May 14, 2009

Actual Work Conversation

(backstory: the owner's son Jake, whom I call Frodo, is this 19 yr old punk ass little spoiled bitch who is like 4' 10" tall, all of 105 lbs, who thinks he is the biggest bad ass on the planet....i dont like him.)

Im sitting at my desk, minding my own business responding to a text message...when Frodo the Hobbit walks up behind me...

Frodo: "Shouldn't you be working?"

Me: "Shouldn't you be in your tree making cookies?"

Frodo: "Are you calling me short?"

Me: "If I am, are you gonna try to steal my lucky charms?"

Frodo: "dick"

Me: "Hobbit"

Frodo walks away....

Me...loudly: "HAHAHA I WIN!!!"


vixey said...

good! servs that lil puck ass right!

vixey said...
