My latest and funniest purchase is that of Kathy Griffin's "For Your Consideration."
I realize that not everyone likes her brash, shit talking comedy....I LOVE HER. I want to be one of "her gays" so bad I can taste it. Creepy...I know where she lives. Thats cool "Wings" House she lives in that you can see on her show, I know exactly where it is and how to get there. I have been in front of that house, I have been ON HER DRIVEWAY....I mean I was turning around in it but still. I have a picture in my MySpace photo albums...that I took while parked in front of her house. Okay that sounds creepy I was only parked there long enough to take the picture guys, Im not THAT crazy.
HOWEVER, I am crazy enough to think of the following idea... OK so I need to either find someone who has a digital video camera...because I want to film a 1 minute video on the street in front of her house...telling her how awesome she is..blah blah blah...and put it on youtube. Maybe even make put it on this page as a recurring blog entry. I figure if she google's and youtube's herself as much as she claims, she is BOUND to come across this video, or blog...and thus, become aware of my existence. This is the coolest thing ever in my mind...Kathy Griffin, knows me. The ultimate goal, is to meet her...and maybe, through my sparkling personality and the power of the universe, become her friend. Like exchange phone numbers and text each other, do dinners when she isn't off being fabulous somewhere... I *LOVE* her.
Anyone interested?? Anyone wanna join my crazy little camera crew??
anyone have a small digital camera that shoots videos that I can borrow???
DAMN IT...this is fun and I swear to god we will be famous somehow. If that gross little twink Chris Crocker can get famous for like a second crying to leave Britney alone...and almost get his own TV show!!! damn it, we can do this. Can I just say real quick that I am glad that little faggot didn't get his own show. OH and for those of you who don't know, or don't get it, I'm taking the word "faggot" back. Much like black folk calling each other "nigga"...I'm Gay and proud and feel that I have every right to use the word Faggot in a positive and negative way. Chris Crocker....FAGGOT. (Negative).
First of all, we get it. You LOVE Britney. I Love Britney. I have loved her since she debuted when I was a senior in high school. I understand you on that. This is why I hate you Chris Crocker.... You made an absolute freaking ASSCLOWN of yourself on the internet, with your bad teeth and bad make up and bad 90's Ellen DeGeneres hair cut, crying and drooling, yelling at the media to leave britney alone. "That's why she named her song Gimme More cuz that all you WANT FROM HER IS MORE MORE MORE!!!!" No, you stupid little fairy... she didn't write the song, first of all...and second of all if you actually took the time to pay attention to the lyrics, you would know it has nothing to do with the freak. "Piece of Me" was written about the media. Stupid faggot. Leave the meanings of song to those of us who are intelligent.
The other reason I hate him, is that he, and stupid twinks like him, give the rest of us a bad name. If I were some straight redneck idiot in Kentucky and all I knew of gay people was Chris Crocker....I would hate gays too. I try very hard to embrace my fellow gays, to believe in our struggle and our history...but there are some gays that don't respect our own culture or history. They make it seem like our culture is to club, get drunk, and make fools of themselves. OH and to be raging slutty whores.
My idea of gay pride is celebrating people like Harvey Milk, Mary Griffith, the people involved in Stone Wall, the Equal Rights Campaign, the strides we've made, the people who fought for and continue to fight for our rights to be treated equally in this country...those are the people who we should be proud of. And how do we show our pride?? by taking our shirts off, and grinding on each other while drinking and screaming... at least that's most of what I have seen at gay pride events, worst of all being West Hollywood. This is an embarrassment as far as I'm concerned. But hey, we are free to do what we wish...which is my I use my freedom of choice to choose to have no part of it. I will go to a pride event for the right reasons, and when the disgrace begins, I leave.
Wow, this became quite the rant. Sorry hahaha. The bitterness comes out when the stress level goes up, and today has been a DAY and its only half over.
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