person you can depend on. I can't depend on my roommate anymore. There is always some excuse or reason why she couldn't get to the bank to pay me for the utilities, or couldnt deposit the rent check, or why her check bounced... Im done. When I get my financial aid check, I am moving into my own place. Probably some hole in the wall ghetto studio in a dangerous part of town, since thats what I can afford... but whatever. My rental history and my credit with Cox Cable, the Water company, and SDG&E have been compromised and ruined because of my roommates poor judgement and lack of concern for due dates of bills. I am no longer willing to accecpt this. Also, her damn dog, that I used to adore but now am mearly tolerating... has ruined out home. The entire first floor spells like piss. Sancho is a neurotic fuck of a dog. When the new neighbors moved in, with their loud barking dog, Sancho freaked out and now refuses to go to bathroom in the back yard like he used to. So he HOLDS IT. Now he is peeing and shitting in the house. This is unacceptable to me... Im about ready to kill his stupid ass. I just leave him in the back yard when Im home because I dont want to deal with him. I feel terrible because he is a sweet loving dog, but damnit, i didnt want him!! I wanted a little dog, a pug puppy that I would have from puppy-hood that could be trained. SHE HAD TO BRING SANCHO HOME..... I had no say in the matter. Well guess what... If I move and she stays, she is paying me my part of the deposit in full, because I'm not having my part of the deposit deducted because of the damage caused by HER dog. I think however that the deposit was written out by me, so the money should come back to me...so if she moves out when I move out, then I get whatever's left of the deposit anyway. I THEN WILL DEDUCT cuz Im not having it.
I never thought this would happen. She was always so responsible, until this year. I am fed up and over this whole living situation. Done.
I never thought this would happen. She was always so responsible, until this year. I am fed up and over this whole living situation. Done.
October 28, 2010
Hate Mail
OMG you guys I got my very first piece of blog hate mail!!! Oh this is too good. You know it was written by some 14 year old pre-pubescent fucktard loser with nothing else to do with his time that try to talk shit to a complete stranger whose blog he happened to stumble upon while searching for the latest episode of Naruto...
Hey Fagit (omg if you're gonna insult me, at least spell correctly) Ur blog sux my leff nut, wich ud prolly like cuz ur a fagit (<--- again?) I bet everyone (<-- wow a big word that he spelled correctly! Gold Star Jay, Gold Star) who reads ur blog is prolly gay and stupid. U think ur so funny, nun of yur shit makes cents anywayz so shut the fuck up, ur dum. (<---this is how you type, and I'M dumb?? yeah okay Junior)
Well Hooray for you Jay, you have accomplished nothing more than making yourself look like a window licking fuck tard. Congratulations.
Readers: Jay is the perfect example of what can happen when you drink while pregnant. What Jay fails to realize is that he read my blog...he is therefor, by his own logic, "gay and stupid" and for the record, I like full sized adult man cock in my mouth, not your raisonette sized, Down's Syndrome Jay Nut. Could anyone get their mouth on your balls? Have your balls even dropped yet? I would venture to guess, no, they probably haven't. However, if you really are curious about how the quality of my nut-sucking skills, just ask your Dad.
My question is, how old is Jay? If he is any older than 14, then he needs to be in special ed...with a tutor, because the way he types is an abomination to the English language. If he is 14...then someone tell his mother to stop drinking during her pregnancies...oh and see if there isn't a way to do a "really late term" abortion on Jay. he is going to do nothing more than make the United States look even more simple and country than it already does. Thanks Bible Belt!
On a lighter note, I saw a video today online of a kid who was trying to rap, get punched in the face by his sister because he sucked so bad....the boys name was Jay... I like to think that Jay, and my hate mail Jay are the same Jay. Cuz they both deserve to be punched in the face....by a girl.
I have one last thing to add...a personal message to Jay.
Jay... for the love of GOD, learn to spell, get a life, and die in a fire. OH and if you thought I wasn't going to post your dumb ass message on my blog for the readers to enjoy, you really truly are as stupid as you sound.
oh..and its "faggot" you stupid inbred dickless white trash fuck.
Hey Fagit (omg if you're gonna insult me, at least spell correctly) Ur blog sux my leff nut, wich ud prolly like cuz ur a fagit (<--- again?) I bet everyone (<-- wow a big word that he spelled correctly! Gold Star Jay, Gold Star) who reads ur blog is prolly gay and stupid. U think ur so funny, nun of yur shit makes cents anywayz so shut the fuck up, ur dum. (<---this is how you type, and I'M dumb?? yeah okay Junior)
Well Hooray for you Jay, you have accomplished nothing more than making yourself look like a window licking fuck tard. Congratulations.
Readers: Jay is the perfect example of what can happen when you drink while pregnant. What Jay fails to realize is that he read my blog...he is therefor, by his own logic, "gay and stupid" and for the record, I like full sized adult man cock in my mouth, not your raisonette sized, Down's Syndrome Jay Nut. Could anyone get their mouth on your balls? Have your balls even dropped yet? I would venture to guess, no, they probably haven't. However, if you really are curious about how the quality of my nut-sucking skills, just ask your Dad.
My question is, how old is Jay? If he is any older than 14, then he needs to be in special ed...with a tutor, because the way he types is an abomination to the English language. If he is 14...then someone tell his mother to stop drinking during her pregnancies...oh and see if there isn't a way to do a "really late term" abortion on Jay. he is going to do nothing more than make the United States look even more simple and country than it already does. Thanks Bible Belt!
On a lighter note, I saw a video today online of a kid who was trying to rap, get punched in the face by his sister because he sucked so bad....the boys name was Jay... I like to think that Jay, and my hate mail Jay are the same Jay. Cuz they both deserve to be punched in the face....by a girl.
I have one last thing to add...a personal message to Jay.
Jay... for the love of GOD, learn to spell, get a life, and die in a fire. OH and if you thought I wasn't going to post your dumb ass message on my blog for the readers to enjoy, you really truly are as stupid as you sound.
oh..and its "faggot" you stupid inbred dickless white trash fuck.
So Many Paths to Choose from...
With every day that passes I keep thinking about different ways to get back to the comfortable level of living to which I had become accustomed. No this does not mean oppulence or fancy things... but to be able to pay my bills, without stressing out to the point of vomit. I have been thinking about Bankruptcy, buying a really cheap 2000 dollar used car and letting them repo my current car so that I wouldnt have a car payment anymore, I tried to find a cheaper place to rent, but sadly, without roommates, the cheapest I could find was $25 more than I am paying now. Even though I am frustrated and unhappy where I live, and the situation, I guess Im just gonna have to deal with it. Im going to have to revert back to the days when you lived with someone but didnt share food, didnt share anything because one person inevitably gets taken advantage of, and its always me. I can not afford to buy food for two people, so that is now ending, my food will be put in a little cupboard in my room, cuz it gets eaten and doesnt get replaced or paid for. I might be able to afford to move into a new place after a 6 months or so, depending on the situation with money. We will see.
I might be able to keep my car and my payment if I use the financial aid money to pay my payment every month/.... I dont know, but I know this much, SOMETHING needs to change, and I need to choose a path and stick to it. I just need to make that decision....but which one to choose????????
October 27, 2010
Filthy Brown Mood Ring
okay I am unhappy right now. My body hurts (stupid hidradenitis supperative) and Im freaking out cuz I think I have a bladder infection or kidney stone...cuz there's blood in my urine....great. How about my cancer returns? OH or maybe I would get shot in the fucking head...that would work too. Ya know, when I had medical insurance, I didn't have this many problems... now that I dont, its alllll coming out. Typical.
Im pissed. This sucks. I can't afford a doctor, I cant afford the bills from the ER... im fucked. I hate this shit, i go to a clinic or an ER and its just ruining my credit because I can't pay for any of it. So what do I do? suffer, thats what.
f my life.
ALSO... a message for big people. I am one of you, I get it....but I am self aware... if you stop your fat ass past my desk and you make the floor shake....maybe you should learn to TREAD LIGHTLY!!!!!!!!!! I walk softly...I dont make monitors in the office shake when I walk by them...what the fuck is your fat ass problem... its not cute, its not pleasant, and its irritating everything time you trot your fat ass past my desk!! Im fat, I dont have this effect on people....WTF
Im pissed. This sucks. I can't afford a doctor, I cant afford the bills from the ER... im fucked. I hate this shit, i go to a clinic or an ER and its just ruining my credit because I can't pay for any of it. So what do I do? suffer, thats what.
f my life.
ALSO... a message for big people. I am one of you, I get it....but I am self aware... if you stop your fat ass past my desk and you make the floor shake....maybe you should learn to TREAD LIGHTLY!!!!!!!!!! I walk softly...I dont make monitors in the office shake when I walk by them...what the fuck is your fat ass problem... its not cute, its not pleasant, and its irritating everything time you trot your fat ass past my desk!! Im fat, I dont have this effect on people....WTF
October 26, 2010
A change would do you good.
Ya know, I am sick to death of always being the one to handle everything. I'm always the one worrying about whats gonna happen and stressing over how its gonnna get paid and making sure everything is taken care of... and others just glide through life being unconcerned. WHY AM I DOING THIS?!?!?!?! This is bullshit.
I love my roommate to death, and I want to keep her as a close friend... but I think we need to part ways as far as living together. I do everything. I make sure the bills are paid, and she pays me her half whenever its convenient for her, and even then its not in full. Im sick of this shit. Im sick of buying food, and finding that its been eaten, yet not replaced or paid for. Im done. DONE. I've been searching craigslist for studio apartments around the same price as what Im paying so that I can move out. I cant deal with this stress anymore. If Im gonna stress its gonna be over my own shit, not "our" shit. Im over her dog pissing all over the house! Im over her letting her friends and their dogs (that piss all over the house) just crash whenever, and she doesnt ask me if Im cool with it...she just TELLS me. Im not her parent, and Im not dealing with this anymore. Im fuckin over it, Im stressed out, and Im tired of it. I just cancelled my netflix, the one I've been paying for that she has been using...and never pitched in to help pay for. CANCELLED. Im having the cable TV shut off, just gonna have internet... if she wants TV she can pay for it. Im not stressing over this anymore. Im going to have my name taken off of the utilities that we share, because Im not having my credit ruined because she doesnt care about paying her utilities on time.
There is a problem, I paid 2/3 of our move in deposit, and since her dog ruined the carpet, Im not having MY DEPOSIT deducted because of HER dog...so when I move out, she is gonna have to liquidate her CD's or tap into her savings or whatever, but she is gonna have to give me my part of the deposit when I move out. And if she thinks I wont get a lawyer involved, she is trippin. I don't fuck around when it comes to money.
God damnit I hate that this has happened!! I know this is going to go badly. I just know it.
I love my roommate to death, and I want to keep her as a close friend... but I think we need to part ways as far as living together. I do everything. I make sure the bills are paid, and she pays me her half whenever its convenient for her, and even then its not in full. Im sick of this shit. Im sick of buying food, and finding that its been eaten, yet not replaced or paid for. Im done. DONE. I've been searching craigslist for studio apartments around the same price as what Im paying so that I can move out. I cant deal with this stress anymore. If Im gonna stress its gonna be over my own shit, not "our" shit. Im over her dog pissing all over the house! Im over her letting her friends and their dogs (that piss all over the house) just crash whenever, and she doesnt ask me if Im cool with it...she just TELLS me. Im not her parent, and Im not dealing with this anymore. Im fuckin over it, Im stressed out, and Im tired of it. I just cancelled my netflix, the one I've been paying for that she has been using...and never pitched in to help pay for. CANCELLED. Im having the cable TV shut off, just gonna have internet... if she wants TV she can pay for it. Im not stressing over this anymore. Im going to have my name taken off of the utilities that we share, because Im not having my credit ruined because she doesnt care about paying her utilities on time.
There is a problem, I paid 2/3 of our move in deposit, and since her dog ruined the carpet, Im not having MY DEPOSIT deducted because of HER dog...so when I move out, she is gonna have to liquidate her CD's or tap into her savings or whatever, but she is gonna have to give me my part of the deposit when I move out. And if she thinks I wont get a lawyer involved, she is trippin. I don't fuck around when it comes to money.
God damnit I hate that this has happened!! I know this is going to go badly. I just know it.
October 25, 2010
Viva La Musica
Thanks to my dear friend Drew, I now have new music to share. YAY
Including an artist I had never heard of!!! I LOVE finding new awesome artists!!!
Here's the list for all you lover's of POP MUSIC!!!
(some of these songs have been on previous lists, but some of these are remixes or different versions featuring another artist or whatever.)
Taio Cruz (Feat. Jennifer Lopez) - Dynamite
KE$HA - We R Who We R
Kristine Elezaj - Warpath
- Let You Know
- D.N.A (Dance the Night Away)
- Rockstar
There is one more... DJ Earworm... this guy takes the top 25 songs of the year, and does a mash up of all of them, AND THEY ARE FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I have 2009, 2008, and 2007.
All this and more are on youtube for your listening enjoyment!!
Including an artist I had never heard of!!! I LOVE finding new awesome artists!!!
Here's the list for all you lover's of POP MUSIC!!!
(some of these songs have been on previous lists, but some of these are remixes or different versions featuring another artist or whatever.)
Taio Cruz (Feat. Jennifer Lopez) - Dynamite
KE$HA - We R Who We R
Kristine Elezaj - Warpath
- Let You Know
- D.N.A (Dance the Night Away)
- Rockstar
There is one more... DJ Earworm... this guy takes the top 25 songs of the year, and does a mash up of all of them, AND THEY ARE FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I have 2009, 2008, and 2007.
All this and more are on youtube for your listening enjoyment!!
October 22, 2010
Isn't there an IQ test to get into the Police Academy?
So,l I was 25 minutes late to work because I got pulled over by some idiot cop in Santee, CA. This boob pulls me over, and then sits in his car FOR TEN MINUTES…finally I get out of my car and look at my wrist like I have a watch on and say “ HELLO????? TODAY PLEASE” (my dad was a cop so I am not intimidated by cops in any way shape or form) so finally he comes up to my car, and starts lecturing me…
Cop: “Sir, I don’t know who you think you are, but no one is above responsibility when it comes to driving.”
Me: “…..What?”
Cop: “You might think you are above the law, or that you can escape your responsibilities, but not on my watch pal.”
Me: “…What??? Are you serious? Why did you pull me over? Am I being punked??" *looks around for cameras*
Cop: “I should haul you in right now, hit and run a serious offense, what were you thinking?”
Me: “Okay….. I don’t know who you think youre talking too, but I haven’t been in an accident, I didn’t hit and run from anyone, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Cop: “Just give me your License, Registration, Proof if Insurance and STAY IN THE CAR”
Me: “…..ok?”
At this point Im getting ready to post on facebook that some crazy boob in a uniform may kill me and I end up missing, this is the last place I was seen alive…. Then 5 minutes later he comes back to my window…
Cop / Boob: “What kind of car is this?”
Me: “….you have my information in your hand…. It’s a Honda Accord”
Cop/ Boob: “Oh… my apologies sir, we’re looking for a black Nissan Altima, here’s your paperwork and license, have a nice day.”
Me: “………..*blink*…………………WWWHHHAAAAATTTTT??? ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”
I started the car and hit the gas so hard my tires spun and I was off. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was so mad.
If you are going to work as a traffic officer, LEARN THE CARS AROUND YOU ON THE ROAD. Also, PLEASE HAVE ENOUGH INTELLEGENCE TO KNOW: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN ALTIMA... WHEN YOU WALK UP TO A CAR THAT SAYS "ACCORD" ON THE BACK....YOU HAVE THE WRONG CAR. STUPID. Now I gotta cut my lunch short because that fucktard made me late to work. He ruined my friday right from the start.... I hope he dies in a fire! GRRRRRRRRRRR SO ANGRY
Cop: “Sir, I don’t know who you think you are, but no one is above responsibility when it comes to driving.”
Me: “…..What?”
Cop: “You might think you are above the law, or that you can escape your responsibilities, but not on my watch pal.”
Me: “…What??? Are you serious? Why did you pull me over? Am I being punked??" *looks around for cameras*
Cop: “I should haul you in right now, hit and run a serious offense, what were you thinking?”
Me: “Okay….. I don’t know who you think youre talking too, but I haven’t been in an accident, I didn’t hit and run from anyone, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Cop: “Just give me your License, Registration, Proof if Insurance and STAY IN THE CAR”
Me: “…..ok?”
At this point Im getting ready to post on facebook that some crazy boob in a uniform may kill me and I end up missing, this is the last place I was seen alive…. Then 5 minutes later he comes back to my window…
Cop / Boob: “What kind of car is this?”
Me: “….you have my information in your hand…. It’s a Honda Accord”
Cop/ Boob: “Oh… my apologies sir, we’re looking for a black Nissan Altima, here’s your paperwork and license, have a nice day.”
Me: “………..*blink*…………………WWWHHHAAAAATTTTT??? ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”
I started the car and hit the gas so hard my tires spun and I was off. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was so mad.
If you are going to work as a traffic officer, LEARN THE CARS AROUND YOU ON THE ROAD. Also, PLEASE HAVE ENOUGH INTELLEGENCE TO KNOW: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN ALTIMA... WHEN YOU WALK UP TO A CAR THAT SAYS "ACCORD" ON THE BACK....YOU HAVE THE WRONG CAR. STUPID. Now I gotta cut my lunch short because that fucktard made me late to work. He ruined my friday right from the start.... I hope he dies in a fire! GRRRRRRRRRRR SO ANGRY
October 21, 2010
okay if you have to say "um" more than once in a sentence... hell, more than once in ever 3 or 4 sentences...you should not speak...ever.
That is all.
That is all.
October 20, 2010
Okay, who told you that being a bitch is going to get you what you want?
I dont understand why it is that people dont understand this.... If someone asked you for a favor, or asked you to do something for them or give them something, and they werent polite, or nice, or e ven pleasent...would you help them?ld you give them anything? HELL no the fuck you wouldnt! Dont be rude to ME when you need MY HELP. Cuz Im the kind of bitch that will leave you hanging, fucking up your files, risking YOUR job...because you were rude.
Don't fuck with cooks, wait-staff, maids, butlers, customer service, desk clerks, or anyone in the service sector, because we can fuck up your world in ways you dont even know about.
I dont understand why it is that people dont understand this.... If someone asked you for a favor, or asked you to do something for them or give them something, and they werent polite, or nice, or e ven pleasent...would you help them?ld you give them anything? HELL no the fuck you wouldnt! Dont be rude to ME when you need MY HELP. Cuz Im the kind of bitch that will leave you hanging, fucking up your files, risking YOUR job...because you were rude.
Don't fuck with cooks, wait-staff, maids, butlers, customer service, desk clerks, or anyone in the service sector, because we can fuck up your world in ways you dont even know about.
October 19, 2010
So I am bored at work so Im going to switch gears here... I have posted twice about the ugliest and most I see on the road.... well here is the opposite.
These are my most favorite cars on the road, this is my top ten... #1 being my absolute favorite dream car!!
10. 2011 Chevy Cruze

9. 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee

8. 2010 Toyota Prius

7. 2011 Kia Sportage

6. 2011 Honda Accord Coupe

5. Mazda CX7

4. Volkswagen Tiguan

3. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta

2. BMW 3-Series

and number 1... my baby, my ultimate dream vehicle...I want it so bad I can taste it.
2011 Volvo XC60

well those are my favorite cars. If any of you out there win the lottery or inherit boat loads of cash...and feel generous... #1 will make my whole world a happy place!!!
These are my most favorite cars on the road, this is my top ten... #1 being my absolute favorite dream car!!
10. 2011 Chevy Cruze
9. 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee
8. 2010 Toyota Prius
7. 2011 Kia Sportage
6. 2011 Honda Accord Coupe
5. Mazda CX7
4. Volkswagen Tiguan
3. 2011 Volkswagen Jetta
2. BMW 3-Series
and number 1... my baby, my ultimate dream vehicle...I want it so bad I can taste it.
2011 Volvo XC60
well those are my favorite cars. If any of you out there win the lottery or inherit boat loads of cash...and feel generous... #1 will make my whole world a happy place!!!
Okay so I don't know what some people's parents taught them, but no, it is NOT funny when you spill your drink on me.
This bitch at starbucks is walking out the door while looking at her friend BEHIND HER not even paying attention and she bumps into me and spills her tea on my pants. Instead of saying excuse me or "oh no Im so sorry" no she looks at her cup, my pants, and my face and starts laughing.
oh. no. she. didnt.
Then she tries to just walk away...oh no. I turned and this is the conversation that followed:
Me: uh, hello? you're just gonna walk away? not say anything??"
tea-bitch: what should I say? you bumped into me, and got spilled on. sorry."
Me: are you fucking serious? you stupid bitch i was holding the door FOR YOU... you were too busy with your chicken-head twisted around talkin to your little friend there, you weren't even looking where you were going, and YOU bumped into ME spilling YOUR tea on MY pants.
tea-bitch: ex-cuuuse me? who do you think you're calling a bitch?
Me: Uh..lemme think..hmm... YOU BITCH.
tea-bitch: Whatever. it happened, get over it.
(this is where I reached forward, and in an upward swinging motion, hit her cup out of her hand and it spilled all over her little white dress and blue leggings)
Me: Well guess what...THAT just happened bitch, get over it.
and I walked into starbucks to order my pumpkin spice latte. What the hell is wrong with people? has no one ever heard of courtesy? Humility? Watching where they are going? What a twat face! Sometimes I hate people, but if it wasn't for stupid bitches like her, I wouldn't have the stories to tell on my blog! So Thank you stupid tea-spilling bitch who wears ugly white thrift store dresses with blue leggings in Poway, for being a huge bitch deserving of my payback and for giving me something to tell other people!
Next time, watch where the fuck youre walking, bitch.
This bitch at starbucks is walking out the door while looking at her friend BEHIND HER not even paying attention and she bumps into me and spills her tea on my pants. Instead of saying excuse me or "oh no Im so sorry" no she looks at her cup, my pants, and my face and starts laughing.
oh. no. she. didnt.
Then she tries to just walk away...oh no. I turned and this is the conversation that followed:
Me: uh, hello? you're just gonna walk away? not say anything??"
tea-bitch: what should I say? you bumped into me, and got spilled on. sorry."
Me: are you fucking serious? you stupid bitch i was holding the door FOR YOU... you were too busy with your chicken-head twisted around talkin to your little friend there, you weren't even looking where you were going, and YOU bumped into ME spilling YOUR tea on MY pants.
tea-bitch: ex-cuuuse me? who do you think you're calling a bitch?
Me: Uh..lemme think..hmm... YOU BITCH.
tea-bitch: Whatever. it happened, get over it.
(this is where I reached forward, and in an upward swinging motion, hit her cup out of her hand and it spilled all over her little white dress and blue leggings)
Me: Well guess what...THAT just happened bitch, get over it.
and I walked into starbucks to order my pumpkin spice latte. What the hell is wrong with people? has no one ever heard of courtesy? Humility? Watching where they are going? What a twat face! Sometimes I hate people, but if it wasn't for stupid bitches like her, I wouldn't have the stories to tell on my blog! So Thank you stupid tea-spilling bitch who wears ugly white thrift store dresses with blue leggings in Poway, for being a huge bitch deserving of my payback and for giving me something to tell other people!
Next time, watch where the fuck youre walking, bitch.
October 18, 2010
Ugly Car Report.
WTF are these automaker's thinking??? These cars or freaking atrocious!!! I wish I could make them all go away, they are offensive to my vision and disturb my world!
anyway here ya go:
Lincoln MKT

2011 Toyota 4Runner

Nissan Juke (shouldve been named Joke.....mmmmppp....sorry I almost vomited when i found the picture...)

Pontiak Aztek (thankfully no longer in production)

Nissan Cube

Chevy SSR

Toyota Venza (a name as stupid as the designer who made this ugly car.)

Chrysler Sebring

Nissan Murano (Dear Nissan...thats three.... fix this problem.

2009 Acura TL

(this one really pissed me off because the TL prior to this vehicular design abortion, was so sexy and one of my favorite cars on the road:


2009 Merecedes Benz G Class

Subaru B9 Tribeca

Whatever the hell its called...The fucking Porsche SEDAN

Ford Flex

Before I go onto this next fugly design I have to say... I love Honda. I am a die hard Honda Fan... but there is no excuse for this. I like the EXTERIOR of the new Civic.
However the INTERIOR...is fucking retarded and looks oblong and stupid. The "two story" dash/instrument panel is useless wasted space and stupid looking, if youre going to have a digital speedometer, WHY THE FUCK IS THERE AN ANALOG TACHOMETER THATS LIKE 4 TIMES AS BIG BELOW IT???? THATS JUST STUPID....


The Chrysler Pacifica
Interior I think it far uglier than than the exterior, but they are both disguting. I have also learned that Pacifica's are only bought by smug fools who think they know more than they do. These tacky classless tools think they own SUV's on a budget...no bitch, you own a piece of shit chrysler van with a long hood... its ugly, youre ugly, and you bought a poorly made pile of american crap. Chrysler needs to be gone. The 300 is their ONLY good car.
Pacifica interior

Pacifica Exterior

I'm sorry if these photos were offensive to you, or made you vomit.
My next post will be of the beautiful cars that I LOVE....
anyway here ya go:
Lincoln MKT
2011 Toyota 4Runner
Nissan Juke (shouldve been named Joke.....mmmmppp....sorry I almost vomited when i found the picture...)
Pontiak Aztek (thankfully no longer in production)
Nissan Cube
Chevy SSR
Toyota Venza (a name as stupid as the designer who made this ugly car.)
Chrysler Sebring
Nissan Murano (Dear Nissan...thats three.... fix this problem.
2009 Acura TL
(this one really pissed me off because the TL prior to this vehicular design abortion, was so sexy and one of my favorite cars on the road:
2009 Merecedes Benz G Class
Subaru B9 Tribeca
Whatever the hell its called...The fucking Porsche SEDAN
Ford Flex
Before I go onto this next fugly design I have to say... I love Honda. I am a die hard Honda Fan... but there is no excuse for this. I like the EXTERIOR of the new Civic.
However the INTERIOR...is fucking retarded and looks oblong and stupid. The "two story" dash/instrument panel is useless wasted space and stupid looking, if youre going to have a digital speedometer, WHY THE FUCK IS THERE AN ANALOG TACHOMETER THATS LIKE 4 TIMES AS BIG BELOW IT???? THATS JUST STUPID....
The Chrysler Pacifica
Interior I think it far uglier than than the exterior, but they are both disguting. I have also learned that Pacifica's are only bought by smug fools who think they know more than they do. These tacky classless tools think they own SUV's on a budget...no bitch, you own a piece of shit chrysler van with a long hood... its ugly, youre ugly, and you bought a poorly made pile of american crap. Chrysler needs to be gone. The 300 is their ONLY good car.
Pacifica interior
Pacifica Exterior
I'm sorry if these photos were offensive to you, or made you vomit.
My next post will be of the beautiful cars that I LOVE....
This isnt anything to do with the world changing, but it will change my world...which, let's face it, is all I give a shit about. My boss just emailed me to let me know that even though overtime is only approved for perminant employees...the higher-ups have been so impressed by me (cuz I'm awesome) that I am the only temp in the Poway Branch that they are approving to work overtime!!!! Not only can I work overtime, I can do as much overtime as I can stand!!!! So if I wanted to work 10am friday to 10 am saturday...guess what...I CAN DO IT!!! Now, Im not gonna do that cuz thats crazy insane loco nonesense...BUT I have the power to decide when I want to do overtime, and how much overtime I want to do.
Happy days are here again. My social life in San Diego is pretty minimal...so that allows me time put in more hours at work and not feel like Im losing anything, or missing anything.
This is a HUGE relief because I actually havent made my car payment this month and wasnt going to because I needed the money to pay other bills... so NOW, it shouldnt be a problem. It will get paid late, but it will get paid. Hell yes. I feel so blessed right now, my Google account is growing Thanks to all of you lovely people who click my ads, My mommy who loves me gave me some money this weekend when I was up to see her, my roommate is about to pay me the money she owes me, AND Im getting overtime, in a couple weeks, my fatty financial aid check should be arriving!! I have hope again!!
I have this whole savings plan... Im gonna put most if not all of my financial aid money (which comes roughly every 4 months) into a savings account, and Im going to do everything in my power not to touch that money, then, within the next two years, I am going to move to Seattle. OR is I decide I dont want to move...maybe Ill pay off my car or get a new one....whatever its savings!!! and that's the important part.
This is all up in the air, but I think that I am set on Seattle. I want to live in the rain, where its lush and green yet still a beautiful city, with ferrys and forrests and Canada nearby and Portland only a few hours away....I think it would be SO awesome to start over...again, in a new city...again.
Im so excited.
Happy days are here again. My social life in San Diego is pretty minimal...so that allows me time put in more hours at work and not feel like Im losing anything, or missing anything.
This is a HUGE relief because I actually havent made my car payment this month and wasnt going to because I needed the money to pay other bills... so NOW, it shouldnt be a problem. It will get paid late, but it will get paid. Hell yes. I feel so blessed right now, my Google account is growing Thanks to all of you lovely people who click my ads, My mommy who loves me gave me some money this weekend when I was up to see her, my roommate is about to pay me the money she owes me, AND Im getting overtime, in a couple weeks, my fatty financial aid check should be arriving!! I have hope again!!
I have this whole savings plan... Im gonna put most if not all of my financial aid money (which comes roughly every 4 months) into a savings account, and Im going to do everything in my power not to touch that money, then, within the next two years, I am going to move to Seattle. OR is I decide I dont want to move...maybe Ill pay off my car or get a new one....whatever its savings!!! and that's the important part.
This is all up in the air, but I think that I am set on Seattle. I want to live in the rain, where its lush and green yet still a beautiful city, with ferrys and forrests and Canada nearby and Portland only a few hours away....I think it would be SO awesome to start over...again, in a new city...again.
Im so excited.
October 15, 2010
Thank You
I wanted to post a quick thank you to all of you supportive and wonderful people who have been clicking the ads for me. My balance has jumped from $12.98 to $65.42 in just two weeks. I cannot tell you how much this means to me. Please keep it up! I know its tedious but you are helping a friend. :-)
If I ever become one of those 6 fixure bloggers who make tens of thousands of dollars a month from goodle adsense, trust me, I will be kickin down to you all. Dinners out, gifts, the possibilities are endless. I always make sure the people who help me know that they are appreciated. If that means blow-jobs then so be it. hahahaha I kid I kid.
Love you all!!!
If I ever become one of those 6 fixure bloggers who make tens of thousands of dollars a month from goodle adsense, trust me, I will be kickin down to you all. Dinners out, gifts, the possibilities are endless. I always make sure the people who help me know that they are appreciated. If that means blow-jobs then so be it. hahahaha I kid I kid.
Love you all!!!
Playlist Time!
Here is what Im grooving to in my car and on my iPhone and iPod:
Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain
Rihanna - Only Girl
Robyn - Indestructable
Usher - DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Ida Maria - Oh My God
P!NK - Raise Your Glasses
Britney Spears - So Many Boys
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
Glee Cast - One of Us
Imani Coppola - Legend of a Cowgirl
Check them out, they are all on youtube.
Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain
Rihanna - Only Girl
Robyn - Indestructable
Usher - DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Ida Maria - Oh My God
P!NK - Raise Your Glasses
Britney Spears - So Many Boys
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
Glee Cast - One of Us
Imani Coppola - Legend of a Cowgirl
Check them out, they are all on youtube.
britney spears,
selena gomez,
October 8, 2010
Tough Decisions...
Well here is where my life stands at the moment:
I make 4 dollars less an hour now than I did before I moved to San Diego. I am suffering. SO, I have rent (I cant afford to move), Iutilities (need electricity and water) a car payment, car insurance, cell phone (have no other form of communication like a land line...so I need my phone) and food and stuff...
I think I am going to have to surrender my car. :-( I have worked SO HARD for the past ten years to correct the mistakes I made when I was young with my credit...and now that Ive gotten my first real credit card, Ive had a car loan in good standing never missing a payment in two years... now I face having to fuck it all up, because I can't find a job that pays enough money. This is fucking cruel. Its like no matter how hard I try, Im doomed to fail. I never thought I would be such a huge failure, but apparently, that's my destiny.
My financial aid check is probably about 6 weeks out, I cant seem to find a second job because of the one full time job I already have, and the demands of school... so either I quit school (again) and work two jobs, or I figure out how to reduce my bills. Cant lower rent or car payment...Ive changed insurance companies twice to just to get lower rates, it doesnt get lower than what I have... yes I can change from the iPhone plan...BUT I paid a deposit with AT&T and dont get it back until I hit the one year mark, which is in December, then I can get that money back...so until then Im not losing out on that money....so Im stuck with my 90 dollar cell phone bill...
Im going to shut off my cable, and keep just the internet, cuz I need it for school... but frankly, Im fucked. I am fucked. I feel like giving up right now, throwing my hands in the air, and waiting for my life to fall apart around me. Take the car, evict me, Ill live on the streets until I die. But then everyone in my life will hate me and be disappointed and god forbid I let anyone down... ugh Im so sick of always having it hard. I'm sick of having to take the long way and the rough road, and I dont give a fuck if it builds character...MY CHARACTER IS BUILT...WHERE IS THE EASY ROAD?!?!?!?!!? I see so many ass hold douchebags who just get to breeze through life...and I have to bust my ass...just to fail. I dont get success, I get hardship and strife and failure. WTF????? I dont get it. What have I done in my 30 years on this planet to cause such horrible Karma!?!?!?!?!?
So it looks like the only way Im going to be able to save myself, without screwing anyone over... is that Im going to have to ruin my credit, once again, and give up my car. Let them come repossess it, slap it on my credit, and fuck me for the rest of my life. I cant even file bankruptcy... all my debt is is my car loan, and one credit card...with a 300 limit. The rest is just medical bills from forever ago from the many times Ive had to go to the ER for Hidradenitis Suppurativa related issues... I dont think thats enough to qualify for bankruptcy. Plus wouldn't I lose my car anyway?? I dunno... either way it wouldnt really help.
My mom has two cars, her new Smart Car...and her 1990 Nissan truck. I may have to talk to her about borrowing the truck indefinitely, and giving up my beloved Honda Accord, until I can save a few thousand dollars to just buy a car outright, and give up my dream of having a nice car.
Looks like Im gonna have to give up on a lot of dreams. Like my dream of owning a laundrymat. See, if I have to ruin what good credit I have by giving up my car, I wont ever be able to get a business loan to buy the laudry mat.
Honestly, I dont know why I bother dreaming at all. It really seems like no matter what I do, Im never going to ever be more than I am now, or have more than I have now. Some people are destined to do great things, some people are destined to be poor & struggling... I guess that's my destiny. The only hope I have left of having a better life is being lucky enough to have a good man with a good income fall in love with me and marry me. Since my luck is always shitty...I highly doubt thats gonna happen.
Im sorry I know this is a shitty post and that Im being super emo...and a lot of people would say "it's just a car, get over it" and I understand that, but I have always had a thing with my car...I Dont know what it is...its like the only good thing Ive been able to accomplish in my life, and having to give it up...its like admitting Im a failure... maybe I am and maybe I should just accept it. Give up hope, give up dreams, and settle into my less than mediocre existence... cuz this is probably as good as it gets.
It's days like this that make me wish all those times I "cheated death"... that death won.
I make 4 dollars less an hour now than I did before I moved to San Diego. I am suffering. SO, I have rent (I cant afford to move), Iutilities (need electricity and water) a car payment, car insurance, cell phone (have no other form of communication like a land line...so I need my phone) and food and stuff...
I think I am going to have to surrender my car. :-( I have worked SO HARD for the past ten years to correct the mistakes I made when I was young with my credit...and now that Ive gotten my first real credit card, Ive had a car loan in good standing never missing a payment in two years... now I face having to fuck it all up, because I can't find a job that pays enough money. This is fucking cruel. Its like no matter how hard I try, Im doomed to fail. I never thought I would be such a huge failure, but apparently, that's my destiny.
My financial aid check is probably about 6 weeks out, I cant seem to find a second job because of the one full time job I already have, and the demands of school... so either I quit school (again) and work two jobs, or I figure out how to reduce my bills. Cant lower rent or car payment...Ive changed insurance companies twice to just to get lower rates, it doesnt get lower than what I have... yes I can change from the iPhone plan...BUT I paid a deposit with AT&T and dont get it back until I hit the one year mark, which is in December, then I can get that money back...so until then Im not losing out on that money....so Im stuck with my 90 dollar cell phone bill...
Im going to shut off my cable, and keep just the internet, cuz I need it for school... but frankly, Im fucked. I am fucked. I feel like giving up right now, throwing my hands in the air, and waiting for my life to fall apart around me. Take the car, evict me, Ill live on the streets until I die. But then everyone in my life will hate me and be disappointed and god forbid I let anyone down... ugh Im so sick of always having it hard. I'm sick of having to take the long way and the rough road, and I dont give a fuck if it builds character...MY CHARACTER IS BUILT...WHERE IS THE EASY ROAD?!?!?!?!!? I see so many ass hold douchebags who just get to breeze through life...and I have to bust my ass...just to fail. I dont get success, I get hardship and strife and failure. WTF????? I dont get it. What have I done in my 30 years on this planet to cause such horrible Karma!?!?!?!?!?
So it looks like the only way Im going to be able to save myself, without screwing anyone over... is that Im going to have to ruin my credit, once again, and give up my car. Let them come repossess it, slap it on my credit, and fuck me for the rest of my life. I cant even file bankruptcy... all my debt is is my car loan, and one credit card...with a 300 limit. The rest is just medical bills from forever ago from the many times Ive had to go to the ER for Hidradenitis Suppurativa related issues... I dont think thats enough to qualify for bankruptcy. Plus wouldn't I lose my car anyway?? I dunno... either way it wouldnt really help.
My mom has two cars, her new Smart Car...and her 1990 Nissan truck. I may have to talk to her about borrowing the truck indefinitely, and giving up my beloved Honda Accord, until I can save a few thousand dollars to just buy a car outright, and give up my dream of having a nice car.
Looks like Im gonna have to give up on a lot of dreams. Like my dream of owning a laundrymat. See, if I have to ruin what good credit I have by giving up my car, I wont ever be able to get a business loan to buy the laudry mat.
Honestly, I dont know why I bother dreaming at all. It really seems like no matter what I do, Im never going to ever be more than I am now, or have more than I have now. Some people are destined to do great things, some people are destined to be poor & struggling... I guess that's my destiny. The only hope I have left of having a better life is being lucky enough to have a good man with a good income fall in love with me and marry me. Since my luck is always shitty...I highly doubt thats gonna happen.
Im sorry I know this is a shitty post and that Im being super emo...and a lot of people would say "it's just a car, get over it" and I understand that, but I have always had a thing with my car...I Dont know what it is...its like the only good thing Ive been able to accomplish in my life, and having to give it up...its like admitting Im a failure... maybe I am and maybe I should just accept it. Give up hope, give up dreams, and settle into my less than mediocre existence... cuz this is probably as good as it gets.
It's days like this that make me wish all those times I "cheated death"... that death won.
October 6, 2010
Sympathy for the Devil
As I sit here in my new desk at work, I begin to think about anything that will distract me from the fact that I have been placed in a random spot in this big office, far away from the friends I have made at work. Although technically, this is a good move, it means that my boss trusts that I can do my job without minimal supervision, which is a nice feeling considering I have only been here about two months.
Its oddly quiet... like the kind of weird quiet that happens commonly in an elevator... I have been using my iPod to dull this weird quiet, but sadly it has done little to distract me from these random thoughts that pop into my head.
As I was just about to pull out my iPhone and start playing bejeweled, someone walked by saying " I dunno the devil made me do it" and my first thought was:
"Ya know, the devil had nothing to do with your poor decisions, take some responsibility!" The devil gets a bad wrap sometimes. Thats when it hit me. We don't know that what we were told was necessarily true about Satan... you know how people tend to twist facts to meet their own agenda's who's to say the church didnt do the same thing? Dont even get me started on religion and how jacked and twisted it is, and how its purpose of peace and love and worship is currupted and soiled by the actions of man....
But I had this idea, maybe Satan wasn't so bad. Hear me out: Okay so we were told that Satan was once one of God's highest ranking and most beautiful angels... We were told Satan got jealous of gods power and place so he collected an army to rise up against god, so he could take the throne for himself. This fable confuses me, but like the rest of the "greatest STORY ever told" does, but I digress... If what we were told is true, that God is the creator, he created the sun and the moon and the universe and man and everything... Why would anyone try to step to such a powerful being? He would have to be a freaking retard to think he could overthrow something that has ultimate and absolute power... its like the guy in the Scion tC trying to race the Guy in the BMW... sure your tC is cute and all but its not gonna have a prayer against that M5. Nice try though.
Nevermind that this fairy tale that god created everything has some MAJOR holes and a serious lack of logic, believability and proof... Lets assume we are delusional enough to believe this... OKAY..so Either Satan has a serious case of Down's, or its not true. Here's my theory...
I dont think that Satan wanted to be God, I think maybe he just wanted to be part of the panel. Like God is Tyra Banks, and Satan wanted to step out from behind the Production Assistant's clipboard, and be Miss J sitting proudly beside Tyra/God, to assist in the daily functions of Tyra-ness.
Unfortunately for Satan, God is NOT Tyra... God is OPRAH... and Oprah ain't having it. Oprah don't have no sidekicks, panels, or assistant judges...God/Omnipitant Oprah, got all bitchy and said "oh HELL no, you are NOT trying to step to me, either I control you like I do that tool Dr. Phil, or you get cast out to the fiery depths of Hell, where you will be forced to torture souls for all eternity...and do infomercials."
Satan, being a business man (otherwise how would he have gotten so far up the foodchain to be the God's prettiest and highest ranking angel) probably tried to reason GodOprah, showing her facts and figures, ratings, promos and sales and marketing demonstrations, showing how GodOprah could be less of a "my way or the highway" style control freak, and learn to relax, and before you know it, relaxation increases, stress decreases, and everyone's happy. This probably pissed GodOprah off and in a supreme temper tantrum, GodOprah stomped her clunky Lane Bryant dress shoe on the ground, tore the earth open and threw Satan into the depths.
As we all know, we are a product of our environment...so being stuck in hell all the ti me probably twisted up Satan's appearance. Its not his fault he is (allegedy) scary looking and red and has hooves and horns... Lets be perfectly honest, some of you out there would grow horns and turn red if you didnt have your coffee, glass of wine, or daily dose of porn. Hell I know I would lose my damn mind if I lost my cell phone. OMG when the battery dies, its like I can't breathe. And since misery loves company, no wonder Satan is making everyone else in hell miserable...he doesnt want to be the only one...could you blame him?
So there you have it, maybe there is another side to this story? Don't be so quick to judge!
Its oddly quiet... like the kind of weird quiet that happens commonly in an elevator... I have been using my iPod to dull this weird quiet, but sadly it has done little to distract me from these random thoughts that pop into my head.
As I was just about to pull out my iPhone and start playing bejeweled, someone walked by saying " I dunno the devil made me do it" and my first thought was:
"Ya know, the devil had nothing to do with your poor decisions, take some responsibility!" The devil gets a bad wrap sometimes. Thats when it hit me. We don't know that what we were told was necessarily true about Satan... you know how people tend to twist facts to meet their own agenda's who's to say the church didnt do the same thing? Dont even get me started on religion and how jacked and twisted it is, and how its purpose of peace and love and worship is currupted and soiled by the actions of man....
But I had this idea, maybe Satan wasn't so bad. Hear me out: Okay so we were told that Satan was once one of God's highest ranking and most beautiful angels... We were told Satan got jealous of gods power and place so he collected an army to rise up against god, so he could take the throne for himself. This fable confuses me, but like the rest of the "greatest STORY ever told" does, but I digress... If what we were told is true, that God is the creator, he created the sun and the moon and the universe and man and everything... Why would anyone try to step to such a powerful being? He would have to be a freaking retard to think he could overthrow something that has ultimate and absolute power... its like the guy in the Scion tC trying to race the Guy in the BMW... sure your tC is cute and all but its not gonna have a prayer against that M5. Nice try though.
Nevermind that this fairy tale that god created everything has some MAJOR holes and a serious lack of logic, believability and proof... Lets assume we are delusional enough to believe this... OKAY..so Either Satan has a serious case of Down's, or its not true. Here's my theory...
I dont think that Satan wanted to be God, I think maybe he just wanted to be part of the panel. Like God is Tyra Banks, and Satan wanted to step out from behind the Production Assistant's clipboard, and be Miss J sitting proudly beside Tyra/God, to assist in the daily functions of Tyra-ness.
Unfortunately for Satan, God is NOT Tyra... God is OPRAH... and Oprah ain't having it. Oprah don't have no sidekicks, panels, or assistant judges...God/Omnipitant Oprah, got all bitchy and said "oh HELL no, you are NOT trying to step to me, either I control you like I do that tool Dr. Phil, or you get cast out to the fiery depths of Hell, where you will be forced to torture souls for all eternity...and do infomercials."
Satan, being a business man (otherwise how would he have gotten so far up the foodchain to be the God's prettiest and highest ranking angel) probably tried to reason GodOprah, showing her facts and figures, ratings, promos and sales and marketing demonstrations, showing how GodOprah could be less of a "my way or the highway" style control freak, and learn to relax, and before you know it, relaxation increases, stress decreases, and everyone's happy. This probably pissed GodOprah off and in a supreme temper tantrum, GodOprah stomped her clunky Lane Bryant dress shoe on the ground, tore the earth open and threw Satan into the depths.
As we all know, we are a product of our environment...so being stuck in hell all the ti me probably twisted up Satan's appearance. Its not his fault he is (allegedy) scary looking and red and has hooves and horns... Lets be perfectly honest, some of you out there would grow horns and turn red if you didnt have your coffee, glass of wine, or daily dose of porn. Hell I know I would lose my damn mind if I lost my cell phone. OMG when the battery dies, its like I can't breathe. And since misery loves company, no wonder Satan is making everyone else in hell miserable...he doesnt want to be the only one...could you blame him?
So there you have it, maybe there is another side to this story? Don't be so quick to judge!
My Playlist (Former known as Viva La Musica)
here's the music Im currently listening to, and possibly signing along with, poorly, in my car.
Florence and the Machine- "Dog Days are Over"
Sarah Bareilles - "Gravity"
Jennifer Lopez - "Hooked on You"
Keri Hilson - "Energy"
Britney Spears - "Gimme More"
Beyonce - "Smash Into You"
Paramore - "The Only Exception"
JoJo - "In The Dark"
give them a listen, they are all on youtube for those of you who dont trust me enough to just download them!
Music = Life
Florence and the Machine- "Dog Days are Over"
Sarah Bareilles
Jennifer Lopez - "Hooked on You"
Keri Hilson - "Energy"
Britney Spears - "Gimme More"
Beyonce - "Smash Into You"
Paramore - "The Only Exception"
JoJo - "In The Dark"
give them a listen, they are all on youtube for those of you who dont trust me enough to just download them!
Music = Life
Out & About
Okay people, if you're ever in San Diego CA and looking for a randomly awesome place to kick back and have some drinks, may I suggest "Bourbon St." Its a bar in University Heights that is so very cool. Its got indoor and out door areas, all built and decorated like the french quarter. Its freaking awesome, the drinks are well made, and the people were generally pleasant. Not to mention the eye candy, yes there are delicious boys walking around.
I was there last night, and it was a blast Check it out!!
I was there last night, and it was a blast Check it out!!
October 4, 2010
Daily Irritants
Okay, so I have noticed that I am pissed off and irritated and general disatisfied with most of my surrounding all the time...I think I need to vent because its causing unneccesary rage.
Okay, first of all, if you see a police officer on the road, you do NOT HAVE TO DROP TO 10PMH BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT AND GET ALL SCARED. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. And dont give me this crap about profiling or whatever, because you do it too. Dont act like you dont lock your doors and roll your windows up when you see a low rider come up on you. That's profiling. Just dont be doing 85 passing the cop and youre good to go, dont make the whole world around you slow down because YOURE paranoid. Selfish.
Second... If you like your food (left overs, popcorn, etc) to be burnt when you eat it, dont bring it to WORK. No one wants to smell your burnt snacks. Inconsiderate.
Third... Dont be all up in my business when I'm working. Dont be in my ear trying to ask me questions when I am on the phone, cuz you WILL get the rude finger in your face telling you to hold the fuck up, because guess what...my job performance is more important than answering your dumb ass question about paperclips. Stupid.
Fourth... If I am on my break, dont worry about what I'm doing at my desk. If its not illegal or against company policy, then quit trippin. Mind your business. Nosey.
Fifth... Yes my ipod in plugged into my ear and yes I am listening to music when I am processing and not answering phones. Why? Because I dont give a shit about your kid's science fair project or selling cookies, or Avon, or what funny thing your cat did. Do I sit here talking to you about the stupid little things in MY life? NO...so don't get mad that Im not listening, you SHOULD be mad at yourself for being uninteresting and droll.
With that said, I hope you all have a wonderful evening and will continue to read my rants and blogs and stuff. Keep clicking those ads!! I need the money!
P.S. why are all the gorgeous men (ya know the one's that actually LIKE me) always so GOD DAMNED FAR AWAY?!?!?!?! WTF. Am I God's personal joke? I'm thinking yes, yes I am.
Okay, first of all, if you see a police officer on the road, you do NOT HAVE TO DROP TO 10PMH BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT AND GET ALL SCARED. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. And dont give me this crap about profiling or whatever, because you do it too. Dont act like you dont lock your doors and roll your windows up when you see a low rider come up on you. That's profiling. Just dont be doing 85 passing the cop and youre good to go, dont make the whole world around you slow down because YOURE paranoid. Selfish.
Second... If you like your food (left overs, popcorn, etc) to be burnt when you eat it, dont bring it to WORK. No one wants to smell your burnt snacks. Inconsiderate.
Third... Dont be all up in my business when I'm working. Dont be in my ear trying to ask me questions when I am on the phone, cuz you WILL get the rude finger in your face telling you to hold the fuck up, because guess what...my job performance is more important than answering your dumb ass question about paperclips. Stupid.
Fourth... If I am on my break, dont worry about what I'm doing at my desk. If its not illegal or against company policy, then quit trippin. Mind your business. Nosey.
Fifth... Yes my ipod in plugged into my ear and yes I am listening to music when I am processing and not answering phones. Why? Because I dont give a shit about your kid's science fair project or selling cookies, or Avon, or what funny thing your cat did. Do I sit here talking to you about the stupid little things in MY life? NO...so don't get mad that Im not listening, you SHOULD be mad at yourself for being uninteresting and droll.
With that said, I hope you all have a wonderful evening and will continue to read my rants and blogs and stuff. Keep clicking those ads!! I need the money!
P.S. why are all the gorgeous men (ya know the one's that actually LIKE me) always so GOD DAMNED FAR AWAY?!?!?!?! WTF. Am I God's personal joke? I'm thinking yes, yes I am.
September 29, 2010
General Observations:
Okay people, obviously there are some things that need to be clarified, and I am just the guy to do it! Please pay attention, because it is important information, that you should take to hear, and put into practice in your life, and the lives of people around you.
I have broken this into categories to make it easy for you. (Dont expect this kind of special treatment on every blog, I dont always have the time, patience, or desire to make anything easy for anyone, because there are only a select few people on this earth who ever make things easier for me.)
You automobile tells a lot about you, sometimes it shows the world that you are a hard worker, sometimes it tells the world you are a raging douchebag...either way, accept it, embrace it. If you cant then I suggest you trade it in for something more "you" and shut the fuck up about it.
Also, there are some cars that, whether you can afford them or like them or not, you just shouldnt buy. Im not going to preach to you about hybrids, I dont own one, and though there are a few out there that I like, I have no plans on buying a hybrid anytime soon...because they are fucking expensive. BUT I understand and live by the concept that your car should fit you. Here is some insight to what I mean...
The following cars should ONLY be purchased and driven by girls:
Scion tC (if you're an asian male, then you qualify, otherwise, this is a fucking chick car, and its NOT as bad ass as people would like to think, get over yourselves tC owners...)
Toyota Corolla (the XRS is acceptable for men because its bad ass and if youre a girl and have an XRS, you fucking rock.)
Nissan Sentra
Nissan Versa
Honda Fit
Chevy Cobalt
VW Beetle
Ford Fiesta
Mitsubishi Lancer (Evolution model is okay for both genders)
any vehicle painted yellow
Audi TT
Dodge Caliber
Smart Car
Saturn Ion
Mazda Miata
Honda Civic Hybrid
Ford Focus hatchback
If you are a man, and drive any of the above vehicles....well, if you ever wonder why no one respects your vehicular presence, or you get laughed at on the road...thats why.
The following vehicles should never be purchased...at all.
There is no need for any citizen (including our douchebag governator) to drive a Hummer on the streets. terrible gas mileage, no one can properly park them, they are big ugly lumbering drones that ruin the environment, take up too much gasoline, and give the driver a false sense of strength and security. I actually had one bitch faced housewife say to me... "Careful...I drive a Hummer, I feel nothing, I'll flatten your car like a bug." To which I responded by saying "bitch please, in that giant hunk of shit?? You'd have to catch me first. You cant even see over the dash board well enough to park the damn thing in one parking space, and you think you could catch me?? HA"
This brings up another point, if you cant park it, if you can't see out of it, if you cant basically drive this vehicle daily without help or without pissing people off, YOU SHOULDNT OWN IT. See this is when I wish I could be the dictator of this fair country. I wouldnt rule people's lives in every detail, but there are certain things I wouldnt allow without good reason. For instance... if you are a single mother, with less than 3 kids... YOU DO NOT NEED A SUBURBAN, TAHOE, HUMMER, YUKON, ESCALADE, EXPEDITION, EXCURSION, SEQOIUA, OR ANY OTHER 8 CYLINDER FULL SIZED SUV. Quit fuckin lying.
First of all, unless you are towing a big ass boat, and I mean a BIG ASS BOAT, there is nothing a V8 can do that a V6 can't. Hell Ive seen 4 cylinder toyota pick ups pull some good heavy campers before with no problem. So dont gimme this shit about "oh I need it" no you dont. You dont want a minivan, fine, there are many SUV's that are roomy, economical, reliable, better on gas and better for the environment, as well as better on the patience of those you share the road with because there is nothing more annoying that a 5'2" woman trying to drive a landyacht sized suv in a parking lot with a line of cars behind her waiting for her to get the fuck out of the way.
Men, if you are short or little and buy a BIG TRUCK with BIG TIRES...all you are doing is drawing attention to how small you are. No one is impressed, no one t hinks youre a tough guy or a big man...the whole world looks at you and says "HA that hobbit is trying to make us believe he has a big penis! laugh at him!"
Also, guys, if you spend all kinds of time customizing your car so it is all loud and aggressive... news flash...you've acheived loud... but not aggressive. Its loud and abrasive, loud and obnoxious, loud and annoying.... but not aggressive. Congratulations on fooling yourself, but you havent fooled anybody else. You're fucking irritating, go away.
OH I did see something that, even though I was mildly disgusted, it was still funny...I was driving to work and I was behind this big ass giant Ford truck all lifted and had HUGE exaust pipes and stuff....and it had a sticker in the window that said "This truck eats Chevy's and shits out Pruis'" I couldnt help but laugh because there was a prius next to it. LOL I passed him quickly and left him in the dust (yay Honda Accord Coupe) but still, it was kinda funny.
Okay, so for those of you know think youre all big in the britches about your cars..let me give you some reality for a moment:
Infiniti G35: yes, we know your car is fast. Why is it every G35 I see i s driven by an asshole who has to be ahead of everyone, cut people off, and drive like a dick?
Honda Civic Owners: Its a fucking civic, not a race car...get over it.
Toyota Tacoma owners: Wise choice, good solid truck, but a surfer/college kid/hiker/nature guy driving a tacoma...what a shock... youre not original, quit playing.
Hybrid drivers: OKAY WE GET IT. ITS A HYBRID. STFU ABOUT IT ALREADY. HOORAY FOR YOU. (did you know that when the batteries are no longer usable, they do more damange to the environment in the disposal process than the average car does it its whole functioning life? yeah....suck on that.)
Full Sized Truck/SUV drivers: ....ok, that whole thing about "i have the right of way cuz Im bigger" mentality is fucking stupid. Cuz I dont care if your car is bigger than mine, Im not bowing down to you, Im not moving aside for you, Im not going to just let you cut me off and be okay with it, and Im not going to avoid a collision with you either. I will happily let you hit me, then call my lawyer, and drain for everything I can get, including your inurance company. Try me.
Jaguar drivers: your car company was bought out first by Ford, then by some company in India. Your car is now the equivilant of foreign tech support. Get over yourself.
Lexus owners: its just an over priced Toyota, quit playin.
Acura: WTF happened to Acura? they used to be classy and sexy...now they look like slanty flat toasters from the future....UGLY.
Subaru owners: Enjoy your hiking and nature walks, just don't get granola crumbs on me.
Ford Taurus owners: you bought a Ford Taurus... your opinion now means nothing, because you were too stupid to buy a GOOD car.
And now for the Auto makers: You people have done some great things, but you have also done some really stupid things, and some really UGLY things:
Ugliest Vehicles ever made:
(I encourage you to do a google image search of these cars, to see what Im talking about)
1. 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca (nevermind the stupid and long name, the front end looks like it has Down's Syndrome)
2. Ford EXP
3. Mercedes Benz R-class. really? a van? an ugly van?
4. Subaru Baja (aka the Brat)
5. Pontiac Aztek
6. Toyota Venza
7. 2009 Acura TL
8. 2009 Nissan Murano
9. 2008 (an newer) Chrysler Sebring
10. 2006 (up to current) Honda Civic. (sorry, i know they are popular but I think they are ugly and the interior is equally as ugly, and I hate the two level instrument panel with the analog tachometer but digital speedometer, its just retarded and the steering wheel is oblong looking and only two spoke, its just GROSS.
This ends the rants on vehicular prowess. I know there are people who couldnt give a shit less about cars, to those people I say...suck it up, stay tuned, there will be more to share tomorrow. Yes, now that I have a job that doesnt relentlessly pound my brain with stupid things relating to work, I have some time toward the end of my shift to write a blog. I will do my best to post daily.
Peace in the Middle East, the Middle West, the Middle North, but not the Middle South....fuck them. LOL
I have broken this into categories to make it easy for you. (Dont expect this kind of special treatment on every blog, I dont always have the time, patience, or desire to make anything easy for anyone, because there are only a select few people on this earth who ever make things easier for me.)
You automobile tells a lot about you, sometimes it shows the world that you are a hard worker, sometimes it tells the world you are a raging douchebag...either way, accept it, embrace it. If you cant then I suggest you trade it in for something more "you" and shut the fuck up about it.
Also, there are some cars that, whether you can afford them or like them or not, you just shouldnt buy. Im not going to preach to you about hybrids, I dont own one, and though there are a few out there that I like, I have no plans on buying a hybrid anytime soon...because they are fucking expensive. BUT I understand and live by the concept that your car should fit you. Here is some insight to what I mean...
The following cars should ONLY be purchased and driven by girls:
Scion tC (if you're an asian male, then you qualify, otherwise, this is a fucking chick car, and its NOT as bad ass as people would like to think, get over yourselves tC owners...)
Toyota Corolla (the XRS is acceptable for men because its bad ass and if youre a girl and have an XRS, you fucking rock.)
Nissan Sentra
Nissan Versa
Honda Fit
Chevy Cobalt
VW Beetle
Ford Fiesta
Mitsubishi Lancer (Evolution model is okay for both genders)
any vehicle painted yellow
Audi TT
Dodge Caliber
Smart Car
Saturn Ion
Mazda Miata
Honda Civic Hybrid
Ford Focus hatchback
If you are a man, and drive any of the above vehicles....well, if you ever wonder why no one respects your vehicular presence, or you get laughed at on the road...thats why.
The following vehicles should never be purchased...at all.
There is no need for any citizen (including our douchebag governator) to drive a Hummer on the streets. terrible gas mileage, no one can properly park them, they are big ugly lumbering drones that ruin the environment, take up too much gasoline, and give the driver a false sense of strength and security. I actually had one bitch faced housewife say to me... "Careful...I drive a Hummer, I feel nothing, I'll flatten your car like a bug." To which I responded by saying "bitch please, in that giant hunk of shit?? You'd have to catch me first. You cant even see over the dash board well enough to park the damn thing in one parking space, and you think you could catch me?? HA"
This brings up another point, if you cant park it, if you can't see out of it, if you cant basically drive this vehicle daily without help or without pissing people off, YOU SHOULDNT OWN IT. See this is when I wish I could be the dictator of this fair country. I wouldnt rule people's lives in every detail, but there are certain things I wouldnt allow without good reason. For instance... if you are a single mother, with less than 3 kids... YOU DO NOT NEED A SUBURBAN, TAHOE, HUMMER, YUKON, ESCALADE, EXPEDITION, EXCURSION, SEQOIUA, OR ANY OTHER 8 CYLINDER FULL SIZED SUV. Quit fuckin lying.
First of all, unless you are towing a big ass boat, and I mean a BIG ASS BOAT, there is nothing a V8 can do that a V6 can't. Hell Ive seen 4 cylinder toyota pick ups pull some good heavy campers before with no problem. So dont gimme this shit about "oh I need it" no you dont. You dont want a minivan, fine, there are many SUV's that are roomy, economical, reliable, better on gas and better for the environment, as well as better on the patience of those you share the road with because there is nothing more annoying that a 5'2" woman trying to drive a landyacht sized suv in a parking lot with a line of cars behind her waiting for her to get the fuck out of the way.
Men, if you are short or little and buy a BIG TRUCK with BIG TIRES...all you are doing is drawing attention to how small you are. No one is impressed, no one t hinks youre a tough guy or a big man...the whole world looks at you and says "HA that hobbit is trying to make us believe he has a big penis! laugh at him!"
Also, guys, if you spend all kinds of time customizing your car so it is all loud and aggressive... news flash...you've acheived loud... but not aggressive. Its loud and abrasive, loud and obnoxious, loud and annoying.... but not aggressive. Congratulations on fooling yourself, but you havent fooled anybody else. You're fucking irritating, go away.
OH I did see something that, even though I was mildly disgusted, it was still funny...I was driving to work and I was behind this big ass giant Ford truck all lifted and had HUGE exaust pipes and stuff....and it had a sticker in the window that said "This truck eats Chevy's and shits out Pruis'" I couldnt help but laugh because there was a prius next to it. LOL I passed him quickly and left him in the dust (yay Honda Accord Coupe) but still, it was kinda funny.
Okay, so for those of you know think youre all big in the britches about your cars..let me give you some reality for a moment:
Infiniti G35: yes, we know your car is fast. Why is it every G35 I see i s driven by an asshole who has to be ahead of everyone, cut people off, and drive like a dick?
Honda Civic Owners: Its a fucking civic, not a race car...get over it.
Toyota Tacoma owners: Wise choice, good solid truck, but a surfer/college kid/hiker/nature guy driving a tacoma...what a shock... youre not original, quit playing.
Hybrid drivers: OKAY WE GET IT. ITS A HYBRID. STFU ABOUT IT ALREADY. HOORAY FOR YOU. (did you know that when the batteries are no longer usable, they do more damange to the environment in the disposal process than the average car does it its whole functioning life? yeah....suck on that.)
Full Sized Truck/SUV drivers: ....ok, that whole thing about "i have the right of way cuz Im bigger" mentality is fucking stupid. Cuz I dont care if your car is bigger than mine, Im not bowing down to you, Im not moving aside for you, Im not going to just let you cut me off and be okay with it, and Im not going to avoid a collision with you either. I will happily let you hit me, then call my lawyer, and drain for everything I can get, including your inurance company. Try me.
Jaguar drivers: your car company was bought out first by Ford, then by some company in India. Your car is now the equivilant of foreign tech support. Get over yourself.
Lexus owners: its just an over priced Toyota, quit playin.
Acura: WTF happened to Acura? they used to be classy and sexy...now they look like slanty flat toasters from the future....UGLY.
Subaru owners: Enjoy your hiking and nature walks, just don't get granola crumbs on me.
Ford Taurus owners: you bought a Ford Taurus... your opinion now means nothing, because you were too stupid to buy a GOOD car.
And now for the Auto makers: You people have done some great things, but you have also done some really stupid things, and some really UGLY things:
Ugliest Vehicles ever made:
(I encourage you to do a google image search of these cars, to see what Im talking about)
1. 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca (nevermind the stupid and long name, the front end looks like it has Down's Syndrome)
2. Ford EXP
3. Mercedes Benz R-class. really? a van? an ugly van?
4. Subaru Baja (aka the Brat)
5. Pontiac Aztek
6. Toyota Venza
7. 2009 Acura TL
8. 2009 Nissan Murano
9. 2008 (an newer) Chrysler Sebring
10. 2006 (up to current) Honda Civic. (sorry, i know they are popular but I think they are ugly and the interior is equally as ugly, and I hate the two level instrument panel with the analog tachometer but digital speedometer, its just retarded and the steering wheel is oblong looking and only two spoke, its just GROSS.
This ends the rants on vehicular prowess. I know there are people who couldnt give a shit less about cars, to those people I say...suck it up, stay tuned, there will be more to share tomorrow. Yes, now that I have a job that doesnt relentlessly pound my brain with stupid things relating to work, I have some time toward the end of my shift to write a blog. I will do my best to post daily.
Peace in the Middle East, the Middle West, the Middle North, but not the Middle South....fuck them. LOL
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