March 4, 2009

Stuff, Things, and Everything in Between

I'm back. like 10 minutes after the first post. ha.

I am filled with random knowledge and facts, and have decided to share. Cuz sharing is caring.

Lobsters: I don't understand why people fall all over themselves for lobster. It was originally a poor folks food. Back in the 19-god only knows when's, only the poorest of people ate lobster because is was the cheapest form of sea food you could get. Then some freak comes along, finds a way to make it more delicious, then sells it for a we have this obsession with lobster being the top of the line dinner food.
I will have you know that the closest biological relative to the lobster...IS THE COCKROACH. You read that correctly. Ya know how in the feline family, there are lions, tigers, lynx, panthers, leopards, house cats, etc etc.... well the Lobster's closest genetic the commonly killed, disgusting cockroach. You just paid $29.99 to eat the cockroach of the sea.

Has it this ever happened to you? Someone is coming over to your home and you dont have time to freshen everything and you are worried your house isnt very fresh smelling? WELL, let me tell you, Febreeze is great and all, but it requires DRYING TIME. You dont want some hottie to lay on your bed and be "moistened" by your febreezed comforter or pillows. No No, they should be moistened cuz they want to make babies with you. haha
Simple easy solution...take your favorite perfume or cologne, and spray it once or twice on a COLD light bulb. Then turn the light on, as the bulb warms, the air will fill with the scent of your perfume or cologne. :-) BEWARE, if you spray it on a hot bulb, it will cause the bulb to burst. (learned that the hard way...almost electrocuted myself...could have died)

Why DO we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? No one has ever been able to answer that.

Why can't Miley Cyrus conduct herself with some class? She can Act like a normal fairly well spoken teen on T.V. why not in real life? In real life she is like a raspy voiced drunken redneck baboon. I'm embarrassed for her. I gotta give her props though, even though its statutory rape, her 21 yr old boyfriend....H.O.T. Not everyone will understand what I'm about to say...but here it is...I'm totally Team Selena. Fuck Miley.

I really REALLY don't like Mariah Carey. I used to love her! But all this new MiMi bullshit music thats just back tacky beats over back lyrics...I cant stand it. She needs to accept her age, accept that she isn't gonna look like she did when she was 20, stop making a fool of yourself. Again, I will give her props though, she married Nick Cannon...who, at least in my opinion, its fuckin hot. You take off the goofy over-sized clothes, and the wanna-be playa attitude, and he is tall, lean, worked out sexy chocolate.

Did you know that in Indonesia...masturbation can be punishable by decapitation?!?!?! Remind me never to go to Indonesia.

I absolutely cannot stand when people say "pacifically" instead of "specifically" OMG learn to speak...ignorant.

OK Im going to lunch now. L8R GATORS

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