With every day that passes I keep thinking about different ways to get back to the comfortable level of living to which I had become accustomed. No this does not mean oppulence or fancy things... but to be able to pay my bills, without stressing out to the point of vomit. I have been thinking about Bankruptcy, buying a really cheap 2000 dollar used car and letting them repo my current car so that I wouldnt have a car payment anymore, I tried to find a cheaper place to rent, but sadly, without roommates, the cheapest I could find was $25 more than I am paying now. Even though I am frustrated and unhappy where I live, and the situation, I guess Im just gonna have to deal with it. Im going to have to revert back to the days when you lived with someone but didnt share food, didnt share anything because one person inevitably gets taken advantage of, and its always me. I can not afford to buy food for two people, so that is now ending, my food will be put in a little cupboard in my room, cuz it gets eaten and doesnt get replaced or paid for. I might be able to afford to move into a new place after a 6 months or so, depending on the situation with money. We will see.
I might be able to keep my car and my payment if I use the financial aid money to pay my payment every month/.... I dont know, but I know this much, SOMETHING needs to change, and I need to choose a path and stick to it. I just need to make that decision....but which one to choose????????
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