I think the rest of the country, as a whole, should go to the Westboro Baptist Church....and burn it to the ground, with their entire "flock" locked in the building.
Those freaks do not deserve to live.
Don't believe me? check out www.godhatesfags.com to see what kind of FILTH Im talking about.
Never mind that they are breeders of hatred, they are also incredibly STUPID. I mean really, your IQ must be below 35 to enter. They believe that 9-11 happened because gays in the US are allowed to exist and live lives like everyone else. They believe Heath Ledger is burning in hell because he PORTRAYED a homosexual in a film. I mean these people are truly unintelligent, moronic boobs.
If I ever, for any reason, am near them or their protests or their church...it's gonna get ugly. I will attack them, and I will light their church on fire.
So update on me real quick, I started school, am super busy, still trying to secure student loans so I can ease into school a little more and MOVE THE FUCK AWAY.
I need to move, I need to move NOW. I want to start my new life already.
Im still single...which blows cuz its probably never going to change, but whatever.
Anyway...off to find more student loan opportunities. *sigh* Im tired. I wanna go to San Diego, and Texas, and San Francisco, and....umm.... just anywhere but Camarillo and WORK.
peace out bitches...oh and btw thanks for the awesome participation in my blog, submitting pictures and ideas to GuacamoleJim@gmail.com...so glad I bother trying. *pfft*
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