April 29, 2009

Viva La Musica

Here's my newest list, ENJOY!!!

Paula Deanda - Roll The Credits
Beyonce - Smash into You
The Wreckers - Hard to Love You
Paramore - Misery Business
Luscious Jackson - Lady Fingers
Luscious Jackson - Naked Eye
Veruca Salt - Seether
Demi Lovato - Get Back
Tony Toni Tone - If I had No Loot
Aaliyah - Got to Give it Up
Eva Cassidy - Kathysong

Community Project:

I think the rest of the country, as a whole, should go to the Westboro Baptist Church....and burn it to the ground, with their entire "flock" locked in the building.

Those freaks do not deserve to live.

Don't believe me? check out www.godhatesfags.com to see what kind of FILTH Im talking about.

Never mind that they are breeders of hatred, they are also incredibly STUPID. I mean really, your IQ must be below 35 to enter. They believe that 9-11 happened because gays in the US are allowed to exist and live lives like everyone else. They believe Heath Ledger is burning in hell because he PORTRAYED a homosexual in a film. I mean these people are truly unintelligent, moronic boobs.

If I ever, for any reason, am near them or their protests or their church...it's gonna get ugly. I will attack them, and I will light their church on fire.

So update on me real quick, I started school, am super busy, still trying to secure student loans so I can ease into school a little more and MOVE THE FUCK AWAY.
I need to move, I need to move NOW. I want to start my new life already.
Im still single...which blows cuz its probably never going to change, but whatever.

Anyway...off to find more student loan opportunities. *sigh* Im tired. I wanna go to San Diego, and Texas, and San Francisco, and....umm.... just anywhere but Camarillo and WORK.

peace out bitches...oh and btw thanks for the awesome participation in my blog, submitting pictures and ideas to GuacamoleJim@gmail.com...so glad I bother trying. *pfft*

April 24, 2009

All I have to say...

....is that i was greatly looking forward to today because its a friday.... yeah well that idea went down in flames. I need a fucking cigarette.

April 21, 2009

Why I Hate Wealthy People:

Okay, so I have this job right, and most of my clients are wealthy people. Cool they keep the business running, whatever. I fucking hate these people. They are so fucking rude, demanding, and ridiculously unreasonable....because they have money. Its disgusting.

Here is what happened today...20 minutes after I clocked in...and why my day has been ruined and why my mood is shit.

Deborah Bennett-Carr (customer... who will be "DBC" or as I call her...DoucheBagCunt)

Me: "blah blah blah **generic phone greeting**"

DBC: "umm yeah so my AC wont work, so you need to be here in 20 minutes to fix it"

Me: "....ok well Im sorry but with the recent heat wave we are slammed and our schedule is very very full but I will see what I have available and if I can get someone there today..."

DBC: "..uhh NO you will be here is 20 minutes, Im not waiting all day."

Me: *eye brow raises* "Ma'am...we cannot do that, however, as I said, I will do everything I can to get someone out to you."

DBC: "I swear if you dont send someone here immediately.."

Me: *done* "YOU'LL WHAT?!?!!? ......*silence*.... yeah I didnt think so..please hold."

This is where I mutter something about her being a stupid cunt who should get hit by a bus....I took a few deep breathes, and went back to finding a spot on my dispatch schedule where I can send someone out to the fucktard-cunts house.

Me: *takes off hold* "Ma'am, i was able to move a few calls around to make room for your call (lies...i didnt do shit for her) and I can offer your 24 hour service, I can have a technician at your home tomorrow morning around 9am"

DBC: ".....uh thats not acceptable...I want someone now."

Me: "That's just not possible. Tomorrow around 9am is what we can do for you."

DBC: " but.....*sigh* (in the most desperate 'my baby is in that burning house' kind of voice) I HAVE DOGS!!!

Me: "....and?"

DBC: "..well...ITS HOT"

Me: "....ok?"

DBC: "well what if they die how are you gonna feel?"

Me: "...I would be sorry for your loss and ask you if you would like me to reschedule for a better time to fix the AC."

DBC: "Heartless."

Me: "No Ma'am, Honest. Don't ask the question if you don't want the honest answer. But I refuse to waste any more time playing these games with you, am I booking this call for tomorrow morning for you or not?"

DBC: "Fine, but what am I supposed to do about my dogs?"



Seriously...you think your fucking dogs are so important that I have run my business around YOUR DOGS....FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING RAGGEDY DOGS!!!!

GRRRRRRR Why do these people think it is acceptable to talk so other people this way? Who raised these fucking socially inept cunt rags!?!?!??!?!?!?!

I swear to god, Im gonna lose my freaking mind if I continue in customer service.
I need to find a job where I can work from home and not have to deal with random customers. EVER. Cuz Im gonna kill someone.

Fuck my clients. Fuck them with something hard and sand-papery.

*sigh*...I just need to secure a student loan or two...and I can kiss this bullshit goodbye.

April 17, 2009


no responses? really? NO ONE wants to participate and help me make my blog more interactive and fun to visit?? Yes I realize that I only want people to come to my blog to click the ads, cuz I need money....but its also fun!!!

Please submit ideas, pictures, fun things in general that you discussed or shown on my blog to GUACAMOLEJIM@GMAIL.COM

Here is one:

Andru, have you ever noticed that sometimes the most fucked up stuff happens for no reason, but no matter how jacked up it is, its still kinda funny?

~ Phyllis

Dear Phyllis... yes, and I dont care what anybody says, it can sometimes be fuckin funny shit! Like the time I was driving and got the sweetest smell of BBQ and was hungry and mouth watering, and when I turned my head was I driving past a restaurant or someones backyard bbq? NO I was in front of a MORTUARY.

Regardless, I went to Woodranch in Agoura on my lunch break later that day and got my BBQ chicken salad...because fucked up or not, that cadaver in the crematorium made me hungry.

Best Wishes:

April 14, 2009

FUN WITH ANDRU...you interested?

haha...I know some of you got dirty thought when you read that Subject title...and as flattered as I am... thats not what I meant (unless this is Craig McFisty...in which case, yes, lets have some fun ;-) hahahaha )

OH SO I have been trying to think of ways to generate more supporters of my little blog spot...more hits, more readers...so I can get more money...and so I can reach more people with my ranting. haha.... any suggestions? ALSO...I want to know what you all are thinking and stuff...so dont be shy, leave comments, send email whatever.
You can email me @ GuacamoleJim@gmail.com Send me ideas of topics to talk about, ask me questions, hell if you just wanna know what I think about Paris Hilton's weird ugly face...ASK away!!! Ill not only respond but Ill post the question and my response on the blog!!! You can send me pictures too!!! submit photos (please make sure they are no larger than 450 x 450 or they wont fit on my page) and I will post them, talk about them, make fun of them, make up captions for them...kind of like a LOLCATZ idea, but less cute and more "Andru" which means snide and vicious hahaha. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP..I cant take or find random stuff on my own peeps...so lets have some interactive fun!!!


HAPPY RAYLENE?!!?!?!?!?!?

hahaha My dear friend Raylene....whom I refer to as "Trash".. said she refused to click my ads or visit my blog because I havent updated or posted in 5 days. WELL HERE BITCH. :-)

I have been very busy, post GED, getting things in order. I PASSED MY GED WOO WOO!!! So not onto College, my enrollment adviser Ruzanna is busting her ass making sure I get into the April 27th term, and I am on her about my financial aid. I am supposed to be hearing from the Financial aid specialist this afternoon. I also need to start researching grants. *sigh* so much to do so little time. I also need to find private loans too for school... I really hope I can pull all this off.

Not a whole lot else is going on right now for me anyway. I am both very happy and very sad to report that my friend Steve is moving back to Camarillo. I am happy because I missed Steve dearly...but sad because it took him getting laid off after almost 10 yrs of hard work and dedication on his part. BUT He is a tough cookie and he will be fine and we, as a group of friends, are fiercely supportive and encouraging of each other, so he has an amazing support system behind him.

With my birthday coming up, I am trying to decide how I want to spend the last birthday of my 20's....also my next birthday wont be in the 805...so its kind of a big deal. I want it to be BIG...like invite my harem (my derby girls), all my friends, friends from LA, friends from SD, family...just everyone I can get...and have a big love fest!! No not an orgy...pervs A big party there is no drama, no hate, no bullshit, just good people, good food, and a shared love and adoration...of ME. hahaha.
I need to talk to people, see whats up as far as where to have it, who can do what etc etc. I hate having to plan my own birthday...just b-t-dubs...but lets face it, if I don't, who will? So here I go.

April 8, 2009


I swear to god, Im gonna start assassinating these people!

Human Rights Campaign Exposes National Organization for Marriage’s Fake Ad for Fake Problems

Right-wing group does not have truth on its side, so it hires actors to spew lies; Audition reel uncovered online


WASHINGTON –The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, released a statement and a factual rebuttal today on a television spot produced by the National Organization for Marriage and set to run on CNN, the Fox News Channel, and MSNBC in the coming days. In the ad, actors make disproven claims about marriage for lesbian and gay couples.

“What’s next for the National Organization for Marriage? Will they hire legendary infomercial pitchman Ron Popeil to hawk their phony agenda?” said Human Rights Campaign Spokesman Brad Luna. “This ad is full of outrageous falsehoods—and they don’t even come out of the mouths of real people.”

According to sources, the phony ad is set to run eight times per day in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and California. The ad can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AzLrn5JVIo

The National Organization for Marriage hired actors to peddle their lies about marriage for lesbian and gay couples. The audition reels can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRjVDZxho54 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwqNFBt33o4

The National Organization for Marriage and Maggie Gallagher is featured on the interactive wall of EndtheLies.org, a new HRC action-based website launched to confront the lies and distortions repeatedly used to defeat LGBT equality measures. National Organization for Marriage was added to the wall after the group created an anti- marriage equality radio ad that played in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

“Again and again, opponents of equality have claimed one shallow victory after another by telling lies about who we are as individuals, as loving couples and as families. These lies must be called out for what they are every time the right-wing seeks to derail our progress by spreading distortions and inciting fear mongering,” continued Luna.

EndtheLies.org’s interactive wall features videos, audio, pictures, and quotes, calling out those who maliciously use lies and misinformation to interfere with the LGBT community’s path to equality. By clicking on the panels of the wall, users can access more information about those highlighted, watch videos, add comments on multimedia discussion boards, and learn how to take action to counteract their misdeeds.

Along with the National Organization for Marriage, the wall currently features the American Family Association (AFA), the elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, and Utah State Senator Chris Buttars, Proposition 8 lawyer Ken Starr, right-wing media personality Rush Limbaugh, and GOP Chairman Michael Steele. Users can also nominate their own candidates for inclusion on the wall.
Background Ad Rebuttal

“The Real Truth Behind the Fake Ad”

The general argument of the ad is that the push for marriage equality isn’t just about rights for same-sex couples, it’s about imposing contrary values on people of faith. The examples they cite in the ad are:

(1) A California doctor who must choose between her faith and her job

(2) A member of New Jersey church group which is punished by the state because they can’t support same-sex marriage

(3) A Massachusetts parent who stands by helpless while the state teaches her son that gay marriage is okay

The facts indicate that (1) refers to the Benitez decision in California, determining that a doctor cannot violate California anti-discrimination law by refusing to treat a lesbian based on religious belief, (2) refers to the Ocean Grove, New Jersey Methodist pavilion that was open to the general public for events but refused access for civil union ceremonies (and was fined by the state for doing so) and (3) refers to the Parker decision in Massachusetts, where parents unsuccessfully sought to end public school discussions of family diversity, including of same-sex couples.

All three examples involve religious people who enter the public sphere, but don’t want to abide by the general non-discriminatory rules everyone else does. Both (1) and (2) are really about state laws against sexual orientation discrimination, rather than specifically about marriage. And (3) is about two pairs of religious parents trying to impose their beliefs on all children in public schools.
The real facts of each case are:

The California doctor entered a profession that promises to “first, do no harm” and the law requires her to treat a patient in need – gay or straight, Christian or Muslim – regardless of her religious beliefs. The law does not, and cannot, dictate her faith – it can only insist that she follow her oath as a medical professional.

* The New Jersey church group runs, and profits from, a beachside pavilion that it rents out to the general public for all manner of occasions –concerts, debates and even Civil War reenactments— but balks at permitting couples to hold civil union ceremonies there. The law does not challenge the church organization’s beliefs about homosexuality – it merely requires that a pavilion that had been open to all for years comply with laws protecting everyone from discrimination, including gays and lesbians.
* The Massachusetts parent disagrees with an aspect of her son’s public education, a discussion of the many different kinds of families he will likely encounter in life, including gay and lesbian couples. The law does not stop her from disagreeing, from teaching him consistently with her differing beliefs at home, or even educating her child in a setting that is more in line with her faith traditions. But it does not allow any one parent to dictate the curriculum for all students based on her family’s religious traditions.

Andru's Two Cents: I hate these lying bigots. I HOPE THEY ALL DIE PAINFUL HORRIBLE DEATHS.

April 6, 2009

The Anal Game.... (ok dont freak...hear me out)

The Anal Game...

You take the Model of any car...and put the word "Anal" in front of it. Not all cars work, but when they do...GOOD TIMES...definitely a fun text message game.

Examples of cars that dont work:
Anal Accord
Anal G6
Anal Grand Am
Anal G35
Anal Sentra

so on and so forth... but when the names DO work...so funny

Here are a few to get your started:

Anal Cavalier
Anal Legacy
Anal Legend
Anal Odyssey
Anal Probe

So have some fun with it. Wooooo!!!!

April 3, 2009


Dating: Why do I even bother? it never works. He only wants me in the beginning, then he is no longer interested. They never are. the ONE who was really interested, cheated on me after 14 months, and didnt even think our relationship was worth processing or mourning the loss..nope he just jumped onto the next redheaded fat ass he could find and never bothered to deal with it. yeah, 14 months, his first love, his first bf, his first everything, and yet...he didnt care enough or think of enough of our love or of me to process his loss...thanks. Every other one after said everything right, then just faded away...less and less talking, less texting, less nice things to say, less cute names, less time spent together, less "yeah lets hang out".... Im fucking sick of it. Im sick of the games and Im sick of the fucking asshole men who want you then change their minds. Fuck you.

why do i bother? you're all the same. Im just a passing amusement to you. just go away.

April 2, 2009

Sympathy for the Devil

I have this theory. So my understanding about Satan was that he was originally the like..number 1 Angel, the most beautiful, the most trusted...god's right hand man. So then he got a big head, and decided it wasn't fair that god runs things alone...so he got a few followers, and god busts his chops and gives him cloven hooves and casts him down to hell.

I don't think so. I think maybe Satan wasnt trying to take over, maybe he wanted an "America's next Top Model" situation... he wanted to be Miss Jay, sittin up there nest to Tyra, and HELPING to run things. He just wanted to be on the judges panel. But his fatal mistake was that God...is not Tyra Banks....he's Oprah, bitch, and Oprah dont share the spotlight.

Maybe Satan wasnt trying to STEAL the spotlight, maybe he just wanted to share in it.

I'm going to hell now, aren't I? ;-) haha

April 1, 2009

Big Day

TOday is the day people!! Im leaving my office in 5 minutes to go take the GED. Im so nervous, I dont know whether to shit, vomit, or have a nose bleed.

Wish me luck, pray, chant, call the corners, hail whoever or do whatever it is that you believe in...for me to pass :-)

Love you to all