October 12, 2011

What would you do?

If you have tried over and over to contact someone who you used to live with...and they never respond... you would give up right? That's what I did. Even though she bounced rent checks, caused me hundreds of dollars in returned check fees, overdraft fees and late charges on utilities, from her irresponsible bill paying habits... I tried to stay friends. I moved out, I told her I couldn't handle living in a situation where the other person I depend on to pay bills isn't keeping up, so I moved out, and got a place by myself (best decision ever btw) EVEN THOUGH SHE LEFT ME WITH A 130 DOLLAR WATER BILL TO PAY.... I tried to be nice, stay friends, keep in touch....for 5 months now... and nothing. No response, no nothing. So I gave her the boot. I deleted her from facebook, stopped all contact. Was that wrong? I mean, I think I did everything I could to maintain a friendship... I guess she didn't care. Which is an absolute shame, we were so close. We moved to San Diego together!! We took a HUGE leap of faith together in changing our lives drastically...and we were there for each other throughout it all. I guess that means nothing. Shame.

Oh well.

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