February 9, 2011

Brace yourself religious types...youre not gonna like this:

The following is a facebook post / conversation I read then chimed in on and let me tell you, its HILARIOUS. I love fucking with the overly religious. Because they are Religulous.
It started with Terry posting her status, the rest are comments.

Terry Horton:
Let's see how many true Christians are on FB! Press Like if Jesus is your Savior!!
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:

Cellest Alexis Skye: Sorry not a Christian. Geoff and I come from the "church" of be nice to people and chew with your mouth closed. :0)

Jp Zisk: Sorry to hear that. We will be praying for you.

Cellest Alexis Skye: It's all good, I'm always kewl with prayers. I just try and be a good person. I don't need a spagetti monster in the sky to be a good person. We're agnostic, we believe in the right to believe without needing to believe in one thing. :0)
Jp Zisk: Thats nice but this life is very short compared to eternal salvation.

Cellest Alexis Skye: Yes but aren't Christians supposed to stay married and not get divorced? I guess we all pick and choose what works for us. :0)

Jp Zisk: I have been washed clean of that sin and it is water under the bridge. Praise the Lord.

Cellest Alexis Skye: Then I guess just before I die, I'll say praise the lord and I'll be just fine. Until then I'm gonna run amuck. You know donating to cause's I believe in, visiting old people, sending out X-mas cards, staying in my almost 8 year relationship and just generally being a good person. :0) But I guess if I forget to say it I might go to hell, bummer.

Jp Zisk: God bless

Cellest Alexis Skye: Did you also know that drinking and smoking are sins? I see pics in your profile that suggest you do both.
The Bible says your body is the temple of the Lord and whoever destroys it God shall destroy.

Jp Zisk ‎:) Ty and glad i got you reading the bible. God Bless

Cellest Alexis Skye: Umm no I just googled it. I have read the bible long ago, not my bag. The only thing you got me to do was to waste my time. :0)

Cellest Alexis Skye: Correction: "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 ESV

Sarah Dyke: WOW

Cellest Alexis Skye: I know!! He's nuts!

Andru Bergdahl: HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Spaghetti Monster... oh that was good. *wipes tear* oh Cellest... you are a hoot

Cellest Alexis: Skye ‎@ Andru, Terry is my aunt of my cousin Nicole who passed away last year. JP is Nicoles exhusband... Enuff said.

Andru Bergdahl: OH... well Im sorry to hear about Nicole, but I think JP is hilarious. People like him are always hilarious. You can be as big a hypocrite as humanly possible, break all the spaghetti monsters rules, and all you have to do is tell yourself ..."Its okay, the spaghetti monster forgives me of all my sins" and they get to be guilt free. Its not forgiveness, is the self rationalization/delusion that makes them feel better about being a heartless fuck who feels no guilt. If they hide behind the spaghetti monster, then they can blame their ignorance, hypocracy, hatred, on him. "Im not a bad person, I dont hate people or break the rules... well I am and I did but thats just because the spaghetti monster told me to." And thats another thing... don't give me that crap about "The spaghetti monster spoke to me, he told me I was forgiven." Okay, pleae face reality....if you think the spaghetti monster spoke to you and you heard him in your head...its only one of three things, either A: You're a liar, B: It's your imagination or C: You're schitzophrenic.

Maybe I'm just SIN-nicle (ha) but if you expect me to believe in the spaghetti monster, I require proof that he exists, and a babies laughter, dew on a flower field in spring, or the musical stylings of Amy Grant don't count. I mean actual proof that I can see, hear, or touch....that others can also see hear or touch. Science FTW!

Cellest Alexis Skye: Damn right Andru!! I love you woman! Will you be my homosexual baby daddy? :0)

Andru Bergdahl ABSOLUTELY!!!

1 comment:

vixey said...

lol love the spaghetti monster thing.