January 30, 2009

Actual Work Conversation

Bitch Customer: "I don't know where you people went to air conditioning school, or where you learned to like....do your job...but you need to go back becuuuuuzz that guy who was here earlier, didn't know what he was doing, I mean how hard is it to change a filter?"

Andru: "Air conditioning school? ok. I'll get right on that, and as far as the filter...do YOU know how to change the filter?"

Bitch: "tsk... thats not the point"

Andru: "yeah, thats means no, ok so I don't think its very conducive to the situation for you to question the ability of my technician, to do his job, when you know nothing about it. OH and as far as what he is doing today, he isn't changing a filter, he is installing a circuit board, and a thermostat, and checking the charge in your system. It's just a tad bit more complicated than putting in a new filter. Have a nice day."


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