I've had it. My own body is trying to kill me slowly and painfully. Im almost sure of it.
I am pissed off at the world. I dont really have a good reason for it, but I just am. Have you ever had those days when you walk outside, look up to the heavens, and scream "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!?!?!" That has been the past 5 days for me. I just dont understand why I am god's personal joke sometimes. I just think I am at a point in my life where I need to accept the fact that it's ALWAYS going to be better for someone else, its NEVER going to go your way for very long, so dont get excited, you may not be meant to be "more" than you are right now. I hate saying it but it may very well be true. I mean, everyone has shit to deal with in their lives, even the real housewives of Botox county have their problems, and their money....but see thats the issue I have, I have issues they dont ever dream of because they have the money to take care of it.
I think the problem is MONEY. Money is NOT the root of all evil, and YES money CAN buy happiness. I dont care what anyone says.
If I had the money, I would have an education, I would have clear skin because I could afford medical insurance, I would have the things in my life that I need, and as an added extra bonus, I would have the things I WANT as well, thus the happiness. You can't achieve true complete happiness through money, but it would take care of about 75% of it!! at least it would for me.
So if any of you know someone who needs to donate large sums of money, whether its for tax write offs as a donation, because they always wanted a son and wants to take me under their wing, or just because they like helping poor homos....PLEASE DEAR GOD GIVE HIM or HER MY EMAIL ADDRESS OR NUMBER or something. I need all the help I can get.
*sigh* moving on, my mood ring is a filthy brown today and I probably will be a hermit for a day or two, maybe thru the weekend, because I dont feel like being out of the house. Especially since my friend and blogging inspiration Zara (of the famed AwesomeZara.com) gave me her PC game "The Sims" the first volume, I found a few cheat codes online for money in the game, and have been having a ball making houses and spoiling my sims ROTTEN. Good times, but I noticed yesterday that I sat down in front of my computer (that desperately needs replacing, by the way) at 545 and before I knew it, it was 950. oh yeah, 4 hours flew by like nothing and my ass hurt. I need a real desk chair... in fact, my ass still hurts. Anyway, I might just do that for the next few days. Sims recluse. If anyone out there knows of more fun cheats and codes for the original Sims game...please email me or leave a comment on this post. Thanks!!
So onto the next subject of bitchyness:
There are somethings I need to say:
1. You probably dont know who you are, but you are so fucking selfish it makes me sick.
You had an idea a while back, and i helped you build it because you needed help...
then i have an idea, as a money maker, and do you help me??? NO you BITE MY idea...and start doing it for yourself. SELFISH FUCK. You are not a good friend. You are a selfish biting copy cat with no actual ideas or personality of your own, so you take from others...thus stealing their ideas, and robbing them of their success. And what's more, you robbed this from the friend who helped you when you presented an idea, did I steal your idea and start profiting from it? NO, because that would be wrong. But you dont care. So not only will I be keeping you at a safe distance from my life, I will not talk about anything creative, money making, or original idea, in your presence.
Problem solved.
2. Dear Stupid Drivers,
Get off the god damned road. If people are coming up behind you, and are driving faster than you are, move the fuck over. I dont care if you are already going over the speed limit, just move the fuck over. Get out of the way, let the speed demon pass you, it's their ticket, just move. Don't be stubborn, you're just going to piss off the speed demon, because then he/she will do something risky to get around you and endanger the other cars...so because YOU are too fucking selfish and lazy to just move over, you have endangered yourself, and the few cars around you that are cut off, tailgated and freaked out by the wild and dangerous maneuver the speed demon had to perform to get around YOU. Just move. the. fuck. OVER.
OH and just so you know, just because you turned on your turn signal, does not mean you have permission to just move over. It is a signal, a "head's up" to the drivers around you, making them aware that you intend to move in that direction, because that is where you need to be. It is NOT an all access pass to almost hit me, or wedge your BMW 7 series monster sized 40 ft long sedan in the 15 ft space between me and the car in front of me. Your Blinker is NOT a form of immunity. You are a fucking cunt rag and I hope you wreck that BMW and are seriously inconvenienced in the process...and should there be some severe injury that causes you great pain, I wouldn't shed a tear. Ass bag.
Hey you, yeah you, the big headed blonde bigot who used to be a friend....STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME. My patience will only hold out for so long, then when it's gone, a couple of phone calls can be made and you will take an extended trip to the ER blondy.
And dont even try to get your felon parolee boyfriend involved..I got friends in high places, and low places, and either one can ruin what's left of his pathetic existence.
So my suggestion, is to hit up Coffee Bean from now on, or one of the other 3 or 4 starbucks in town. K? Thnx. xoxo mgmt
Thug Life yo. hahahahaha
Is there anyone else I have something to say to or about?
let's see.......
oh okay,
Dear Stupid slut who couldn't keep her legs closed,
Thank you so spreading the fact that if you are a dripping whore in Jr High and High School, that if you get knocked up under the age of 18, drop out of school etc etc...THAT YOU CAN GET THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR SCHOOL!!! Because there are SO many Minority girls and Majority girls, having children while they are children, there is ALL this government financial aid for YOU...and none for those of us who did the RIGHT thing and closed our legs or at least used condoms. Thanks! Your slutty ways have stolen the dreams of college educations from thousands of DESERVING people all over the country. I hope your proud of yourself in your 1 bedroom apartment you share with your 6 kids, your abolita, and occasionally your scumbag unemployed gang member boyfriend...while you drive your Escalade on sparkly 24's to school. Clearly you are a GENIUS at setting priorities. I think there should be a financial follow up on these people. No one living in a shit hole should have a fly ride when you have kids to pay for. But its ok!! cuz they were young mothers..the poor sweet girls..bless them...no FUCK THEM. THEY ARE NOT VICTIMS...THEY SPREAD THEIR MOLDY STENCH FILLED VAGINA LIPS AND LET HIGH SCHOOL DOUCHEBAGS UNLOAD INSIDE THEM, AND GOT KNOCKED UP. They are not poor unfortunate souls, they are stupid cunts who knew better, but did it anyway, and now they are rewarded. Maybe I should knock someone up, then steal the baby, then be a poor unfortunate single dad so I can get free money, free food, free school, and enough financial aid to buy a Range Rover, a studio apartment in Watts, spinner rims, and a laptop that matches my shiny silver starbucks coffee mug. Then whenever someone questions me I can ALSO say "I love my baby, I do it all for HIM/HER" as I ignore the screaming brat in the stroller while I turn on my ipod and get into my range rover sipping my 5 dollar coffee...yeah..all for the kids.
Well I think that about covers why I hate the world today.
I now feel better. I hope I can look back at this post and laugh, and I hope you all can enjoy my bitterness.
Hugs & Squishes
Thanks for not including 30+ year old comic book reading/collecting dorks who drive around in Orange Chevy station wagons hun.
oh husband, even if I had, you would be the exception. Congrats on the new car btw. xoxo
Something vexes thee? By the way when the Sims first came out I was a sims widow. Now we have Sims 2 and almost all the expansion packs. Oh and Jovi got me Spore where you can make your own creatures.
I have to say, I loved the, "MOLDY STENCH FILLED VAGINA LIPS" line. True genius!
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