I've noticed that people have this great ability to convince themselves of ANYTHING.
Take Miss Lady at the grocery store today...she managed to convince herself that the lavender leggings, gold ballet slippers, and an orange oversized sweat shirt was a FIERCE outfit. Obviously along with being color blind, she must also have thought that leaving her house in that abortion of color would be acceptable. I think if you can get a ticket for crossing a street in the wrong place, then people whose horrible choices in fashion that cause traffic accidents...should be ticketed too.
Also, by the way, as a piece of advise for the world... if youre sitting at starbucks, and youre listening to the conversations of those of us who are interesting, please dont get upset if we give you dirty looks, cuz by eavesdropping, YOU are, in fact, the rude one.
I have decided that there are a few people that I am MORE than okay NEVER talking to again.
The Egyptian for instance... omg get a clue. I tried to be nice, you couldnt extend the courtesy, I mean yeah okay so I told you it was NEVER going to happen with us, but dont be bitter.
Rudy...OMG, please go away and STAY GONE. I do not want you in my life. You crossed a line. So please, stay out of my life. You wanna try to mend ties with some people that you and I have in common, then so be it....but stay the fuck away from me.
BTDubs people...i have wicked heartburn and dont know why....I blame the roast beef sandwich, and red wine.
what else is on my mind.... OH
the googley eyed money stack that represents the money you could be saving with geico...is no longer funny, cute, or interesting....Geico...Please make it go away. Youre beating a dead horse.
Speaking of Horses...that tacky ass bitch Kim Zolciek needs to go away and never come back. Bitch you cant sing, the producers used their computers to make you sound like a person with a shred of talent....fact is... you dont have any talent, money of your own, or class. go away ya bald headed HEFFA.
BTW if anyone knows NeNe Leakes, and you might want to make my dream of being her friend come true, please forward my name, facebook, twitter, or this blog to her.
Okay I think thats all I have to rant about today. I promise Im gonna start blogging more. I have been neglecting my blog. Bad Andru.
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