November 16, 2010


okay, omg omg omg....

so there is this dirty faggot I used to be friends with right? We'll call him "Birthing hips"

B-Hips said some truly awful and hateful things about some friends of mine, and then acted like a victim when we all told him to fuck off. Then he starts telling people we are liars, he never said those things...blah blah blah... anyway...

So he and his little band of rag tag losers who were OUR left over friends that we kinda of cast off... they start their little group, and then try to mess with us or talk shit...which is laughable...cuz t hey are all pathetic losers.

Anyway...i get a call today from a certain someone's Auto Financing company. UH payments arent being made...they are looking to repo... so being the concerned consumer that I am....I did what any good person would do. I gave them B-Hips' new address, phone number, work phone number, and new work address.

Ain't I a stinker?

I just sat back after the phone call and said "So THIS is what it feels like to have a prayer answered. I like it.

So THANK YOU KARMA for giving me the opportunity to return the favor to someone who did some horrible shit, and didnt get the ass beating that was deserved.

*sigh* My night has been made.


fallon judith said...

Oh SNAP!! I would have done the EXACT same thing!

vixey said...

*smile* im proud of you :)