Hello Readers.
I am Andru and this is my Blog. Im going to start this with tell you a little about myself. I am currently 28 years old, and living in Camarillo, CA. I am a tall, hefty, homo with a loud mouth and a creative mind. Yes you read correctly...I said HOMO...as in Homosexual, Gay, Queer, Pole Smoker, Fudge Packer, Fairy, Queen, Mary, Sissy-La-La, friend of Dorothy, Fag, livin in the softer side of sears, limp wrist.....whatever you want to call it... THAT'S ME!!!
Deal with it or kick rocks. Some people say that sexual orientation should not be what defines you, I respectfully disagree. I think that the person that I am on the inside, the person who lives, loves, and makes decisions, has alot to do with my sexuality. It helped me to see things, and people differently. It molded me as a person in my 20's and helped me to realize what I am and am not willing to deal with in my life. So there ya go.
I also believe that who you are on the inside means nothing unless the goodness on the inside is brought out. That is what defines you. How you recover when you fall, how you treat people, and what you do with your life is what defines you. I also firmly believe in Karma. It will get you. It may take a long time, it may happen instantly, but Karma will get you. Karma also will give you the good things too....I've just noticed it takes a little longer for the good stuff.
I have an amazing roommate names Jessica who I love dearly, she is smart, funny, beautiful, determined, ambitious and probably the most genuinely good person you will ever meet. She doesnt have a malicious bone in her body. She is pure angelic goodness....and bitch can sing "Proud Mary" like a champ!
I have amazing friends, who I wouldnt be who I am now without. I Love you guys!!!
I also have a fun gig as an MC/Announcer for the Ventura County Derby Darlins'. A kick ass, full contact roller derby league. I can't even tell you how much I love that league, and those girls. I have made amazing friends that I cant imagine not having in my life. Plus the gig is FUN!!! I get to talk shit...AMPLIFIED. HA its so great. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I fail. EPICALLY. Stand up Comedians understand the feeling, no matter how good you are and hard to try, sometimes you get a tough crowd and BOMB. But I always seem to have fun and my derby girls love me at the end of the day so that's all I care about.
As far as work, Im fairly normal... 20 mile commute one way, sit at a desk for 8 hours or more, deal with customers, technicians, bosses, and installers. For private reasons, I am not going to divuldge where I work or specifically what I do...I signed a confidentiality agreement... but I will tell you this: My co-worker Hillary and I...have fun!
Sadly the money I make from work is just not enough, SO I'm on a mission to find ways to make more money. I Pet Sit on the side, which is both fun, and providing a helpful service, and pays fairly well, however I only really have one dedicated client, and they only need me about 3 to 4 times a year total. The frequency is not enough for me to able to really save any money. So I'm networking via MySpace and Craigslist putting my services out to the world, and I'm going to see what I get back. So far, I've gotten alot of support and well wishing....but no money. LOL SO...someone suggested to me that I should blog and thanks to advertisements and clicking of ads, I can make a little extra money here and there. FUN!!! So here I am. I love to write randomly so this is perfect!
I think this is enough of an introduction. I welcome questions, and suggestions and fun comments. I also welcome CONTRUCTIVE CRITICISM....if you wanna talk shit... oh I don't think so. You wanna throw words at me? Then you better have a huge catchers mit cuz I throw em right back. I don't play that kind of ball.....game over. ;-)
Take care people, I hope once I start blogging about the random things I see and experience, that you enjoy what you read and tell people about me!!! It would be great to be like Perez Hilton and be a super popular blog. I dont need the noteriety or the attention that queen craves, BUT he has a good gig, and I think he is wonderful and funny. So you go Perez!
Okay enough of this. I need to actually do some work while I'm at my desk. hahaha