December 6, 2008

Tire Rotation

I couldn't resist. I am sitting at Big Brand Tires in Camarillo, CA, waiting for my tires to be rotated (cuz they do it for free) and damned if they dont have two computers in their waiting room for people to use to go online while their cars are getting serviced!! This is the greatest idea on the planet!!!!! Im shocked this isnt is every establishment. So Naturally, I thought of you, my beloved readers, and hopped online and here I am. Blogging to you from Big Brand Tires' waiting room. Incidentally there are also two big ass giant flat screen plasma TVs mounted to the wall. I have to say this is pretty freaking cool.

Well here is a recap of my week, donkey butt. Coming back from a long weekend to a day from hell with bitchy clients and stupid people causing problems for us... Tuesday I went on a "date" with a guy named Josh, who is a very nice guy, but Im not entirely sure how into me he is. I think he and I will end up being friends. Which is cool. The weird thing is he knows a few of my old friends, which is neat, but because Ventura County is entirely too small, he knows OF my ex, but he is friends with the guy my ex cheated on me with and dated for 2 years. Yeah, awkward. But Its been 2 years since our relationship ended and Im not weird about it anymore, its just odd. I know my ex and Josh's friend are no longer together...a wise choice on the part of Josh's friend, considering I know for a fact that my ex cheated on him more than once.... which really shouldnt come as a shock, I mean he cheated on me with you...what made you think he wouldnt cheat on you?!?!? Please tell me that thought crossed your mind AT LEAST once. If not..oh honey, you simple.

BUT I cant hate the guy. I did at first...but then I thought "my ex is your problem kinda did me the favor" at least thats how I see it now. I love my ex. He was my first love, I will always love and care about him. BUT now...Im iover it.

WELL my car is done. Im outta here. PEACE OUT BITCHES> xoxo

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