Okay, rant time.
Stop blaming Obama for everything. No, he hasn't had the best presidency, but I would love to see any of you random americans do a better job. Its easy to judge when you know NOTHING about what is required of the job.
Second... referring to anything Obama does as "ghetto, hip hop, izzle, etc etc" is petty racism. You are a racist. RACIST. This is coming from a white guy...you're a racist fuck.
When Clinton's reign ended, America was out of debt, with a strong economy. Bush comes in....and the TRILLIONS that we owe....started with that dumb fuck. NOT Obama. Granted, Obama maybe hasn't fixed everything, sure... but that doesnt mean he is to blame.
I read something where some tool said "Obama and his Democrat cronies signed the obama health care bill without reading it." Really??? you were there?? You were in the room when they didn't read it??? huh. Oh you weren't?? SO SHUT THE FUCK UP you ignorant boob.
I love how when there is a republican President, the GOP and its followers will be the first to condemn anyone around them for not supporting their president, yet when Obama got elected, they talk shit. Nice. I dont see you supporting your president, now that you dont like him. Hypocrites. Fuckin hate you.
Here are some facts:
Sarah Palin is not a politician, and she is not a patriot. She LEFT HER POST AS GOVERNOR BEFORE THE END OF HER TERM... so she could be on a reality TV show, and tell a real writer what to say so she could be an "author" and tour the country talking shit about comedians, and the black guy we voted for. Yeah....talking shit about your President....very patriotic. Sarah Palin is an attention hungry fool.
Michelle Bachman: brainless idiot. gay husband. worst kind of human being. anti black, anti gay, anti logic, anti historical fact, anti humanitarian. This woman is a fucking idiot. She would be best suited to go back to being a nobody. Please assassinate her.
George Dubya Bush: "Thanks for blaming it all on the black guy!"
Fox News: You are a right wing conservatively controlled TOOL. You do not report the truth, you do not remain impartial, and you are not a real, legitimate news source. You are also all racist. Referring to the white house as the White hizzouse, and calling Obama's birthday a "hip hop bbq" just because he is black. You are all terrible people and racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND HERE'S ANOTHER THING AMERICA: I keep seeing things on line and in magazines saying "Obama celebrates 50th birthday WHILE AMERICA SUFFERS" omg shut. the. fuck. UP. Where was Bush when Katrina destroyed a good chunk of the south??? Which President took more vacations during his presidency that any other president in history???? uh BUSH. Obama deserves to celebrate his birthday.
As far as people getting upset because he celebrated his birthday while america suffers....bitch please. Like you've never been down on your luck, broke, depressed or whatever, and when your birthday came around, you celebrated. Jesus fucking christ shut up and die. You people will do ANYTHING to hate the black man.
Obama does not deserve to be impeached. Stop being racist. You're just mad cuz the black guy won. Plain and simple.
I saw a bumper sticker that said :
...yeah cuz Bush was a brilliant choice?
Frankly, at this point, I am ashamed to be American. Our Government is corrupt, not all of our citizens are equally respected or valued in this country, not everyone has equal legal and civil rights, having a black president brought out the worst in the republican party and showed their racist true colors, our economy is in the toilet, and instead of trying to fix it, we are busy blaming everyone else who thinks differently that we do for it.
America is a joke. And that is not Obama's fault. This started long ago.
I am ashamed to be an American. I plan to apply for Canadian Citizenship. If anyone asks, I'm going to say I am Canadian. And don't even try to tell me that Canada is all shitty cuz its socialist and universal healthcare isnt good...because I know for a fact that none of that is true. Canada has its share of problems, everyone does, but Canada has a better run government, a stronger economy, lower crime rate, a higher general pay scale, cleaner air, cleaner cities, and nicer people. They don't have to deal with the nutbags trying to turn america into a giant christian church.
There are too many closed minded, intolerant, ignorant, bigoted americans. Its disgraceful. "All Men Are Created Equal" is no longer part of this country. America is no longer America. America is a corrupt war hungry country who would rather blame the black guy, or say stupid shit like "God hates the black guy, and thats why we have a bad economy and earthquakes" than to accept his neighbor and mind their own business. No.... America is not America anymore.
I am from this moment forward....Canadian, and damn proud of it.
Viva Canada.
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